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Creamy Chocolate-Mint Pie

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I know, I know.  I’m supposed to be on vacation.  What am I doing blogging, right?  Thanks to the miracle of scheduled posting, I wrote this blog last week and scheduled it to publish today.  I’m so tech-savvy!  (And I’m a big liar because I can barely even text, but I’m glad I at least have this one thing figured out.  It helps me a lot!)

So last month our friend, Joe, came over with a tractor to help us level out our back yard so the water wouldn’t collect in the middle and run up against our house and under the back door, flooding the basement.  Yay for no more basement flooding!!!

Like my husband, Joe loves mint desserts, and as part of my thanks for his help, I made him a creamy chocolate-mint pie.  Actually, I made two, because my husband deserved a “thank you” too. :)  Also, you deserved the recipe, and how could I share it without cutting up a pie to show you the inside?  And how could I do that to Joe’s pie?  I could not.  So I made Dennis a pie and butchered his pie up for you.  And for me, because I ate this piece.

This pie is creamy, fudgy, smooth, and minty.  I don’t know why, but mint desserts just aren’t my number one choice, and I’d probably never make them if it weren’t for Dennis and Joe (Joe is also responsible for these peppermint patties I posted a while back), but I thoroughly enjoyed my half of this pie.  Yes, my husband let me have half the pie!  I will not overshare how fast I ate that half, however.  That would be my version of TMI. Hey, a girl has to have some secrets.

Creamy Chocolate-Mint Pie

Printable recipe
Printable recipe with picture

1 1/4 cups milk
1 package (4-serving size) chocolate pudding and pie filling mix (not instant)
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
4 oz cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
1-2 drops green food color
2 cups frozen (thawed) whipped topping, divided
1 Oreo cookie crust
2-4 thin rectangular chocolate and green mints, unwrapped

In 2-quart saucepan, stir together milk and pudding mix; cook as directed on package. Continue cooking over low heat while adding chocolate chips, stirring until melted. Set aside.

In medium bowl, beat cream cheese, powdered sugar, peppermint extract and green food color until smooth. Gently fold in 1 cup of the whipped topping.  Spread cream cheese mixture in the Oreo crust, then top with chocolate mixture, spreading it smooth. Spread remaining 1 cup whipped topping over the top, then either chop mints or use a vegetable peeler to shave off curls, and sprinkle over whipped topping. Cover and refrigerate at least two hours before serving.

Recipe source: tweaked from

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

16 responses »

  1. Oooh, yum. It looks great (though mint isn’t my first choice either). And I hope you’re enjoying your vacay, my tech-savvy friend!


  2. I love anything with chocolate and mint — your pie looks so good, Veronica! Hope you’re having a wonderful time on vacation!


  3. I love scheduled posts! And that pie looks so good, I love the little mint shavings on top, so pretty! I hope you are having a good vacation!


  4. This pie, oooooh this pie – it looks amazing my friend :D
    Hope you are having a holiday just as brilliant!

    Choc Chip Uru


  5. I can barely text too! Hope you’re enjoying vacation! It’s funny, while my husband and my middle son LOVE mint, it wouldn’t be my first choice either. That being said, it wouldn’t stop me from eating MY half of the pie either! It looks delicious!


  6. Basement flooding…ugh, we suffered that also. Dug up some weeds which changed the water flow and boom flooding. We have a finished basement which made it expensive! It took a year before we finished the repairs (err I finished the repairs). Anywho, enough sympathizing, how about that pie! I don’t eat a lot of sweets but I do like chocolate and mint and the pie is so dang pretty too!

    I hope your having a good time on your psuedo staycation and the you get out of your funk!


  7. You know who else is passionate about mint chocolate desserts? Moi. I’m in love.


  8. I do like the scheduled blogs too, now I just need to find time to schedule a few of them! :) Enjoy your time away V. Oh and I’m glad for no more flooding…yay!


  9. your pie looks delicious! also i nominated you for the kreative blogger award ( because your blog is a-to-the-mazing!!!


  10. Yummers on the pie! I love chocolate and mint so that is a win win in my book.


  11. I hope you are enjoying your vacation! That pie looks awesome and I am glad you cut into it for us, and ate a piece :)


  12. YAy to tech-savvyness! Have a fun time at vacation, Veronica! Hope you’re not reading this because you’re having way too much fun. ;-)


  13. Ya know I’m not too big on mint and chocolate. I know, everyone loves it! The only mint and choc combo I like it probably thin mints. Your pie is so pretty though! Love the green. Maybe it’s time to change my mind about mint and choc…


  14. Ooh, that looks good! Love mint and chocolate!


  15. Haha! I’m totally busting up at your comment about sharing what time period you ate your “half” of the pie was TMI! Love it. Chocolate and mint are one of my top flavor combinations. Thanks for sharing.


  16. Pingback: Chocolate Peppermint Pie | Meals, Deals, & 31 Thrills

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