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Celebration Frosting & A Giveaway! {CLOSED}

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***The giveaway is now closed.  Congratulations to Jenna, Suzie, Biz, Cheryl, and Kim~the lucky winners!***

Celebration Frosting |

Wedding and birthday cakes from good bakeries, at least here locally, have a certain evasive flavor in the icing that I’ve always mentally defined as “celebration.”  I am still unable to describe the flavor any other way, but I learned the secret of that flavor and have been using it in the frostings for my own homemade celebration cakes ever since.

It is a flavor emulsion called “Crème Bouquet.”  This is wonderful stuff.  It is an oil-based flavoring with lemon and other essential oils that aren’t listed on the label (because they are sneaky and don’t want us to figure out how to duplicate it at home!).  Believe me, I’ve tried, but I can’t make anything that tastes even remotely as wonderful as this emulsion.  It doesn’t taste like lemon to me, although that’s the only essential oil listed, and it doesn’t taste like anything else I’ve ever had.  Well, besides wedding and birthday cake.  I have relatives that call it “that sweet flavor.”  But that is not an apt description, either.  You just have to try it for yourself!

Since I’m so in love with this flavoring and know it’s not a common household ingredient, I am going to give five lucky readers a 2-ounce bottle from Cake Stuff!  To enter, just leave me a comment on this post and I will draw the winners using on Friday, November 5th .  Simple as that.  For those interested in purchasing crème bouquet, you can order by phone from Cake Stuff–just call the number on their website.   It is very reasonably priced at $2.50 for a 2-ounce bottle, and they also have two larger sizes available.

You can turn any vanilla frosting into celebration frosting by adding crème bouquet to it, and I’ll share the two that I use it in.  Enjoy!

White Celebration Frosting

I try to avoid this one since it’s kind of a non-food, one but sometimes, you just need a good, bright white frosting and the only way to achieve that is with shortening. And believe me, it does not taste like non-food. It is utterly delicious. I promise. The meringue powder is essential in this recipe to eliminate the greasy mouth-feel that shortening frostings usually have. It is also important to use good shortening because cheaper brands tend to be clearish, off-colored, and slimy. You want one that is an opaque white, like Crisco.
Printable recipe
Printable recipe with picture

2 cups Crisco vegetable shortening
2 tablespoons meringue powder
2 teaspoons crème bouquet
1 teaspoon clear vanilla extract
1 teaspoon butter flavoring
Pinch of salt
2 lbs. (8 cups) powdered sugar
1/3-1/2 cup water

Put the Crisco in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat on medium a few seconds, until creamy. Add in the meringue powder, flavorings, and salt and beat until smooth. Slowly add in the powdered sugar, alternating with water when it becomes too thick. Add more or less water to get your desired consistency. Once it is all added, beat on medium-low speed for four minutes. This frosting will keep for up to a month, tightly covered, at room temperature, or several months in the refrigerator.

Cream Cheese Celebration Frosting

This is my favored celebration frosting. This frosting on white cake, for me, makes the ultimate celebration cake. And be sure to try it on red velvet as well–divine!
Printable recipe
Printable recipe with picture

1 (8 oz) package cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
2 pounds powdered sugar
2 teaspoons crème bouquet
2 teaspoons clear vanilla extract*
Pinch of salt
Milk, if desired

Beat the cream cheese and butter until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and beat on low, scraping the sides, until all the sugar is incorporated, then turn to medium/high and beat for another two minutes. I prefer not to add any extra liquid because I find it easier to get a perfectly smooth cake with thick frosting**, but you can add milk as needed to make it creamier. Refrigerate or freeze if you won’t be using it within a few days.

*You can use regular vanilla but the color will turn more yellowish-ivory (like Mom’s birthday cake above), which is fine unless you are aiming for a lighter color.  To illustrate, I made the following two wedding cakes with the same recipe for cream cheese celebration frosting, but used clear vanilla on the first and regular on the second:

**To get my icing perfectly smooth, I use a straight-edged offset spatula and the water bottle trick: fill a clean (ideally, brand new or designated for water only) squirt bottle with water and spray the frosted cake all over.  This allows the spatula to glide over the surface and smooth it easily.  I recommend placing the cake, uncovered, in the refrigerator for an hour or overnight to allow the water on the surface to evaporate completely before decorating.  You can see me demonstrating the “water bottle trick” in this video: How to Make a Layer Cake part 3: stacking and frosting.

~Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this blog or sponsored by Cake Stuff to promote them.  That is the store where I’ve always purchased my crème bouquet and it is consistently delicious.  So I decided to buy some to share with my readers so you can experience the awesomeness for yourselves!~

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

68 responses »

  1. Michelle Darling

    I would love to try this stuff. I have never used with my frosting.


  2. I’d like to try the cream cheese frosting on red velvet cake. I’m thinking of cake now and it’s breakfast time…lol! ;)


  3. This is pretty bad, but I have never tried it!! As a cake decorator, you think I would have, but it’s not something I can buy in my local area. I have only heard great things about it though!!!


  4. I’m not leaving this comment to enter your contest because I don’t decorate cakes but I just wondered if those were cakes in the pictures that you have made? If so they are beautiful.


  5. I can taste these cakes …. i would love to try this. I am getting some pastry bags and tips to start being able to decorate cakes.. this would be perfect. And thanks for the tip on the frosting.
    Love your disclaimer ;)


  6. Wedding cake is my husbands absolute favorite – I’ve always bought him a small round for his birthday since I’ve never been able to replicate it at home – so pick me! :D

    Hope you are having a great week Veronica! :D


  7. your cakes are beautiful…. some day I must take a class or at least buy a better set of decorating tips and tube…. I just have a cheapy at the moment. But… it’s something I’ve always wanted to learn…so…why not now?


  8. Thank you Veronica I must say your cake are very nice! your such an inspiration! Keep up the beautiful work!


  9. Veronica, first off I love your cakes!! You do such a good job. Girl, and thanks!! Thanks for posting this just before I have to make a fancy smancy cake! I still have no idea what to make, but atleast I have a good frosting recipe! It is for a birthday party. So I will decide what type to make as far a decorations and all. I am not good with cakes, but I can make a darn good bowl of chicken and dumplings!! Lol, or buttermilk biscuits :) Have a good day :)


  10. All I can say is, “I learned something today, cool”!


  11. I would love to try this and if i could only decorate as well as you do…..I’ve never made my own frosting but i’ve always wanted too i always just buy mine…V your cakes r beautiful and what an awesome thing you have done with doing this give away !


  12. Your the Swetest to share all the secrets you learn and this sounds like a Grrrrrrrrrrrt one , Love the recipes and the wedding cake is just Awesome


  13. I don’t even care about the giveaway at this point b/c all I can think about right now is CAKE!!! and cream cheese frosting!


  14. Oh yeah! I definitely want to try out this little secret ingredient. What a fun and informative post. Thanks!


  15. Love the spongebob cake! Hope I win!

    katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com


  16. Your cakes are gorgeous, as always! Creme bouquet sounds like a great ingredient, thanks for the giveaway! (Hmmm, I was thinking maybe one of their ingredients is lavender essence…or maybe rose essence? Or even almond extract, which I think has a really floral aroma. Lol, I love deconstructing! :) )


    • I hope you win b/c I want you to figure this one out and recreate it! :) I do believe there is almond extract but I have no idea on the rose and lavender. For some reason I never considered it might have floral essences in it…despite the name creme BOUQUET! duh. :)


  17. O MY CUPCAKES! I would love to add this to my scrumptious cupcakes, cakes, and anything else. Your cakes look exquisite. This ingredient will help me to raise money for my daughter’s school, and her friends so they can go to San Francisco to see plays, and experience the West Coast.
    Have a blessed time.


  18. Hi! I loved your post! I would love to win this giveaway! I immediately googled the product, and have spent the last 30min on nationalflavors and other baking sites drooling over all the no sugar added baking flavors! I am sure they would work in savory meals/reductions/relishes etc as well!
    Thank you!


  19. Oh my I would love to win this, I just started baking.


  20. Your cakes look AMAZING!!!! I’ve never tried using creme bouquet before but now i want to try!!!


  21. That’s the first time I’ve heard of that….I really wanna try it! My foodie sense are tingling with curiosity! But none of my cakes will turn out half as gorgeous as yours!


  22. So that’s the elusive flavor?? Fascinating! I never would have guessed. Thanks for providing the info with where to find it.


  23. how did I not see this sooner? I love your cakes, you are amazing! If I win I can FINALLY bring a dessert for thanksgiving that people might eat


  24. I just read about Creme Bouquet 2 weeks ago and voila!….here is the information. Please enter me into your drawing.

    P.S. Your food looks beautiful!


