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15 weeks

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First of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your outpouring of congratulations and excitement for our little miracle.  I’m so glad there are people still checking my neglected blog and still care so much.  You guys are the sauce.

I meant to post this update yesterday but I had promised my favorite cookie baking group to have the Cookies in July sign-up form ready by Monday so that took precedence this time.  Hopefully from now on I’ll do a weekly pregnancy update on Mondays.  Maybe I’ll even get really crazy and start posting recipes again!

I haven’ t been taking weekly pictures like I meant to, but I did have Den take a photo of me at seven weeks in our perfectly manicured backyard.  Here, Cupcake was only the size of a blueberry, so I’m only sporting the “food baby” bump that I grew long before the real baby came along.

The first 13 weeks were just yucky.  I mean the way I felt physically.  I can’t think of a word to describe it other than “yuuuuuuuck” and exhausted.  I never got morning sickness or nausea so I really don’t have much to complain about, though!

Cupcake at 7 weeks, 3 days (click to enlarge)

I also never felt emotional–in fact I was the opposite.  I always thought if I got pregnant I would just break down into tears and never stop crying.  I cry when I’m really happy!  But no, the disbelief was so overwhelming that although I did cry a little, it was hard to believe it could really be true and I didn’t really allow myself to get too emotional about it.  As the truth settled in, all I felt was absolute joy.  That first month I was really prone to giggling–I was in such a great mood that everything made me laugh.

Cupcake 9 weeks, 3 days – what a difference two weeks makes! (click to enlarge)

I came down with a stomach virus during week 13 that my entire family got (except for Dennis), and after I got over that I seemed to also magically feel my old self again.  The illness coincided with me entering the second trimester, so I guess it was just the timing, as the second one is supposed to be the easy one when you feel the best through your pregnancy.  I never thought I’d feel good again until the baby came, so this is a huge relief!  By the way, please try this old Palestenian potato remedy next time you get a tummy flu or other tummy troubles–I now swear by it!! I took longer than anyone else to get over the virus, and this is finally what cured me, along with prayers from friends.

This is me at 15 weeks, and you’ll have to tune in tomorrow to find out what my crazy hat is all about.  If you’ve been reading for a while, I bet you recognize it (sans flowers).

Hey now, I haven’t gained any weight since that photo at 7 weeks so don’t be all “yeah, uh-huh, I see she grew her food baby a little bigger.” Cupcake, now the size of an orange, is just pushing food baby out a little further-lol.

The only thing I have to report right now is that I’ve been getting headaches, which is unusual for me so I’m sure it’s the pregnancy hormone headaches I’ve heard about.  The first one was killer, but since then they’re low-grade and manageable.  Today is the first day in several I have no headache at all-yay!

The last thing I have to share today is a video I started working on before I announced our good news, which tells our story in pictures to the song “Before The Morning,” by Josh Wilson.  This song often lifted me out of the infertility dumps during my darkest times and I hope you love it as much as I do.  The introduction was recorded as a sort of video diary in January, just two months before I got pregnant.  I had no idea if I would ever get pregnant, but I actually recorded it in hopes of being able to share it as part of our “happy ending” story some day.  Praise the Lord that I am able to now.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

41 responses »

  1. How did I miss this??? Congratulations! I am thrilled for you and your hubby!


  2. It’s wonderful to be able to share this truly magical time with you.


  3. I’m a Grandmother now. I don’t miss any of it! I will admit I fineally had a boy after 2 girls, the attachment is a totally different one! Girls are easy because they copy. Since Dads not home during the day boys have no one to copy. They seem tuff but you have to reach deep down and pull out every trick to teach a boy. My son at 3 could noy use the potty, just was not getting it! After reading (which never gave me this) I fineally set his potty up where he could play with his trucks and a tray (from the garden section) filled with sand. This gave him a place to sit and play the rest fell into place. As it turns out he refused to eat the vegetable we grew! Like you I cook love it! Baking too! My son loves to bake still at 20 but veggies not so much. I made soups when he was young to hide them, then I got creative bought a food mill now he eats more then he knows and still does not know what they are in.


    • I’m kind of hoping for a girl because I “get” girls but I’m sure we’ll do fine with a boy and that’s what Dennis would like. So either way, at least one of us will be happy. LOL, just kidding! We will both be happy no matter the sex. I would also get creative with the veggies if I had a picky eater but I’m hoping for a foodie baby! :D


  4. Veronica, you look wonderful and so happy, you really have that special “glow” !
    Your “baby bump” is darling and thanks so much for sharing the ultrasound pictures with all of us !


  5. Thanks so much for the update and the pics! I was just wondering over the weekend how you were doing. Looking forward to sharing your journey with you!


  6. V, I’m crying here! At work! Sitting at my desk in tears! That video was so poignant, so raw, so real, so beautiful, so everything. I hated to see you cry but loved what it led up to. It was touching to see the slideshow of pics of you and Dennis, heartbreaking to see all of those not pregnant tests, and to finally see the answer you were hoping for on 3/29. Such a beautiful story. I love that you had the mild sauce with “things just got real” behind the pregnancy test too :) And to see your dad crying, talk about getting me emotional! I’m glad you are feeling better, and most of all I’m so happy to see you happy! So glad God answered your prayers :) Can’t wait to see your weekly pregnancy updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Going to try that potato remedy too :)

    SOOOOOO incredibly happy for you and Dennis!


