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28 weeks: I’m hotter than all y’all ;)

We started outside for this week’s pics, but even in the shade I couldn’t help squinting (this is as close to not squinting as I could get – lol) so this effort didn’t last long.

No, I didn’t just suddenly grow an ego the size of my belly.  I’m literally hot, and have been my entire pregnancy. I sweat while people around me seem fine.  I can’t imagine how much worse it would be if I was 9 months pregnant during the summer – props to the women who have to go through that.  I just hope the cooler fall weather isn’t delayed this year because I’m really just done with all the sweating.

This banner was given to me by some friends at church so I had to show it off. It’s hand made and so cute!

In addition to being hotter than all y’all, I’m also having twins.  Or so everyone seems to think.  I kid you not, three people asked me in the last week if I’m sure I’m not having twins.  Really?  I actually don’t personally take offense to this question because I know and admit that I’m huge and have no problem with it (right now, anyway), but what sane person would ask a hormonal pregnant woman a question that reminds her how enormous she is?  I haven’t had much problem with being emotional, but if I were prone to it like many pregnant women are, I think I’d probably start slapping people when they asked me this to knock some sense into them.  I think pregnant women aren’t the only ones who have side effects from their pregnancies – it seems to make people around them stupid too! LOL!  A friend just sent me a link to 28 things you should never say to a pregnant woman, and it has suggestions for what to say instead. Very helpful and a quick read if you want to check it out.

Jessie joined us in the nursery and I decided we needed a pic with Joshua’s big sister in it! :)

Not much new to report, except that I think Joshua might share his Dad’s fondness for martial arts because I swear he has taken to doing Tai Chi in my belly.  Sometimes he’ll move soooooo slooooooow, but with a lot of pressure, and it feels totally weird, and not really in a good way.  I’m already to that point where I need to stretch to give him more room sometimes because it’s uncomfortable.  Scary to think how cramped his quarters will be near the end if I’m already stretching out to give him room!  My Mom said she was so big she couldn’t reach the front of her belly and I’m hoping that’s because she has stumpy arms (she’s even shorter than  me, probably just over 5′) and not because her belly was really that huge.  I mean I’d have to be carrying a baby whale to be so big that I couldn’t reach the front of my belly! lol.

And the swelling/water retention continues.  I can see it in my hand in the above pic – my fingers aren’t usually so plump, and I’ve had to switch to a ring I used to wear on my middle finger for my wedding ring because it’s too tight.  And before you ask, my blood pressure is still OK, thankfully.  Last week it was 116/68, which is higher than the last visit, but about what it was at my very first visit.  Brace yourself or scroll quickly downward with your eyes closed because I’m going to show you how bad my feet can get and it ain’t pretty (the indentations are from sandals I wore all day that are usually really loose on me).

Sorry.  Hope you don’t mind me keepin’ it real.  It doesn’t cause any pain, just ugly to look at.  My feet do tire easily, but I have a wonderful man that will rub them any time I ask, and that helps so much.  God bless him!  <3  And just to leave you with something cute, here’s a random picture I took of a smiling Jessie girl, which was photo bombed by my belly.

One last thing – I just want to give some love to my friend, Stacy, who was diagnosed with Lyme disease a few months ago, along with her youngest son (though the other two also show symptoms as well).  She has apparently lived with it most her life and just thought that the migraines and pain were her normal, only to find out much later that there’s a reason for her and her son’s multiple problems.  The treatment, however, has been tricky, and a lot of trial and error has gone into finding things that work without taking away her ability to function as a human being.  She has a blog, DoingLifeWithLyme, where you can follow her journey to recovery if you have a personal interest in Lyme disease and treatments for it.  She is currently using both antibiotics and essential oils and getting really good results with the oils, so if you or anyone you know suffers from this disease, you might want to check it out!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

34 responses »

  1. You are so cute!


  2. awe…you still look cute, even all swollen. I did a lot of swelling with my kids too…they were all summer babies. Thank god for flip flops! haha If you think the sweating is bad now…yikes, wait until after you deliver and your hormones readjust! I swore I was going through menopause! I would wake in the middle of the night soaking wet! I really thought I was in trouble when I hit late 40’s mid 50’s…but it’s been pretty smooth sailing. I remember thinking…why didn’t anyone prepare me for this in childbirth classes!? so consider yourself warned! lol


    • You look great, so does the nursery, nice to see you lookings so happy.
      Enjoy the warmth, here in Ontario, Canada today it’s only 46 degrees brrrrrr!,🍂🍂🍂


    • LOL, thanks Renee. Soon I’ll be a puff ball. Puff balls are cute, right? ;) Mine’s a winter baby and since my feet have been so swollen and I just got my very first heel crack last night (likely a combo of wearing sandals all summer, not lotioning them, and the swelling), I guess I need to start wearing normal shoes with socks and I need to buy bigger shoes. All my regular shoes are too small! And thanks for the warning – just great. lol


  3. You still look great! My sister retained water A LOT with all three of her kids – but luckily a week after their births the swelling just went away!


