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Tag Archives: family reunion

Thankful Thursdays #36: a pie-ful day

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I made a thanksgiving resolution to find something to be thankful for every day until next Thanksgiving.  Here’s what I am thankful for this week!

Thursday: For another day of life.

Friday: For the most fun, most uplifting day I’ve had for a while! I spent the morning and early afternoon teaching my friend, Teri, how to make pretty pies and we had such a blast, it’s almost ridiculous.  (We agreed back in December it would be a fab idea for each of us to teach the other something we know that they don’t.  I know pretty pies, and Teri knows homestyle cooking.  So after many busy months, we finally made the time for our first lesson.  Can’t wait for mine!).  Then we joined Teri and her husband for a Bible study in their home!  She served us a wonderful summer meal comprised of many different hearty salads, and we gobbled pie for dessert.  Then we delved into God’s word.  It was the type of day that at the end of it, you feel peaceful & content to your very soul.

This shows one each of the pies we made (we made two of each of the smaller ones). Clockwise from top: Brown Sugar Peach, Triple Berry, Dixie, and Cool Strawberry.

Saturday: My first day as a “career” employee at the USPS Remote Encoding Center!  (For those new to my blog, I have been a transitional employee there for 7 years.) Although my new schedule is unpredictable and I’m having trouble adjusting to the later hours, I’m very thankful for the ≈$3/hour raise and the benefits.

Sunday:  Due to my new schedule, which will require me to work many Sunday mornings (the only real complaint I have with this position), I had to find a replacement to teach Sunday School for the next three months, and the first lady I asked agreed.  I am so thankful for her help!

Monday: That orientation lasted 6 hours so I only had to work for two hours.  :D

Tuesday:  Finally got the invitations out for our annual Davis-family reunion (AKA “The Pig Roast“).  (I am on the planning committee and have been in charge of invites for the last 6 or 7 years.)  This is our 35th and final year at Uncle Pete’s and Aunt Nadene’s (the same place Dennis and I got married!), so I really hope I can make it.

Wednesday:  RAIN!  I was surprised when Jessie cut our walk shorter than usual and led us back home after just a few blocks, but realized why when as soon as we got inside, the heavens opened wide and a waterfall gushed forth!  Boy, did we need it.  Thank you, Lord!!