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The Postcard Project Cookie Swap

After I found out about the fabulous Great Blogger Cookie Swap in 2011, I organized one for all those that didn’t have blogs but still wanted to participate in a nation-wide cookie swap.  Well we’re back in business, kids!  If you’re a blogger, you can head on over to The Little Kitchen or Love and Olive Oil to get all the details and sign up, but if you’re a non-blogger that would like to participate in a cookie swap, you’ve come to the right place.

This swap will work like last year’s, and here’s the breakdown:  Sign up.  Get matched to three other participants.  Ship a dozen delicious cookies to each.  Receive a dozen scrum-diddly-upmtious cookies from each of your matches in return.  That’s a whole lotta deliciousness and love being spread throughout the US!

As before, the purpose of my swap is not only to spread joy and cheer through the sharing of cookies, but to support the US Postal Service.  (If you’re new to my blog, I work for the postal service as a data conversion operator at one of the only two remaining Remote Encoding Centers.  Basically that’s a glorified title that means I type a lot.  I started The Postcard Project to renew excitement about mailing postcards and letters, and supporting the postal service in general.)  Last year The Great Blogger Cookie Swap generated 1,667 packages of cookies, which ain’t nothin’ to sneeze at when it comes to revenue for the postal service.  The Postcard Project Cookie Swap generated 230 extra dozen shipped and raised $3,574 through Cookies for Kids Cancer‘s cookie swap matching program, which I’m pretty proud of, and I thank all of you who spread the cookie love with me last year.

Important Dates

Sign Up Deadline: Monday, November 4
Receive Matches: Tuesday, November 12
Shipment Deadline: Monday, December 2

Ready to sign up?

If this is sounding as good to you as it does to me, you can click here to get all the nitty gritty and sign up.  Let’s get this cookie swap party started!

25 responses »

  1. Pingback: The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap 2012 | the little kitchen

  2. Will you be doing one again this year? I was really looking forward to the doing one this year but when I signed up for the email notification i didn’t notice it was for only blogger


    • Yes, sign up started yesterday for this year’s swap–just click the link above where it says “click here to sign up.” Mine is for non-bloggers so we’d love to have you join us!


  3. I don’t have a blog but would love to participate. I live in the UK. Are there enough people interested to have a swap in the UK?


  4. debbie van der wal

    How about the netherlands??


    • We had a lot of Netherlands participants last year so I’d sign up for sure! If you click the “sign up” link you’ll see I address the subject of overseas participants.


  5. Hi Veronica
    I make alot of Chritmas candy Would this be acceptable as a cookie swap item?
    Thank you
    April W


  6. Pingback: The 2012 Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap | The Run-Down

  7. Thank goodness I made the deadline! Thank you for providing such a creative and delicious event!


  8. I’ve been confirmed already. I wanted to know can we submit our name twice and get 6 names to send a dozen of cookies. If this is possible I would like to submit my name again.


    • Wow, what a cool idea! I don’t think you can use the same email address twice so if you don’t have another email address to sign up with, let me know and I’ll just add you to my list with matches twice. :)


      • I signed up again using the other email address. I can’t wait I’ll be checking my mail eagerly waiting for my cookies. I luv this !! Meeting new people, eating yummy cookies , sharing yummy cookies and adding to my recipe collection.Making someones day when their mail comes and the anticipation about what creations your going to get. Really whats not to like!


  9. Pingback: The Great Blogger Cookie Exchange « Welcome to the Nuthouse

  10. Pingback: Thankful Thursdays #96: Xena, The Warrior Princess « Veronica's Cornucopia

  11. Pingback: Announcing: The Sweetest Swap! « Veronica's Cornucopia

  12. Pingback: Thankful Thursday # 98: STUFF « Veronica's Cornucopia

  13. This is so cool! I missed this this page until now (thanks for the cards in the cookie package!)
    I will definitely sign up! Sounds like fun!


  14. Pingback: 2 AM | Smilingldsgirl's Weblog

  15. Pingback: Cookie Swap 2013 | Smilingldsgirl's Weblog

  16. It is almost 2015 – are you still doing this? It sounds like a blast!



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