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Special Egg Salad

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I have a couple easy and delicious sandwich fillings for you this week!  This one I got from one of my favorite people, Marsha of The Better Baker.  And her last name just so happens to be Baker – how cute it that?  Anyway, I bought her cookbook several months ago (she has a new one coming out soon, too!) and she made a list of her family’s favorite recipes in it for me.  This was one of the first one I picked – her description of it being the “best egg salad” sold me.

Usually I make my egg salad crunchy, with celery, red, green, and yellow or orange peppers mixed in.  I just like to have some crunch that boosts the nutrition.  But if I made enough for leftovers, it tended to get watery from the veggies and it’s a pretty loose salad to begin with because I only used Miracle Whip as the binder.  Although this one has absolutely no vegetables in it, it really is the best egg salad I’ve ever had.  It’s got a wonderful, creamy texture (the cream cheese is just brilliant here), and incredible flavor.  And if you serve it the way Marsha suggests, on toasted wheat bread with lettuce, you do get a very satisfying crunch.  I served mine on multigrain bread and thought it was just over-the-top wonderful.

Photo courtesy of Jaclyn H.

Another tip for this salad – to make easy work of the eggs, you can use a pastry blender as Marsha mentions in her cookbook, or you can try using a cooling rack! My friend, Jaci, introduced me to this idea and at first I thought I’d never try it, because chopping eggs isn’t that hard. But when it came to dicing up six eggs, pushing them through my cooling rack only took a few seconds and was a real time saver. Thanks, Jax!

Special Egg Salad

Printable recipe
Printable recipe with picture

1 (3 oz) package reduced-fat cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup reduced fat mayonnaise or Miracle Whip*
1/2 teaspoon sugar*
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
6 hard boiled eggs, chopped

In a small mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add the mayonnaise, sugar, onion powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper; fold in the eggs. Cover and refrigerate at least one hour before serving. Will keep for several days in refrigerator.

*You probably won’t need the sugar if you use Miracle Whip since it already has sugar added.

Veronica’s note: Although my method of hard-boiling eggs probably isn’t the best one, it works for me: put eggs in a pan and cover with an inch of water.  Add several dashes of salt (I heard this helps with something, maybe peeling them, but can’t remember. I just do it out of habit.)  Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium-high and continue to boil for 15 minutes.  Carefully drain off water and fill pan with cold tap water.  Pour off water and fill again with cold tap water.  At this point you can add ice to quickly cool the eggs, or keep the cold tap water running so that the pan is continually being cooled. Once  the eggs have cooled to room temperature or lower, which shouldn’t take too long, you can peel them and continue with the recipe.

Recipe source: The Better Baker

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

18 responses »

  1. thebetterbaker11

    OOOOO – I am EGGS-tatic to see this lovely post! ;-} SO happy to know you enjoyed one of my favorite egg dishes too. We use cooling racks to dice the eggs when I work in the college kitchen during the summer, cooking for over 100. SUCH a grand idea! Great post!! Thanks for plugging my cookbooks too. MUAH! XO


  2. “It is a poor figure of a man who will say that eggs are fit only to be eaten at breakfast…” MFK Fisher.

    I love this quote and I think I will paint it on a kitchen wall. (If I had chickens, I would paint it on the coop!)

    Love this idea with the cream cheese. I haven’t made egg salad in a long time. May be lunch today. Thanks for a great recipe. (Can I use mayo?)


  3. I used to make egg salad with ricotta cheese to cut down on the fat and cholesterol but keep the creaminess. Now with my cholesterol issues I am eggless! This does look yummy.


  4. Egg salad is one of my go-to options, even though I suck at peeling eggs! I might have to try this one – I’ve never had cream cheese in a recipe before…


  5. V – I pinned this method of hard boiled eggs and they come out perfect every time. You shake the eggs in the pan they cook in to crack the shells – they come off perfect every time!

    Now I have to make my honey some egg salad – he loves it and I am not a fan.


  6. Yum…will try this next time I’m craving egg salad. Thanks!


  7. I’m a big fan of egg salad. J won’t eat it but, I’ll eat his share. One thing I miss about my farm is the fresh eggs daily. I buy them from a farm now but, it was much nicer going out in my yard to get them. Now, I want some egg salad :)


  8. Oh gawd!!! This looks heavenly!! BIG chunks of eggs!


  9. What a cool trick with dicing…your pic is just screaming for my attention and I do enjoy a yummy egg sandwich.


  10. I don’t think I have ever had egg salad without the crunchy veggies, I bet it would be delicious. Of course adding cream cheese to anything instantly makes it better. Thanks for the good ideas.


  11. Such a great tip, using the cooling rack to dice the eggs!
    Marsha’s recipe sounds delicious! love your photos!! =)

    Thanks for sharing!


  12. Marysue/ SueLily

    Hi Veronica, I just LOVE egg salad! I have never thought to use cream cheese…wow! I used to drive my mom nuts because she was a “sweetie”, and used sweet relish in her egg, potato, and pasta salads (and regular mustard) and I use dill and Dijon! And, what a kewl tip for dicing!! Thanks for sharing! (and thank you for posting a comment on my kitty video!). BTW, I’m ready for another cookie swap!! ;0)


  13. Oooo I do seriously love that this has cream cheese in it! Extra creamy with a hint of tang!


  14. Oh yum. I’d have to add a bit of crunchy to it, maybe some pickles, but I love the idea of cream cheese. Egg salad is like one of those comfort foods for me. Brings back memories of childhood. What a great idea to use a cooling rack. I usually do the pastry blender thing or I just use a food processor.


  15. I always forget about egg salad but you’ve just reminded me of how much I love it! What a fabulous idea about the cooling rack, thanks Veronica!!


  16. Yummy Egg salad! That’s one of my hubby’s favorite sandwiches to have. Thanks for sharing that speedy way to chop the eggs. :) I know my kids would have fun helping.


  17. We love egg salad and eat it often. One speedy way that I chop the eggs is by putting the eggs in a large bowl and using a potato masher! works great every time :) thanks for sharing your recipe!



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