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Thankful Thursday #100: A Cookies Giveaway! {CLOSED}

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This giveaway is now closed.  (The comments that didn’t answer the question or opted out were not counted.) The winners of the cookies are #47 Stephanie Thummel, #22 Simone, #60 Erin’s DC Kitchen, #4 Deborah, and #61 Stephanie C.  The winners of the crème bouquet are #14 Erin, #21 Holly Cummings, #44 Sarah, #36 Becky Esinger, and #55 Gloria – The Ginger Snap Girl. Please reply to my email within 48 hours to claim your prize.  Congrats!

Wow, it’s my 100th Thankful Thursday post, guys!  It really doesn’t seem that long ago that I wrote my first one.  Back then it was “Thankful Tuesdays.”  Since that first post, I’ve been thankful for cheese & my savior (not in that order, of course), friends with benefits, a drugged up Dad, souls being saved, all the bad stuff, the demise of Den’s evil glasses, my sisters, and even nose hairs.  Among many, many other things.  And yet there is always something to be thankful for every day.  It’s not always something new, but good things that continue and endure the test of time are something to be even more thankful for and recognized on a daily basis.

You guys already know I’m thankful for you, right?  I did devote an entire Thankful Thursday to you, after all.  Well, to celebrate my 100th Thankful Thursday, I’m going to offer a giveaway that (I hope) will make you thankful.  I asked for suggestions last week on what I should do for my post today and Rhonda suggested offering my own baked goods.  Suzie seconded the motion so I decided that’s what I’d do, with an optional extra.

PicMonkey Collage3

Giveaway details

I’m offering FIVE readers the chance to win a small flat-rate Priority mail box stuffed with my blue ribbon Almond Fudge Cookies, and blue ribbon Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies (you choose with/without toasted pecans).  And if you so desire, I’ll throw in a 2 oz. bottle of my top secret (OK not really) most favorite frosting flavoring, crème bouquet (read more about it here to see if it’s something you would like).

creme bouquet

I’m also offering FIVE additional readers a 2 oz. bottle of crème bouquet flavor emulsion so you can make your cakes taste like heaven on Earth.

Giveaway is open worldwide, but if you are a foreign reader, I can only offer the crème bouquet. 


To enter, leave a comment telling me how you found my blog.  I always wonder!  If you only want to enter one drawing, please indicate which one in the comments, otherwise you will be entered for both.

You can earn an extra entry by following me on Twitter and leaving me a separate comment letting me know you do or already do.

Giveaway will close Wednesday, January 30th, at midnight and winners will be contacted by email.

Thank you so much for reading, and good luck!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

73 responses »

  1. Maria A. Santos

    Wow! 100 Thankful Thursdays! Congrats!!! I”ve always enjoyed your posts and your recipes. As I recall, I bumped into your blog while browsing/googling the net searching for a recipe a couple of years ago. The exact recipe I don’t remember at the moment, but I can tell you that your recipes, insight info and good humor has helped me a lot. :-)) Keep up the good work, many blessings! ( I would you surely enjoy the giveaway prize, yummy, yummy! )


  2. A friend posted on facebook about cake pops. I felt reverse-culture shock setting in… “what is that?”… and I googled it. Yours was the one I clicked on and I read a few blog entries and I started following your blog. There you have it. =) I know I have been silent lately, but I’m always still here eagerly reading what you have to say! Blessings, dear! If I win, you can send it to my friend in Wisconsin who is visiting me next month! =)


  3. I don’t remember how I found your blog. (Maybe I should eat more coconut oil; that’s supposed to help the brain, right? lol)

    Congrats on your 100th post!

    Thanks for the nice giveaway!


  4. I follow you on Twitter.


  5. I came across your blog on Pinterest. It then lead me to your cookie swap, which I love. Thank you for taking the time to put it together. I wish you another 100 thankful Thursdays.


  6. Congratulations on your 100th Thankful Thursday! I love reading your blog posts. They are so encouraging. I found you by searching for a recipe a long time ago and your page came up. I think it may have been cake pops, but not certain. When I clicked on your link I was stuck for quite sometime going through all your recipes. Since then I have tried many. It was then that I realized my love of baking and have really started baking quite a bit since then. It was a fun fact to discover we both live in Wichita. :)


  7. Veronica – I’m not sure how I found your blog but I’m sure it had something to do with cakes. Your cakes look stunning! I can only imagine how wonderful they taste!

    I love reading your blog posts. God bless you, Veronica!


  8. I’m sorry I really don’t remember exactly how I found your blog! But since I have I must tell you that I look forward to all your recipes especially Lighter Fare ans Slow Cooker! Thanks for this giveaway….I would love to win!


  9. Gosh, it’s been so long I don’t remember how I found your blog. Maybe via Tastespotting.
    Nevertheless, I am so glad I did :0)


  10. I remember finding your little cupcake cake pops when I made some for my daughter’s first Birthday and I fell in love from that blog on. I love your heart for God which was just icing on the cake for me :) your a blessing Veronica!

    (A Veronica Cornucopia Admirer)


  11. I’ve been a follower for a long time, before Thankful Thursdays, I think. I know can always find what I’m looking for here. Thank you. ~~ Gerry


  12. Congrats on 100 Thankful posts. I need to do that, actually write down the things I’m thankful for. I believe I found your blog through SRC. You are pretty darn cool. ;)


  13. OH.MY.WORD! I want it ALL! =) How wonderful you shared your #100th post – that’s awesome. I believe I found you through Debi Does Dinner Healthy….and the rest is history. =) You have such a big heart. What an awesome giveaway(s).


