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18 weeks: boy or girl?

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I really don’t have much to tell you as far as an update.  I’m made for pregnancy, apparently.  How ironic is that, when it took so long to get there? LOL!  I know pregnancy is killer for a lot of women, but it’s been a cake walk for me by comparison.  I’m very thankful for that and try not to take it for granted.

Aren’t you jealous of how perfectly we keep our lawn manicured?!

We will be finding out the gender of our baby this week!  What do you think we’re having?

I think boy.  I have always wanted a girl, ever since I was a little girl myself (probably has something to do with having a little sister six years younger than me that I already felt like was my own baby, so I feel more like I know what I’m doing when it comes to raising girls since I’ve been through it already), but am not expecting one at all. You guys will have to help me figure out what in the world I’m going to do with a boy if it really turns out to be one. LOL!  Guy stuff is like a foreign language to me, but I suppose I shall learn along the way if I have to. Dennis would prefer a boy for the same reasons I’d prefer a girl, because that’s what he is and what he knows.  So I suppose either way, there will be at least one parent that sort of knows what to do with our little cupcake.

Then again, you never know what you’re going to get with a child–every person is unique.  Knowing the sex tells you very little!  My friend, Suzie, wanted a boy because she likes to hunt and fish and thought that she would get along better with a boy and they could enjoy those things together.  She was blessed with a boy, but he doesn’t like to hunt or fish…he likes video games!  She said if she had a girl, she’d probably love to hunt and fish and have tattoo’s like her mama. LOL!  Chances are if I had a girl, she’d be an athlete and play the drums, and if I had a boy, he’d love to cook and sing with me.  You just never know.  I guess I need to take this one day at a time here and not freak out about the sex of our baby.  I’m just blessed and thankful to have one at all. :)

Pretending I remember something from my early ballet days…which ended 22 years ago. But look, I can almost pass for a non-pregnant fat woman in this pose – my belly almost went away! haha

Want to have some fun?  Cast your vote of boy or girl in the comments and I’ll draw a winner from those that guess correctly.* The winner can choose between a $20 Amazon gift certificate (this option is open internationally) Snickerdoodle Blondies, Chipotle Honey Roasted Peanuts, or my sister’s homemade soap bars for their prize (the quantity will be as much as I can fit in a small Priority mail box). Baby’s gender and the winner will be announced next Monday!

*I will also be drawing from votes put in by friends/family in person and on my personal Facebook page.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

56 responses »

  1. It’s a boy!!!!


  2. Janice Spillane

    I’m going with Girl!!!


  3. Holly Cummings

    Definitely a girl!!!


  4. I am seeing the color….”Blue” it’s a baby boy!


  5. boy


  6. It’s a girl!!!


  7. I have lots of pregnant friends this year. I am declaring this the year of the girl!! Are you going to find out what it is before you deliver? If so, you should have a name contest too! How fun!

    Dennis seems the type who would joke about names. My husband wanted our girl to be named Mary Chris. Our last name is Smith. Wouldn’t that have been funny. We also have a Jacob and my brother calls my other son Jingleheimer. (Jon, Jacob, Jingleheimer Smith) Crazy family of ours.


    • Yes, we want to know and will find out this week as long as baby cooperates. I have thought about a name contest but we’ll see. Your husband is too funny! Dennis does come up with the awfulest names – at least your hubby was clever! Den just comes up with names like Gird or Argamus. lol – those aren’t actual names he came up with, I was just trying to make ups something as ugly as what he invents. lol


  8. BOY!


  9. Cheryl Davis

    Veronica, you are so darn cute! Girl, you’re “glowing!” I am so happy for you guys. I look at you, and I see a little girl my friend. :) Enjoy!


  10. Oh V – you look adorable! I’ve never had the gift to be able to tell what gender a gal is carrying, by the way she’s carrying ‘it’. I’m gonna guess a boy (cause I’m usually wrong!) and hope for a girl. And you’re giving prizes???? WOWZERS! This is such fun for ALL of us! I think maybe because you ‘labored’ too long to get to this point, you just bypassed the ‘bad’ stuff of pregnancy sickness. =) Take good care Hon – I’m sure you are enjoying every single minute of pregnancy bliss. Hugs!! XO


  11. A little girl and she will be the best of both of you.


  12. Susan Wright

    You look beautiful! I think its a boy!


  13. I am guessing girl! I know you’ll do great with either. The first year will ease you into the gender because they’re pretty much neutral at that point, right? ;) …Except for the fact that little boys will pee everywhere when the diaper is off. Do you have names picked for either?


  14. Pregnancy really becomes you!

    I am not good at guessing, so I’ll keep my bit to myself. Just wanted to wish you the best of luck and health!


