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BSI: Cream Cheese Roundup and Winner

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I had some wonderful submissions to this week’s BSI contest. Get ready to drool!

Green Chile Pepper & Cream Cheese Burger from Debbi Does Dinner Healthy.

Pomegranate Margarita Cupcakes from Food 4 Thought

Double Chocolate Cheesecake from Cupcake Muffin

Irish Cream Cheesecake from it’s a Greyt Vegan Life

Spiced Carrot Cake with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting from My Bizzy Kitchen


German Chocolate Cheesecake from Nutmeg Nanny


Strawberries and Rosewater Mousse from Anasbageri~Ana’s Bakery (her blog is in Portugese, which I translated with Google’s language tools)

You guys made it hard for me!  I didn’t have as many recipes to choose from as last time, but those that were submitted were so good that I didn’t know how I was going to pick a winner.  To figure it out, I ended up discussing the merits of each recipe with my husband during our nightly walk with the dog, and after all was said and done, we both agreed that Christina’s vegan Irish Cream Cheesecake impressed us most.  Not only the concept, but that even the star ingredient was homemade as well.  It pretty much rocks our faces off, and we haven’t even tasted it  yet!  So congrats Christina, I will be sending you some vegan homemade soap from my sister’s shop, The Flying Pig Gift Boutique.

I’m still looking for a host for this week’s BSI contest so anyone that is interested can leave me a comment or shoot an email to

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

13 responses »

  1. oooh! The irish cream one looks awesome! They all do! Thanks!


  2. Love the recap!! Thanks again for hosting this week – let me know if you need help finding a host for this week :D


  3. Oh, that chile and cream cheese burger sounds awesome. I just checked out Debbi’s site, I will be making that soon! One thing the hubs will like in the future…lol!! :) Everything looks great and congrats to the winner!


  4. The Irish Cream Cheesecake was a great choice for a winner! It looks fabulous. On the weekends I always have Irish Cream in my coffee, so you could say that I’m biased towards that particular ingredient, heh heh.


  5. So yummy!! I can’t even pick one.


  6. Wow, I am shocked (and flattered, of course)! My only intent was to put it out there that vegan desserts aren’t half bad (my ‘chubby hubby’ can attest to that!). Thank you, Veronica (and husband and doggie, too)!

    Every photo on this post looks delicious – and I will see what I can do about converting the recipes for our vegan table. It’s an impressive collection of recipes!

    Btw, have I thanked you enough for that caramel corn recipe yet? :)


  7. Everything looks so good! Congrats to the winner :)


  8. Oh wow these do look fantastical! Definitely an awesome round up!


  9. congrats to the winner! I never got around to posting up a recipe….but the lineup looks fantastic!


  10. oh man oh man oh man!! Wonderful selections here…this is funny because I’m stuffing cream cheese into my mouth right now, on top of my homebaked bread…


  11. Hey Veronica. Did you ever find a host for this week? I know it’s Thurs, but I wasn’t sure. If you still need someone, I can do it for the end of this week/next week.


  12. Oh wow, I don’t know how you chose a winner! Everything looks delicious!!



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