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One Minute Mayonnaise

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In the past, making homemade mayonnaise was quite a chore that involved a lot of whisking and slowly, slowly pouring oil into an egg & vinegar mixture.  Thanks to my friend, Dewey, who introduced me to the joy of homemade mayonnaise, I’ve discovered that using a food processor makes the task much faster.  Less than a minute, in fact.  Here, I’ll prove it: 


See that?  40 seconds and it’s ready to use.  And it’s even better than the best name brand mayonnaise you can purchase.  So what are you waiting for?  You have nothing to lose! 

One Minute Mayonnaise
Printable recipe 

1 egg
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups canola oil 

Place the first three ingredients in food processor bowl. Measure the oil and have it ready. Turn the processor on and once the egg is mixed, begin pouring the oil through the feed tube while it’s still running. Start with a thin stream and increase the flow until all the oil is incorporated. The mayonnaise should be done by the time all the oil is in, but run it a few more seconds if it’s not thick enough.  Store in refrigerator for up to ten days. 

Veronica’s Notes: You can use any oil you wish, but you must make sure that it has ZERO bittnerness to it.  Any hint of bitterness is magnified 100-fold when you turn it into mayonnaise.  Dewey warned me but I discovered it the hard way by making my first batch with just a half cup of the olive oil I had in my pantry.  I liked the taste on it’s own, but it was slightly bitter and when turned into mayonnaise, it was terrible.  You can also use any type of acid you wish, like lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, but I like the taste of it best with white vinegar. 

Recipe source: adapted from Dewey B. 

I added 2 tablespoons fresh chopped chives to make this chive mayonnaise. 2 teaspoons dried chives could be substituted.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

36 responses »

  1. That looks amazingly easy. I will have to give this one a go. My husband tried to make some not too long ago and it would never get thick, we had to toss it. I will report back how it works out :o)


  2. OK, I had nothing better to do earlier so I gave your recipe a try. UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE. It took me all but 45 seconds and I had the best mayo ever. Considering I usually pay up to $4.00 for a jar of mayonnaise (Hellmans) I might never go back to store bought again. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


    • So glad to hear it, Susi! I have the same feeling. We actually don’t use a lot of mayonnaise, so now any time I need it (most recently for a coleslaw), I just make it from scratch.


  3. Homemade mayo is amazing. You’re right, there is absolutely no comparison between it and the stuff at the store. I love how thick it is!


  4. NICE! I’ve never made mayo before…and I always found it kind of suspicious how Hellman’s claims to be REAL mayo…what is fake mayo then?


    • I think it may be a stab at Miracle Whip, which is sort of like mayo but is sweet and with spices and it’s actually called “dressing” even though I use it almost exclusively for sandwiches.


  5. I am never ever buying a jar of store mayo again. This is awesome Veronica!


  6. Pingback: Hot Mustard Recipe « Recipe Rhapsody

  7. A couple of variations. I like to add just 1/4 teaspoon of Dijon mustard to homemade Mayo. The other thing you can do is add an extra egg yolk will make the recipe even more foolproof in making the emulsion. Keep in mind you are using raw egg in this recipe so you don’t want to keep it too long in the fridge and this is more sensitive about leaving out salads made with this in the heat. But like everyone else homemade mayo is SO much better than anything you can buy. I have been making mayo in my food processor for maybe 10 years now.


    • Thanks for the tips, David! I can’t believe I just found out about the miracle of mayo in the food processor–now I’m playing catch up! :)


  8. This did not work at all for me and I tried twice, once with two egg yolks (the more ‘foolproof’ method). It was just liquidy and gross.


    • I haven’t made a batch that didn’t turn out! I’m so sorry it didn’t work for you but I have no idea what to tell you as far as why it didn’t. You used a food processor?


  9. I gave it a whirl. WOW! One shot and done! THANK YOU QUEEN VERONICA! ( and Dewey of course!)


  10. Erin from Long Island

    I love this! The sad theing? My food processor died = ( I guess it wouldn’t really work in a blender, eh?


    • I don’t think so b/c once the mixture starts to emulsify, it will no longer be blending everything, just the stuff at the bottom. But maybe I’m wrong. Guess there’s only one way to find out for sure! Let me know if you try it. And check Craigslist for food processors–that’s where I got mine.


  11. Pingback: Garlic Salad « Recipe Rhapsody

  12. Hi, V! Making mayo is easy as ABC=;) I made them once, Culinary School and that was it. Me and my paranoia…i can’t coz of the raw egg=;) i have issues w/ anything that calls for raw eggs but that’s just me.


    • It took me a while, but I’m almost completely over being grossed out by raw eggs in food. I think after I realized that I’d been eating/drinking raw eggs without knowing it (egg nog, french silk pie, mayo) that I realized I’d better be OK with it or I’d have to stop eating these things! Getting over it was easier–ha!


      • =;(, that’s why i don’t go for eggnog, french silk pie..actually i gave eggnog “another” chance but just couldn’t…dang! me and those eggs lol! Okay…a cousin of mine one time asked me if i’d die if they’ll throw me into a pool of raw eggs! ha!ha!ha! i then told them okay that’ll be tons’ and ton’s of raw eggs! he!he!he! what a waste! I told them, that’ll be thousands of leche flan to be had if i will cook them instead=;) lol!


        • Pia, you are just too cute! That’s OK, I really do understand since I’ve been in your shoes. I remember watching Rocky swallow raw eggs from the blender and I was gagging! It seriously is disturbing to think about. So is raw meat but since I like sushi, I am OK with eating it that way. But everything else has to be well done. I have a friend that eats raw hamburger while he’s cooking it. EW!


  13. I wish I had watched your video first before attempting to make mayo! Haha it would have been a ray of hope! I think the reason it didn’t work for us in our food processor, is that the container-y part is too big so the blade doesn’t come in contact with the liquid enough in the beginning. At any rate yours seemed to have worked much better!


  14. Oh, this is awesome, Veronica! I just found this post and will be making this when I run out of the Hellmans. I have a Costco-sized version of it right now haha. Great video!!


  15. Pingback: Garlic Salad - Cooking YOUR Food

  16. Pingback: Rosemary Sage Burgers with Chive Mayo « Recipe Rhapsody

  17. Ok you, i linked to you in my latest blog :) HUGS!


  18. Pingback: 1 Year Blogoversary: Thank You’s and a Top Ten–Yours and Mine « Recipe Rhapsody

  19. Pingback: Herbed Mayo Salmon « Recipe Rhapsody

  20. I wanted to make this recipe to use in my tuna fish salad, but the recipe got to me too late, but from now on I will most definitely use this recipe. I loved the video..I would call this “Magic Mayo”….cause it appears before your eyes…Thanks sweetie….


  21. Cool! I’ve never made it homemade. I am gonna try this over the weekend!


  22. Hi, here I am again. I want to make this but, I am also scared of the raw egg. Can I get sick from this? Just paranoid of raw eggs….. :0


    • I understand. I used to freak out about raw eggs but they are used in many desserts and since I’ve been using them (in this, in french silk pie, in buttercream), I have never gotten or made anyone sick. I think the eggs you get from the grocery store are pasteurized, which makes them safe. I can’t guarantee you won’t get sick, but I have made countless batches of this mayo without getting or making anyone sick.


  23. Delicious!!!! I like to put a little cayene pepper in mine, adds a nice little kick! I, too, have made mayonnaise this way for years and no sick ones yet!!!!


  24. I just stumbled upon this web site, I LOVE your recipes!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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