  25. thank you so much for sharing the secret! Sometimes people seem to want to keep the secrets and all the glory for themselves. Would love to win, but if I don’t I still want to try it. ( :


  26. WOW Thanks so for the tip/hint – would never have guessed LOL :)


  27. Pingback: Throw Shit in a Bag Day | My Bizzy Kitchen

  28. Do you have a recipe that you use especially for your decorating tips? I’m decorating sugar cookies with the church youth group this weekend….so I won’t have time to go out and buy any ‘special’ ingredients. They won’t be doing anything fancy….probably just the writing tip, leaf tip, and star tip. Also, since I just found your website today…do you have any photos of decorated sugar cookies suitable for a group of teenagers to tackle?


  29. Pingback: What Makes Tony Cry | My Bizzy Kitchen

  30. Pingback: BSI – Vanilla! | My Bizzy Kitchen

  31. Pingback: Favorite Chocolate Cake, plus tiered cake tips « Recipe Rhapsody

  32. Pingback: Cupcake Bites « Recipe Rhapsody

  33. Pingback: Cake Pops, Balls, & Truffles: Troubleshooting & FAQ « Recipe Rhapsody

  34. Love your blog! I ordered some Crème Bouquet flavoring yesterday! I call them and said I was from Texas and they asked how I found out about them and I gave your blog credit! ( the guy Jerry said thank you!)


    • Aw, how cool! I love their cake shop and I’m so happy to send some business their way. I’m glad you ordered it from Cake Stuff b/c I can’t vouch for the other creme bouquet products out there. They make their own and I love it! Thanks for letting me know.


  35. Pingback: Dairy-Free White Cupcakes « Veronica's Cornucopia

  36. Pingback: Wacky White Cake {Vegan} « Veronica's Cornucopia

  37. Hi – What is meringue powder? Where can I buy it or how do I make it?

    Thank you!


  38. Pingback: Vanilla Buttercream « Veronica's Cornucopia

  39. Pingback: Cream Cheese Wedding Frosting & Some Cake Tips « Veronica's Cornucopia

  40. I just found your sight and am so glad I did. I have tried to make icing to taste like the wedding cake and birthday cake, but could not. I love those cakes and am very excited to think I might be able to make one now. Thanks for the information.


  41. Pingback: Winners & Postcard Project Update « Veronica's Cornucopia

  42. Your site is full of goodies!!!!Please enter me in the contest thanks hun..


  43. Wow! Thank you for the recipes and offer for free goodies! I recently started making cake pops & now have been “hired” to make some for a party. I’m constantly looking for ways to make them better. Your blog has been a big help! I’m looking forward to trying out your frosting recipes.


  44. Thanks for the Frosting recipe, can’t wait to try it! Have never heard of Creme Bouquet and want to look for it. Where can I find it?


    • Hi Claudia, I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner, I just now found your comment! I have the link to the Cake Stuff website up in the blog and you can order it from them.


  45. christine dolejs

    very thankful for your recipes, especially your cake pops, cake bites (in the cupcake paper) and frosting. thank you, Christine


  46. Can you tell me if you would replace some of the buttermilk with creme fraiche in your red velvet or any other cake?


    • Another reader used yogurt in place of the buttermilk in the red velvet and reported that it worked very well for her. I imagine the same would be true with creme fraiche since it also is acidic.


  47. Pingback: September Foodie Penpals « Veronica's Cornucopia

  48. Pingback: Thankful Thursday #100: A Cookies Giveaway! « Veronica's Cornucopia

  49. Your cakes are just stunning! Too bad you are just far enough away that I can’t order a cake from you. Wow! I HAVE to try one of these beauties! My sister-in-law makes cakes (for sale) for birthdays, etc. I might have to buy her a bottle of that flavoring so she can give it a try. Thanks for sharing about this. I know what you mean. Some bakeries just have super awesome frosting. We had a grocery store bakery in our little town a very long time ago and they were FAMOUS for their cakes. Their cakes had a very unique tasting frosting. I think the lady there said they used some sort of “royal flavoring.” You could smell that frosting walking in the doors of the store LOL! Keep up the good work! You are so talented!


  50. Pingback: Lemon Cake with Lemon Curd Filling and Vanilla Buttercream Frosting | The Pajama Chef

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