  15. I told you before and I am telling you again ,Its a girl!! You are looking beautiful!! Take care.


  16. You are seriously like the cutest pregnant lady I know! And I say BOY all the way!


  17. Pregnancy does agree with you as you look radiant! I say it’s a girl! I have one boy and one girl. Trust me when I tell you that you will know what to do with a boy. I have a special relationship with both of my children and feel equally as close with both of them.


  18. I’m going with boy!


  19. Chica_Boricua

    As I say from the beginning, BOY all the way! Boys belong to mama, very protective. If it is a girl it will be happily welcome too!


  20. I am predicting you will have a healthy beautiful baby, I am guessing a little girl is in your near future. Whichever you have will be a blessing.


  21. My guess is a girl. As you said though, you will love either one and do what comes naturally with them. You like to go swimming, walking and bike riding…boys love all that. But my guess leans towards a girl :)


  22. You look beautiful :) And sometimes just feeling so blessed is enough to make you change how you feel about pregnancy issues.
    I vote girl too LOL
    But you’ve got it right – it will be an adorable little stranger that you will enjoy getting to know in great detail!


  23. Good luck! Personally I think it’s too early to tell. But I will give you my opinion before its here.


  24. I think you will have a girl! I didn’t have maternity insurance when I was pregnant, so the one and only ultrasound I got Hannah was facing the wrong way and they couldn’t tell the gender. So I had a c-section, and when I woke up I asked what I had and a nurse said “a baby girl.” I fell back asleep and when I woke up, I couldn’t remember if it was a dream so I asked what I had again, and the nurse said ” a GIRL.” The third time I asked she yelled “YOU HAD A GIRL!!”

    Ha, makes me laugh thinking about it.


  25. I’m going to guess a BOY! :)


  26. Girl, girl, girl!


  27. P.S. You look BEAUTIFUL! Glowing, happy–you WERE made for pregnancy! =)


  28. Oh boy am I that far behind in my blog reading that I’ve totally missed the big announcement! Forgive me! I am so happy for you and you are totally going to have the perfect baby. I already can tell this is going to turn into a crazy about my baby blog, as it should, hehe. Your looking positively radiant and I do believe that you were made for pregnancy, just had to wait for the right time!


  29. You look terrific! I was one of 4 girls with no brothers and my first was a boy. You’ll be a fantastic mom no matter what!


  30. Boy :) Ironically I think at this point I wouldn’t know what to do with a girl after having two boys! Hah!


  31. I’m gonna say…boy, I could totally see you with a baby boy, V! Love that pregnancy is agreeing with you (you’re definitely GLOWING)!!


  32. you look great. :) i’m guessing girl!


  33. You look beautiful, dahling. My sister says she could not be a mother to girls (that is why she has two boys). That said, after spending the weekend with them all, I think you might want a girl. LOL :) (Love them all, truly!)


  34. I enjoyed both of my pregnancies too. It was like a natural high for 10 months! Because you are more rounded in the abdomen just like I was for my first pregnancy, I am going to say it’s a Boy! You look happy and lovely!!


  35. Ok, in India if you glow with your pregnancy, it is a girl, so I reckon a girl cause you look wonderful :D



    • How interesting! I’ve heard if you’re pretty while pregnant, you’re having a boy b/c a girl steals your beauty. Just old wive’s tales, but interesting how they vary by region!


  36. Good luck if you have a boy, I have an 11 yr old and a 6 yr old, I still don’t understand boys and I think I never will lol. But no matter, you have been waiting for this blessed lil bundle a while now so all your friends and readers will know he/she will be loved.


  37. Diane Bartow

    I think a boy. You seem to be carrying out front. I wanted a girl so bad, but I got a boy. He was the first boy in my family, so it was different. But I loved it. (I got ganged up on a lot though…lol) As long as the baby and you are healthy it won’t matter!


  38. You will be blessed with a Son!!!!


  39. Gah! I have no idea but I can’t wait to find out!


  40. My guess is GIRL :)


  41. Grandpa Miller-BOY Grandma Miller-Not sure-Lance-Boy-Carson-Boy. Richard want’s it to be
    healthy. Aunt Joan-boy
    BOY’S ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I really hope you tell mom & dad first


  42. You look great! Im guessing you will have a boy. =)


  43. My gut instinct is that your baby is a girl. But, it’s hard to tell in cyberspace, lol. You look absolutely wonderful and I love your choice of “pregnancy clothes.” (Maternity outfits?) Can’t wait to hear the results!


  44. Veronica! I dint know o my gash I’m soooo happy for you!!! God bless you! You must be so thrilled :)


  45. Well I’m sure I’ll be reading about the gender here soon as I catch up! Either way that baby is gonna be LOVEDDDDDDD!!!!!! I’m so happy for you that it’s been a cake walk. You wear pregnancy very well!!



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