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22 weeks: the quickening

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I was beginning to think I was going to be like one of those “I didn’t know I was pregnant!” women and never feel the baby moving inside me, but at long last, on August 1st at 3 AM when I laid down to go to sleep, Joshua made his presence known!  I felt these light pops in my lower abdomen and it only took me a few seconds to realize it was Joshua kicking or boxing in my belly. :)

At first it was a little freaky. Something out of the movie Alien.  Another being moving inside me – weird!  But by the end of the day, I loved the feeling and it was really hard not to talk to Joshua every time I felt him moving while I was at work.  We have a totally silent work environment (we are on a large floor, all stationed at small cubicles and doing our data entry while listening to MP3 or CD players) so I kept mostly silent to avoid strange looks.  Though I couldn’t help whispering, “What are you doing in there, Joshua?” once. :)

The kicks come so fast I imagine him kicking his feet like flippers, like he’s practicing to swim, so I keep telling people he’s going to be a swimmer and already training for the Olympics.  Kinda fun to imagine him so far down the road, but he’ll probably be a chess enthusiast or a hunter-lol!  You never know.  But feeling him makes him all the more real and it’s easier to imagine having him in my arms in another 18 weeks.

Yesterday at church, I had my hands folded over my belly and at one point, Joshua moved my hand!  That was the first time I felt him from the outside so I’m hopeful that soon Dennis will be able to catch him moving too.

I’ve come to the following conclusions about our son, based on his movements: he is going to be a swimmer, he loves snacks (he’s more active after snacks than bigger meals), and he gets cranky if Mama waits too long between meals.  I ate a very late breakfast (3 pm) on Saturday and boy, he was moving more than ever, and probably yanking on the umbilical cord and wondering when I was going to send some food down the line-lol.  He finally settled down once I ate.

I have to say feeling him makes me a lot more aware of his comfort level, and I’ve started to worry about going to long without eating, and also what he might experience when I have low blood sugar.  Something to ask the doctor at my next appointment. I desperately hope he doesn’t feel the same thing I feel when it happens.

I can still touch my toes! Though it’s not comfortable.

And just so the Daddy-to-be isn’t left out, here he is at 22 weeks, his hair a bit darker thanks to his wife’s meddling ways.  I need to learn to leave well enough alone-it’s so weird for him to have brown hair.  He’s a natural blonde turned silver, so dark hair just seems a little strange, though not bad. Just not completely right-lol.  Still, he’s my sexy beast!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

22 responses »

  1. How wonderful :-) I started feeling kicks pretty early… about 16 weeks I think??? Now I crave it! it’s the best feeling in the entire world. I’m about 20 weeks now I think it took my hubby about 2 weeks to feel them in the same way I do. A tip if you want to get them to go crazy… put music on your belly :-) If I don’t feel the baby kick that day, I put music on and she goes crazy!


  2. My four children’s ages range from 43 to 59, but I still remember distinctly when I first felt each of them move. So wonderful that you share all of this with us.


  3. You are too cute Veronica, I remember the first time I felt life within, so special!!


  4. I remember laying down around Christmas time – Hannah was born in March – and her whole elbow came out of my stomach – it was so weird!!

    I craved Chinese food while pregnant, and to this day that’s Hannah’s favorite food! :D


  5. thebetterbaker11

    OH YAY!! Just what I’ve been waiting for…hearing about movement! I’ll always remember the very first time I felt that kick as a first-time pregnant mom. What an AMAZING moment huh? Thrilled to know you are having a great time…you look awesome with that perfect little ‘pot belly’ (that’s a compliment you know!=) and you can still touch your toes??? That’s WAY amazing! Thanks for sharing your fun with us so we can help multiply your joy!! God is more than Wonderful! XO


    • I have to tell you it’s so hard to reach my toes, I really had to force it. I might have to give up on this vision I have of myself doing my own pedicures all the way through to the end. :) Thank you Marsha and I agree – God is so good!


  6. That’s great your feeling his lil kicks! Maybe he’ll be part fish like me…lol! And if he likes to hunt you know he can go with me :)


  7. I love how in love y’all are….how lovely of a wife you are only indicates what an amazing mommy you’re gonna be, V!!!!


    • LOL, thanks for the unexpected compliment! I have no idea what prompted it, but it’s so true – I love that man to death. I hope you’re right that it will help me be a good Mom too!


  8. Congratulations!! I’m behind on blog reading…I’m 26 weeks myself :) A boy here too!


  9. I’m so excited for you!! I feel like that must be one of the best parts.


  10. Feeling your baby move is probably the best part of being pregnant. Enjoy. It all goes by so quickly.


  11. The title of your post, “The Quickening,” always makes me think of the Highlander movie. (You may be too young to remember that gem!) LOL


  12. My children are 22 and 31, and I can still remember them moving around, while I was pregnant with each of them.
    Its such a wonderful feeling!! =)
    You look great!


  13. how fun! i love these posts :)


  14. Looking great at 22 weeks! Glad you’re able to feel him kicking and moving!!! What a miracle from God :)



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