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Happy Mother’s Day to YOU!

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You guys, I love Mother’s Day. I always have.  Shout out to my Mama and all the other wonderful mothers out there!

But I also want to acknowledge that this can be a bittersweet and even downright sad day for many women and men. Those that have lost their mothers. Those that have lost children. Those that have wanted children for a long time and are scared they will never be able to have them.

I just want you to know, that my heart beats with yours today.  Remember God’s love for you, that He is with us through every tear, and I hope that His huge love will help fill the empty spots in your heart today.

Happy Mother’s Day to EVERY WOMAN (and man, as the case may be)! Because aren’t we really all mothers in one way or another?

Jessie thinks she has the best mama in the whole world! :D

And I have the best fur baby.

Happy Jessie in the shade


About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

13 responses »

  1. AWWWW – what a precious post! The photos are awesome! Thanks –


  2. I enjoyed reading your post. =)
    I hope you have a wonderful day!!


  3. Such a cutie you and your mum my friend, a lovely post :)

    Choc Chip Uru


  4. My thought’s exactly today. I hope you are well, Veronica :) Big hug!


  5. Thanks V!! You are the best fur mommy there is! Hugs :D


  6. It definitely is a sad and happy day for me, I lost my Mom but have a wonderful Mother in Law. I am sure you are the best fur baby Mama as well :)


  7. Hello Veronica! Loved your post. As I was celebrating Mother’s Day this year, I was thinking to myself that I became a mom first to my sweet “Stevie”, a black toy poodle who we loved and adored for the entire 17 years of her life. My husband and I got her the first year we were married from people who weren’t being so kind to our dear Stevie. She was my first baby, a fur baby, and I loved her completely. I know that God picks us to mother our pets and even other people’s children as well as children that we might have. Sometimes we even have to mother our husbands, nieces, nephews, and even our parents. I’m pretty proud of my mothering skills (to all of the souls I mother). It is the job I do the best and am most proud to be. Love seeing your posts!



  8. Great post V! Jessie has a great Mama :) I love that last picture of her, it’s perfect!


  9. You’re so sweet Veronica, I know your mom loves having a daughter like you!


  10. Your fur baby is ridiculously cute…happy mother’s day to both of you!


  11. Aww, love that picture of you and your mom!



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