  4. thebetterbaker11

    Another awesome post. Love all the photos…and stay off those feet as much as possible. Thanks for sharing….you are doing SO great Girlfriend. XO


    • I spend most of the day on my butt but if my feet aren’t elevated, they get super swollen even if I’m sitting! It’s really hard to elevate them at work b/c of how the desks are, but I do my best.


  5. If it makes you feel any better, I got REALLY big REALLY fast with my boy. My first baby was a girl and I didn’t even look pregnant until the day I went into labor and gave birth..I just looked chubby. When I was pregnant with my boy I looked ready to pop at 6 months and then the little stink was 9 days late. Ugh. I am also hotter than the rest of my family…and I had my last baby 2 years ago. :( Oh well. Your nursery looks adorable!! Good luck with the last trimester! I hope all goes well!


  6. Your smile tells me you are happy and all is well, so I hope you all the best.


  7. Thanks for the recommendation, Veronica, I really appreciate it! I had B in October, so I went through the entire summer a miserable 19 yr old, who had no idea what I was doing!! I got HUGE and people said I looked horrible, even months after they remembered me as the pregnant lady that looked horrible (thanks a lot, right?) I was miserable, that’s no joke, but you need to make sure you are putting your feet up as much as possible to help clear that fluid out, so it doesn’t turn into something serious! Need to have lunch soon and I will let you know how this newest detox goes when I get done with it- or I’m sure I will talk about it on my blog!! :)


    • I put my feet up for 8 hours a day while I sleep – lol. I do try to put them up at work but it just doesn’t work out very well. What could happen – I mean how could it get serious? Lunch sounds good!


  8. Veronica, I hope heading into Fall (soon) will help out your “heat wave.” No fun! (And put your feet up, as suggested by thebetterbaker11.) I had summer babies (July & August), yet I don’t recall having water-retention (or hot flashes) — but then, I have a long torso and folks kept asking me what I “had” (at 9-1/2 months pregnant, lol.) Oops, you probably didn’t want to hear that… hang in there kiddo!


    • I hope so too. I really want to dig into my cooler weather clothes too (though I’m thinking I’ll actually be more comfortable sticking with summer clothes even through winter-lol) b/c I’m tired of the same outfits every week. Come on fall & winter! :) Kim, I’m glad you didn’t have water retention and didn’t show as much as me, because I feel guilty for how easy my pregnancy has been so at least there’s other women who also have had good ones. That’s the bad thing about being short though, the only place for baby to go is out!


  9. You look great! Love the photos of you, the nursery and Jessie! =)
    Put your feet up as much as possible, rest and read when you can!

    Im sending prayers to your friend Stacy and her family.


  10. Looking so adorable, Veronica! I love your bump :) Your nursery looks warm and happy. I love that wall color.


  11. You’re so cute!!!! Keep on keepin’ it real, girl! Hey, I just made your casserole and have it in the fridge to take and bake tomorrow for the teachers. I was licking the skillet!!!!!!!


  12. Oh, the swelling! I was diagnosed with per-eclampsia about a week before I had B1; I had to monitor my blood pressure everyday and drink lots of water. Hope you are able to have that wonderful hubby of yours give you a nice footrub; I always loved those…


    • I think I do need to drink more water. I was in the habit of drinking so much water for the past five years, but within the last several months, for some stupid reason, I am not drinking as much! That’s part of the problem, I’m sure. And Dennis is so good, he will give me one every time I ask. Though tonight he did grumble a little. ;)


  13. I think you have a super adorable belly!! But eww to anyone who would just come up to you and ask if you’re having twins. So not cool.


  14. You are one hot mama! I remember having those swollen feet and ankles too as both of my children were born in the fall. This too shall pass.


  15. Marysue/ SueLily

    Still beautiful! 😊😊😊


  16. Hi Veronica, can you tell Marina that I got her book today and that I just love it! Thank you both so much!


  17. AH I’m so behind! You are lookin good girl! I’m definitely gonna check out the pregnancy etiquette. What rude people! Aw and love the belly photobomb pic :)



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