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Caramel Chocolate Chip Bars

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I like to have an arsenal of easy emergency recipes on hand for gifts, and recently added this one because I happened to have a caramel cake mix and dulce de leche in my cupboard when I was scrambling to get something ready for a friend with a birthday, who I was going to see later in the day.  If you can’t find caramel cake mixes in your grocery store, you can request them at your customer service counter like I do, or purchase them online.

Caramel Chocolate Chip Bars

Printable recipe
Printable recipe with picture

1 (18.25 oz) Duncan Hines caramel cake mix
2 eggs
¼ cup brown sugar
¼ cup butter
¼ cup water
1 (12 oz) package semisweet chocolate chips, divided
1 (14 oz) can dulce de leche

Preheat oven to 375 ºF.. Spray a 9×13 dish with oil. Combine cake mix, eggs, water, brown sugar and butter in large bowl. Stir until thoroughly blended. Mixture will be thick. Stir in chocolate chips. Spread in greased pan.

Bake for 24 to 27 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. While it’s still hot and fresh from the oven, spread dulce de leche over the top and sprinkle chocolate chips over that. Wait five minutes, then use a butter knife or spatula to swirl the chocolate into the caramel. Cool completely in pan. Cut into bars.

Recipe source: adapted from Duncan Hines

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

12 responses »

  1. the top looks so artsy! how did you do that? it’s beautiful!


  2. There is a 99% chance that if I made these I’d eat the whole batch. Oh my!


  3. If and when I use a cake mix, I only use Duncan Hines..I could “almost” eat that whole pan!!


  4. Can I just say I NEVER knew Duncan Hines made a caramel cake! OMG…I LOVE caramel cake and frosting (though not necessarily together). This recipe sounds awesome too…I am going to have to place my order for a case of 6 cake mixes from Amazon now….and find a reason to make these bars…YUMMMMMMM


  5. Please please please send me some of these! They look soooooo amazing!


  6. Who would have thought this gorgeous cake was made with a cake mix!! Mouthwatering!


  7. Two of my most favorite things on earth combined…these would certainly be my kryptonite.


  8. these bars look fabulous



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