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Joshua’s First Year

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Everyone says that time flies when you have kids, and it’s oh so true. I can’t believe Joshua is already one year old! My newborn baby that seemed unaware of everything around him, that stayed in one place and slept and ate and pooped and cried all the time, is now the happiest walking, baby-talking, little boy with a personality and sense of humor.  He has started getting so tickled about things like Jessie jumping up to catch treats mid-air, Mommy doing things like trying to crawl through a tunnel, and those crazy little belly laughs are just. The best.

I spent a lot of time compiling short clips of his first year into a short video for you guys and those of you who know about his special number (three) will be tickled to know that without me planning it or noticing until I had saved it, the movie turned out to be three minutes and thirty three seconds long. Go figure. :)

I probably had about 5 hours worth of video footage so you can imagine the work I put into this to cut it down to just three and a half minutes. Oh yes, and I used my own voice for the song. :)  I’m really pleased with how it turned out and I hope you enjoy it.  This little boy is just the light of our lives.

Love, V

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

14 responses »

  1. Veronica, a really beautiful video, your baby is beautiful. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this and taking the time to share this. I love this video and I enjoyed so much watching it. I can’t believe he is a year old already.


  2. What a lovely tribute to Joshua’s first year! This is clearly meant to be! It will be the best adventure of your life! Set back, enjoy and grab every hug and kiss you can !

    The song was absolutely beautiful!


  3. Thank you for sharing Joshua’s first year with us! What an awesome keepsake you have made for your boy. He is an absolute doll.


  4. What a heart warming video!! Thanks so much for sharing! GREAT voice Veronica!!!!


  5. Veronica, that was just beautiful! He is a cutie patootie! Thank you for sharing this with all of us!


  6. What a beautiful post to your boys’ first year – this is so sweet :D

    Choc Chip Uru


  7. Well shoot! That made me cry. What a beautiful video memory you’ve created, V. Joshua is one lucky little boy to have you as his mommy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOSHUA and happy BIRTH day to you, Veronica.


  8. Joshua is so adorable. Happy Birthday Little Man!


  9. Hi Veronica! You did an amazing job with the video of Joshua’s first year! He is as cute as he can be, and I know he is the joy of your life! You have a beautiful singing voice! Merry Christmas to you and your family!


  10. Your little boy is so precious! Such a lovely smile!
    I love the video! The song and your voice are lovely! =) It brought tears to my eyes.
    Happy Holidays to you and your Family! =)


  11. Just beautiful! The love, the voice and especially the family.


  12. Amazing! Thanks for sharing so many special moments.


  13. what a cute kiddo! happy birthday to joshua!


  14. Happy belated b-day, Joshua! You all are blessed.



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