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Tag Archives: Sweater

Eight Days ‘Till Christmas?!

I have several cookie recipes that I really wanted to share before Christmas but it’s looking like I won’t be able to do it.  :(  It’s go-go-go right now, not only with Christmas-related stuff, but it just so happens everyone in my family was born in December (maybe a slight exaggeration) so there are a lot of celebrations going on right now.  I’m also busy in my kitchen making the only gifts we’re giving this year, and my sister is begging for help with an order for 12,000 lip balms that she has to do on top of her regular orders, and I think we should take pity on her overworked hide. Soooo yeah…nos be bloggin’.

I do have a giveaway that I’d like to do it this week so you can look forward to at least one post if I can find the time.  It’s for Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil (it seriously rocks) and I’m writing a review for it too, otherwise I’d just say “hey leave a comment for a chance to win some awesome coconut oil!”  I’ll do my very best because I’d love for the winner to get it in time for Christmas.

For now I will leave you with some pictures from my middle sister’s 30th birthday party with an ugly Christmas sweater theme.  Of course, pretty much me and the Haus were the only ones who actually wore ugly sweaters (and Danielle b/c I brought one and forced her to wear it).  It was obviously a conspiracy to make fools of us…but you’d be surprised how easy that is to accomplish.  No, you actually wouldn’t be surprised, would you?

Two additional notes, the party was in Danielle’s shop in case you’re wondering what’s going on in the background, and my little sister dyed her hair black (she was blonde last time you saw her here), just in case you don’t recognize her!

Dennis wore my sweater and said “my rock hard manly abs are stretching it out.” Meanwhile, I was stretching out a friend’s sweater with my bodacious curves (thanks, Stephanie!)