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Turkey & Onion Grilled Cheese

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So so so excited today!  This is probably my last month with the Secret Recipe Club, and I’m so excited that I was assigned to Desi’s blog, Steak ‘n Potatoes Kinda Gurl!  I actually “met” Desi through being in Group C of the Secret Recipe Club, and have been following her since she joined.  Very happy to be assigned to someone I know and love for my last hurrah!

For those who may have missed or never understood my monthly Secret Recipe Club posts, here’s the premise.  You are assigned to a participating blog each month, but no one knows who’s assigned to who.  It’s a secret!  You secretly stalk browse your assigned blog and pick a recipe, make it, photograph it, and post it on reveal day.  It’s something I’ve always enjoyed, I think because it’s kind of like Christmas each month with a big surprise on reveal day.  If this sounds like something you’d like to participate in, click here to find out how to join.

Now let’s talk gooey cheese.  Since April is National Grilled Cheese Month, and I’ve been meaning to make this recipe since Desi posted it during last year’s Grilled Cheese Month, there really wasn’t any question as to which one I’d choose from her blog.  I had to have this sandwich!

It was well worth the wait.  Totally crazy delicious.  I couldn’t find maple turkey, so I had to add in some maple flavor a different way.  I was a little scared I might have ruined it, but Dennis and I both loved it!  Delicious smoked turkey, sweet grilled onions, and melty Gouda cheese packed between two slices of multigrain buttery, crunchy, toasty bread make for  quite the delicious sandwich.  Thank you, Desi, for creating this masterpiece and thus giving me an opportunity enjoy it and spread the gooey gouda love a little further through my own blog.  Love ya girl!

Also, a huge THANK YOU and shout out to our SRC leader, April Tuell, and our hostesses (especially Debbi Smith, my hostess!), and all the volunteers that keep it running.  And of course, to all my group C bloggers (OK, and group A too, I enjoyed my short time with you guys as well!)!  It has been a beautiful, wonderful ride and I wouldn’t trade my time in the SRC for anything.  Love you guys!  But I won’t miss you because I’ll still be stalking you forever! >:)

Turkey and Onion Grilled Cheese

Printable recipe
Printable recipe with picture

1 small red onion, halved and sliced
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon maple syrup (optional)
4 slices of multigrain bread
3 tbsp or so of softened butter
4 slices (or more) of quality deli turkey (I used Applewood Smoked Turkey)
4 slices of gouda cheese

In a medium skillet, add 2 tablespoons butter over medium heat. Once melted, add the sliced red onion and saute until softened and golden brown. Remove to a small bowl and stir in the maple syrup if desired.

Spread the bread slices with 3 tablespoons softened butter. In a large skillet on medium-low, add the bread slices. If you have a large enough skillet, you can add two slices of bread at once. If not, you will need to make one sandwich at a time. Top one slice of bread with 2 slices of gouda. Then add 2 slices of turkey, then some sauteed red onions. Top with the other slice of bread, buttering the outside before you place it on top. Cook until golden brown, then flip and cook until golden brown on the other side.  Repeat with second sandwich.

*Yields 2 sandwiches

Recipe source: adapted from SteakNPotatoesKindaGurl.

Check out the other Group C Secret Recipe Club Posts by clicking below!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

55 responses »

  1. Why have I not thought of a grilled turkey sandwich before?! That sounds so good. I just looked and have everything to make it too! Well, except I’ll have to use sharp cheddar but, it still sounds good. Your pictures I can’t resist :) Off to make my midnight snack now!


    • It’s probably my favorite grilled cheese so far! Hope you enjoy! And I’d say cheddar would be great!


      • Guess what else I added to it? Your cranberry relish….wowza!! That sandwich was over the top. I’m having another today :)


        • You are so smart! I bet it was almost like Thanksgiving in a grilled cheese! You so should blog it. Did you leave out the maple since you had the cranberry relish? PS that cranberry sauce is on my blog (it has pecans though, and I think I might have added a little more sugar to the relish since I wanted it to almost be like a jelly) but I call it “sauce” on here and relish on the jar b/c I wanted you to think of it for more uses than just alongside your turkey and I thought the word change would help. I’m so weird.


          • I didn’t add the maple, just because I didn’t want it…lol! I also didn’t have any onion. So it was just turkey, sharp cheddar and cranberry relish on whole wheat. I’ll be making another tonight for dinner and will get a pic so I can blog it and I will link to you too!! :) Both this sandwich and your sauce!


  2. This is a delicious pick! I, too, am hungry again.

    So bummed to see you leave SRC! Thanks for making Group C a blast. Hope to “see” you soon!


  3. The maple syrup is an interesting ingredient! Go well :)


  4. Veronica: What a grilled cheese!!! I am salivating like crazy and wishing to have it all for myself.


  5. What a stunning sandwich!!! Great pick for SRC.

    I’m hosting a giveaway on my blog and would love for you to be a part of it –


  6. Oh, Veronica, I will miss you terribly!!! I’ll still try to drop by and see what yummy goodies you’re making…I still want to try your carrot cake! It’s been fabulous being in Group C with you for so long :) I am a huge fan of grilled cheese and now you and Desi have shared a new, yummy twist on this classic!!! xo


    • :'( Thank you Liz, it means a lot that so many say I will be missed. I do love the SRC but life is changing and I no longer want the commitment when I have so many others, so I figured I should let someone on the waiting list take my spot. I will miss you but will check in on you too!