    • I’m sorry to bring you to tears at work-oh no! But hopefully by the end they were happy tears. :) That is my favorite Taco Bell sauce saying so I just had to–lol. Omgoodness, my Dad was a MESS!! He was crying so much he couldn’t do anything else, even hug me back. He cried for at least five minutes straight. He has lost three of his best friends this year so this baby is an even bigger joy for him than it would have been for the long wait alone. He was really rooting for us. :)


  7. Chica_Boricua

    Veronica, are you guys planning to know the sex of the baby or is there going to be a surprise party and (online) contest?


    • Oh yes, we are planning to find out the sex, but we will probably do some sort of contest before we find out. That sounds fun! I’d like to see how many people guess correctly. What do you think we’re having?


      • chica_Boricua

        I wait a few more months to see your belly definition, then I will tell you, never fails. Also, I see there are two boys in your family already in the family, and your dad had 3 girls.


        • I’m excited to see what you think, but we will know the sex in less than a month so you might not have enough to work with! My sister had a boy and my husband’s sister had two boys so the grandparents have no girl grandbabies yet. And yup, my parents had three girls.


  8. I loved the video! Wishing you all the best. Being a mother has brought me more joy than I ever thought possible. I know that will be true for you as well. Blessings!


    • Thank you so much, Tami, and also for being totally positive. Not that I mind people keeping it real but right now I don’t want to face too much reality of how hard this is going to be. haha!


  9. Good luck with everything.


  10. What an awesome video. Sad but, happy in the end. You two have certainly been through a lot and I’m so happy for you now, it’s great to see you so happy too. Glad you are feeling better and hope things keep going smoothly from here on out!


    • Thanks Suzie, I was kinda nervous about sharing that raw emotion b/c I didn’t know if it came off false or just too much. Hopefully it just helps people understand how heartbreaking and trying infertility can be, or helps those that are suffering similarly know that they are definitely not alone and that some infertility stories have a happy ending. :) I often felt so much better watching videos or reading success stories when I was at my lowest and I wanted to give back.


  11. Ooh the updates are going to be more and more beautiful :D
    Hope you are feeling better now!



  12. Hi Veronica,
    I just found out about the good news the other day on FB. I am so happy for you guys. The video made me cry. I feel your happiness ( Happy Dance!! ) Dennis will make a “Great” father, and you will make an “Awesome” Mom! Little “Cupcake” will have loving parents. Congratulations. ~~ Hugs to you, Your long time friend. ~~Cheryl Davis




  14. thebetterbaker11

    You look adorable with that baby bump! It’s late and I’m tired, so I’m going to save looking at the video til tomorrow. You are just a wonder! Pinned that amazing potato remedy too. Thanks for sharing…looking forward to more updates. XO


  15. That video is so powerful. Your struggles were enough for Him. He heard you! He heard your cries, and He heard your prayers. I am so very happy for you and your husband. Continued prayers for a healthy pregnancy. :)


    • A friend brought a Bible verse to my attention that reminds me of your thoughts. She said, “You know how Psalm 56:8 talks about God keeping our tears in His bottle? This really brings that home, that through all this time of waiting and tears and prayers He has been quietly storing them away and taking note of each and every one until the perfect time for this sweet baby to come into your lives. So comforting to know that!” Amen!


  16. I just about spit out my coffee that baby “orange” is pushing out your food baby even farther – love it!


  17. What? Are you posting everyday now? :). So glad you are making it w/o much morning sickness. Hate you have the headaches. My sis got those something awful, Hope you do keep us all posted!


    • LOL, I guess I have been posting every day this week. I went from 1 post every several weeks to daily–what is the world coming to? lol! I’m trying to be a little more regular but I doubt I’ll ever be a daily blogger again, except by accident. :)


  18. As a mother of two boys, ages 24 and 19, I can attest that motherhood has been the most enjoyable and rewarding experience of my life. I couldn’t be happier for you Veronica and just know that you’re going to be an incredible Mom.


  19. how did I miss the big news???
    biggest CONGRATS ever!!!
    you have no idea how much you were in my thoughts about this baby thing and I am so happy that it finally happened. This is just AMAZING. will think of you even more now. and yes, the second trimester is generally magical…


  20. I stumbled on your blog through Pinterest and voraciously read through your pregnancy section… my husband and I have been trying for almost two years now with no luck. I am so happy that someone out there has been blessed with a little one after so many years of disappointment! Hoping and praying that someday it will be my turn too, but for now thanking God for His blessings on you. Enjoy this exciting time! I pray only happy tears for you from now on.


    • A co-worker got pregnant right after me and they’d been trying for two years too! Don’t lose hope! My hubby and I were married for 13 years before we were blessed! I wish the best for you – may your dreams come true!


  21. Pingback: Dr. Seuss Shower #2 | Veronica's Cornucopia

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