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31 weeks: I’m too sexy for my PJ’s

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I was taking my Sunday nap and just couldn’t get motivated to pretty myself up for the mandatory photos, so I rolled out of bed in my PJ’s and fluffy blue socks, and went straight into photo shoot mode so I could go back to bed as quickly as possible.  Sleep trumps trying to look good!

OK, so maybe I was trying to look even worse than I had to – lol.

So I got my first weird craving.  We’ve all heard of pickles and ice cream (does anyone ever really crave that combo?), but since I don’t really like ice cream and haven’t liked sweet stuff, period, for most of my pregnancy, that never happened.  But last week I suddenly had to have slices of cheddar cheese dipped in salsa.  It was so good! lol  OK, I guess another weird thing I really like is potato chunks boiled in salted water, then tossed with some vinegar (I discovered this from making American Potato Salad – the first and second time I made it I could hardly resist eating all the potato chunks before finishing the recipe).  Oh man.

Last week we toured Wesley’s birthing center, which is separate from the hospital, and also the birthing floor inside the hospital since I’m high risk and will likely be delivering there instead.  A slow anxiety has been growing in me about the upcoming D-day (delivery day, lol), but touring the place I will be delivering helped a lot.  Being familiar with my surroundings will help put me at ease more than going into this with everything being new.  They also do everything they can to accommodate your wishes during the birthing experience, and it was relieving to know that, despite not really knowing what I want yet.

Click to enlarge

Remember the cards we get from our “son” each month?  I don’t want to say who really sends them because she reads this blog and I’m playing along, but I just got month 7 and get choked up every time I read it.  Favorite so far, though others have made me cry too. :)  I just can’t believe after so many years of waiting, we only have two more months to go before we can hold our baby.  It’s getting so real now.  I’m excited, nervous, anxious, terrified.  I don’t want D-day to come too soon, but man it’s going to be awesome when it does. :)

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

19 responses »

  1. Love it, love the pj’s! You go girl!! :)


  2. Great pictures and great attitude.


  3. I am glad to see you still glowing, even in your PJ’s! The cards are so sweet, too! I’m looking forward to “meeting? Joshua myself (but not too soon, just as you said – keep your lil bun baking right along!)


  4. You look beautiful!! And nothing wrong with doing a photo shoot in PJs! Love it! I teared up the first time I saw that card too – Baby J will be here before we know it!


  5. Great photos! Love your red pj’s!
    And the cards are so touching!


  6. You look awesome! Congrats


  7. Ahh, you look amazing! “Even” in your pajamas (seriously, I think women are most beautiful in their natural habitats – aka pajamas at home) you are glowing.

    The cards you are getting are seriously cute; my Mom was my biggest supporter during my pregnancy and I still have some of the little notes she emailed me during that time.


    • thebetterbaker11

      I can’t seem to leave a post without replying, so…

      I LOVE your jammies! You are one wild mama for sure! ;-} Stars in the background and all. LOL Whoever is sending the cards from Joshua is a very creative person and all I can say is I wish I had thought of that. HOW FUN for you! Tickled to know you got to tour your ‘new surroundings’ at the birthing center. It would definitely put you at ease. You are looking great! Hard to imagine it won’t be long and you won’t be having any pregnancy photos to show! WOWZERS! Hugs to you Girlfriend. XO


  8. I just teared up reading that sweet card! Especially thinking that soon Alice will have frosting on her face . . . but a year ago I didn’t even know what that sweet face was going to look like!


  9. OMgosh cheese in salsa? Haha
    And those cards are so touching :)
    Keep up your awesomeness!



  10. Love your lightheartedness. Your pictures are delightful.


  11. Love the card!! Just don’t go to the store in those V!! ;)


  12. !!!!!!! I’m so excited for you. And there’s no need to dress up for us! I think the PJ’s are super cute.


  13. You are so cute!


  14. Those pajamas look adorable on you! I had not necessarily strange cravings, but just strong cravings that lasted for weeks where I had to eat pineapple every day. Then suddenly I was sick of it and couldn’t stand the sight of another pineapple! :) I did once try a peanut butter and bacon grilled sandwich though, and that was awesome. So excited for your pregnancy to progress and see the little one soon! :)


  15. You are too hilarious, V! Love to see your spunk!!


  16. You are seriously the cutest, even rolling outta bed and in your PJs!! And look at your tiny legs! Cheese dipped in salsa + potatoes in vinegar? I can dig it! Aww I love the little card from Joshua, so sweet and thoughtful for someone to do that. Loving followin your pregnancy!



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