  14. I am about 80% sure I found your blog through Biz.


  15. pullingmyownweight

    I now follow you on Twitter! (ewies84)


  16. I’m officially following you on Twitter now :)


  17. Congratulations on your blogging success thus far! I think I stumbled across your blog via the WP reader explore new bloggers section.


  18. I follow you on Twitter (@LeahMariaKorea).


  19. Congratulations on your 100th post! I found you browsing Pinterest, and I love reading your blog posts!
    Love from Spain,


  20. I think I found your blog through a link up or random google search for something…it’s been so long ago I really can’t remember for sure. Can I enter for both giveaways? Of not, I’m making my own wedding cake and cupcakes soon and creme bouquet is important.

    Congrats on 100 Thankful Thursdays! You always have something so positive to say, I enjoy reading every week.


  21. I found you on Tropical Traditions


  22. I would love the try your cookies but I am wheat and dairy free so I will leave them for all of the other deserving readers :)


  23. I found your cake pops on pinterest! I’ve been subscribed to your blog ever since :) I love all of your fabulous recipes and life stories :)


  24. Congrats Veronica, I found your blog through Pinterest, you made this delicious-looking chocolate cake and I’ve been following your recipes every since :) and enjoy subscribing to you via email.


  25. I’m now following you on twitter


  26. Hey Veronica, I found you through pinterest and would like to be entered for the give aways. I’ve never heard of the creme bouquet and am so interested in learning more, where do you find it and how to use it, it sounds awesome. Love the posts involving you and your mom, she seems like a hoot and you really let your readers feel the fun you guys have.


  27. I think I found your blog through a food group I’m in On Facebook. Congratulations on your 100th Thankful Thursday. I look forward to reading all your posts.


  28. Congrats on your 100th thankful post! I really don’t remember how I found you, but I’m gonna say probably Biz. What a great day it was when I discovered you though, and now I feel like I’ve known you for a very long time!! What a great giveaway and I would love, love, love to be a winner!! ( I would love to give the creme bouquet a try too!)


  29. I’ve only been following you about a week :D I followed a Cake Pops pin on Pinterest to your blog and decided to follow you! Thanks!


  30. I am now following you on Twitter.


  31. I think I saw a funny comment you made on Suzie’s blog or someone else’s blog and came on over. I might just drink that creme bouquet if I win ;)


  32. I came across your blog when I was looking for a non-blogger cookie exchange. I’ve done it twice and have so much fun with it! Looking forward to the Candy Exchange next month! (Love how you got “Cookies for Kids Cancer” involved, too!)


  33. Happy 100 my friend, you are definitely an appreciative person :)
    We should thank you for all the effort you put in to every post!

    Choc Chip Uru


  34. I can remember your first Thankful post!! That’s pretty cool :) Congrats on 100 and hoping you make hundreds more! We met back on Myspace through our food blogs there. That seems like a long time ago! I just want to enter for the cookies only. I’d have them shipped to Crissy and Derek, since they’ve heard me rave about your baking skillz :D


  35. I discovered your site while looking for a chocolate cake recipe to make a decadant cake for my sister for mothers day. I found your “favorite chocolate cake” recipe and have never gone back as it is now my favorite chocolate cake recipe too! Thanks for a wonderful blog and please enter me into all drawings! I also adopted the creme bouquet from you too!


  36. Pingback: Thankful Thursday: 3 gifts blue « Blessings through raindrops…

  37. One of my friends on Pinterest posted a picture from one of your blogs. The recipe was amazing and I’ve been following you ever since. Thank you.


  38. I found you through Google.


  39. I had to ice some cupcakes and searched YouTube for a video to help. I watched your video, found your blog, and love it. You are one of my very favorite bloggers!


  40. I’m not sure how I found your blog. I started with one and then just kept finding more and more that had great recipes. I’m addicted!


  41. Great giveaways! Thanks for offering the chance to win. I found your blog via another blog although I can’t remember which one. I really enjoy the wonderful recipes.


  42. Hi, VC, I am very thankful to have found you via Pinterest! One of your wonderful recipes caught my eye and I couldn’t help but subscribe to your blog! ~Thankful fan


  43. Congratulations!! I love love love your posts. Written from the heart. I heard about you through a friend’s Facebook post with one of your recipes. Can’t remember which recipe. Best of luck to you!


  44. I think I found you when reading another blog! I am glad I found you though because you post wonderful recipes that make me HUNGRY :)


  45. AND I follow you on twitter :)


  46. That’s the perfect giveaway!! I still have some of that creme bouquet left from a year ago – need to make some more frosting soon!

    You and I have been “friends” since 2009! This was your first comment to me:

    Submitted on 2009/12/24 at 7:13 am
    You are such an inspiration to me. you are a diabetic eating good, good food in moderation and losing weight. I’m type 1 diabetic and I have 30-50 pounds to lose. My weakness is dessert, which is ironic since that should be the thing I eat least often. I love to bake, and that makes staying away from it hard. I will read often for further inspiration!

    Thanks for being such a great friend all these years V!! :D


  47. i think i found your blog through jenna. or was it through SRC? I’m not sure but you know i love it ;)


  48. and i already follow you on twitter!


  49. I was doing a search to find a recipe that I desperately needed quick. I don’t remember what it was but I know your blog came up with the perfect recipe and I have been here ever sense. Great work. Thank you for being here for us. :) Good day and God bless. :)


  50. We’re friends and so are our dogs : )



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