  7. You take grilled cheese to a whole new level – amazing :D

    Choc Chip Uru


  8. What a wonderful recipe to go out on! This looks so incredibly yummy and perfect for grilled cheese month :)


  9. So sad you’re leaving SRC! What a great sandwich!! We’re all about sandwiches here and this clearly is not your average, ordinary grilled cheese! So good!


  10. Looks delicious!


  11. omy..I don’t think I have ever seen a better and tastier grilled cheese than this. Yum!


  12. Yes! I’ll take a grilled cheese any way I can get it! *want for breakfast!*


  13. This sandwich looks incredible!! And such an amazing combo of flavors.

    Fellow group C SRC member


  14. I absolutely <3 gouda cheese. Smoke it and I'm in heaven! Yum, yum, yum sandwich!


  15. So sad to hear you are leaving! Looks like a great sandwich though :)


  16. Now that is my kind of grilled cheese! My dad used to make something like this for me when I was little but we used a caramelized onion jam! Off the hook!


  17. what a great grilled cheese! we’ll miss you in SRC :)


  18. Yum yum! Great choice for Grilled Cheese Month!


  19. Veronica this look absolutely amazing and of course Im hungry, still I dot lunch here:))
    (I need some grilled cheese)


  20. Aww you’re so sweet! So exciting that you got my blog!!! And you chose a great recipe, I LOVED that grilled cheese. I’m so sad to hear that you won’t be back for SRC next month… we’ll miss you! Sad I never got assigned your blog but I’ll still be following you anyway and will still make your recipes of course! And how interesting to add in the maple syrup, glad it didn’t ruin it for you! We have the Private Selection maple turkey brand at our local grocery store. It’s soooo good! Way to go out with a bang, V! Love your photos too! I need to make this again and get better pics. Aww and I saw your comment that it’s probably your fave grilled cheese so far… honored! That means a lot coming from you girl!!


    • Thank you, I know I’m going to miss it a lot. Lately the SRC has been the only thing keeping me posting recipes so I’m kinda scared I won’t blog at all now. But I will do my best. Our Dillons store has the Private Selection brand but of course we were shopping at Walmart instead so I couldn’t find it-duh! Will get it there next time. Cuz I need this sandwich again. :) It really is my fave–you rock the grilled cheese!


  21. Yum, this sandwich looks delicious. There is nothing better than a grilled cheese sandwich- I will definitely have to make one before this month is over.


  22. This looks fabulous! Gouda is my favorite cheese, and the flavor combinations sound amazing. It’s grilled cheese night at my house and I’m thinking this will be my sandwich of choice!


  23. That does look so awesome, love that combo! I didn’t know it was National Grilled Cheese month! I better go celebrate soon! :)


  24. YUM! and I love how stacked that meat is…can just imagine how tasty it is to bite into this masterpiece!


  25. What a yummy grilled cheese! Great day for it!


  26. Well, you’re going out with a bang, my girl! This looks delicious. So sorry you won’t be a part of Group C with me, but I know you are super busy. How is the cupcake business going?


  27. This is sandwich heaven, I’m pretty sure of it. A perfect choice to make a glorious exit. :)


  28. This is some SERIOUS comfort food here, Veronica!! Nothing in the world like a gooey grilled cheese, and I LOVE me some gouda! Bookmarking this one now!! Your photos say it in one word… YUM!


  29. WOW – this is one tasty sandwich and a must make soon. Glad to be part of SRC group C with you!


  30. I love this! I’m going to have to go caramelize some onions & whip one of these up for lunch!


  31. Yum and so clever of you to tie into National Grilled Cheese Month! I shared a Grilled Cheese Donut recipe on National Grilled Cheese Day but your post reminded me I have one more grilled cheese sandwich that I better get to sharing this month, too!

    Looks fabulous as always!


  32. Here’s some gooey Gouda love back atcha, Veronica! :) Very creative touch adding the maple to the caramelized onions… the whole sandwich sounds terrific!


  33. What a Gouda sandwich this is! Hello grilled cheese any sandwich! That maple syrup sounds perfect with the gouda and turkey!


  34. thebetterbaker11

    WOWZERS! I’m all about grilled cheese and yours looks perfect. OH my! I’m having a giveaway and would love for you to come over and check it out…=)


  35. This looks awesome, I never thought to use turkey in grilled cheese but it looks perfect.


  36. Say it isn’t so Veronica! Don’t leave us. :( I know, that’s totally selfish. But really, you will be GREATLY missed here. I hope you still come back and visit us! Your posts and comments always make me smile and crack me up too! oh, and your grilled cheese looks and sounds YUMMY. P.S. did you notice we both used the word “stalk” crossed out in our descriptions of SRC this month? Kismet? Great minds? Soul sisters? LOL. Take care and don’t be a stranger.


  37. That is one good looking grilled cheese my gosh! Lots of yummy flavors in there, a must try recipe!


  38. Oh grilled cheese how I love thee! This sounds like a great variation on a classic!


  39. Mmmmmm-mmmm! I love me a good grilled cheese and you through some turkey on there? heck yeah! That’s a nap waiting to happen. As luck would have it, I also love naps ;)

    p.s. Canadian maple syrup is in season right now! I’ll put this one on the list!

    Happy SRC reveal from a group C member!!


  40. Yep, a good grilled cheese sandwich is something to behold – I love Suzie’s idea of adding cranberry relish – yum!! You can keep the onion though. :D


  41. Looks like you have been busy in the kitchen! I hope life is going well for you. :)


  42. I love this sandwich! Need to get the ingredients very soon!! =)


  43. Yum! This sandwich looks supremely delicious. =)


  44. Pingback: Turkey and Cranberry Grilled Cheese | twodogsinthekitchen

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