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A Healthier (Vegan) McRib Sandwich

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Though it tastes almost nothing like the original, this sandwich is healthier and very tasty in it’s own right.  And it’s vegan!  Always a plus in my book.  (I’m not a big fan of meat.) 

Morningstar Farms’ Hickory Barbecue Riblets are made from soy & wheat protein, have a meaty texture, and are smothered in yummy hickory barbecue sauce.  The wonderful flavor of the sauce combined with the texture of the “riblet” totally tricks my mouth into thinking I’m eating meat while my mind can remain happy that I’m not.  I love these things, but I do know people who don’t so go out and buy a package for yourself to see if you will or not.  This sandwich is a good excuse to try it!

Sassy Saucy Ribwich
Recipe from Hungry Girl

1 Morningstar Farms Hickory BBQ Riblet (found in the freezer aisle)
1 Arnold Select/Oroweat Sandwich Thins roll or Pepperidge Farm Deli Flats roll (or alternative below)
3 hamburger dill pickle chips
3 thin slices onion

Prepare Riblet according to package directions. Meanwhile, split roll in half and lightly toast.

Stack Riblet, pickles, and onion on the bottom half of the roll. Finish it off with the top half. Now chew!


Serving Size: 1 sandwich
Calories: 335
Fat: 4.5g
Sodium: 1,299mg
Carbs: 60.5g
Fiber: 10.5g
Sugars: 28g
Protein: 22g

POINTS® value 6*

HG Alternative! For a lower-carb swap with less sodium, enjoy this with crispy lettuce leaves in place of a roll, and nix the pickles — that version has 240 calories, 3.5g fat, 815mg sodium, 39.5g carbs, 6.5g fiber, 25.5g sugars, and 19g protein (POINTS® value 4*). Hooray!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

3 responses »

  1. I haven’t tried this product, but I love BBQ and it sounds delicious! I love how you added dill pickle and onion…those are my favorite additions to BBQ sammies! :)


  2. Too funny, I eat these faux McRibs ALL the time! I make it the same way, with the MSFarms riblets, but a lot of pickles and onions, on a large vegan Hogie-size roll. Fabulous! PS: Before I went Vegan I have eaten a real McRib. Even back then as a meat-eater I thought it was nasty. Very fatty, poor meat use din those things, eckk. These vegan versions taste a MILLION times better, and of course are much more friendly for animals and your waistline!


  3. I just had this last nite and it was yum-mazing. The first thing I thought was McRib!



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