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Thankful Thursday #102: I’m alive!

On my way to work yesterday, I hit a patch of snow on the highway and lost control of my vehicle.  Usually when I start spinning around in snow or ice on a residential street,  I get this weird zen feeling and just know that everything will be OK, and I never feel out of control.  (Not that I do much spinning as I’m a cautious driver, but I’ve had a couple on really bad icy days.)  I allow the car to complete the spin while tapping the break, and it’s always OK, I’ve never hit anything.  So let’s just say I did not have that feeling yesterday when I start spinning on the highway with cars zooming past me.

I was pressing the gas instead of the break without even realizing it, panicked I was going to hit someone, and when I saw the median rushing at me I thought “Wow. I’m really going to hit that.”  And I did.

When it was all over, I was sitting on the highway, facing the oncoming traffic, and still moving forward because my foot was still pushing on the gas instead of the break.  So I finally released the gas and stopped the car, and just stared at the traffic coming at me in shock.

I was thinking, wow, I didn’t hit anyone!  Wow, my car is still running!  Wow, I’M STILL ALIVE!  As soon as there was a break in the traffic I did a U-turn to get going in the right direction, amazed that I was still on my way to work after such a close call.  I praised God and laughed with amazement and shock all the way to work, which was a bumpy ride due to the alignment of my car now being shot.

I was so shaken up when I was clocking in, I really didn’t wonder why we were immediately called to the conference room.  I thought maybe they were going to thank those who had braved the streets for not calling in due to the weather.  Um, not so much.  We were called in so they could tell us that the REC was closing.

It still hasn’t really sunk in that the job I’ve had for almost nine years is going away.  It’s not a catastrophe for me, as I will be able to get another job within the postal service if I so desire (this isn’t true for all the employees, unfortunately), but the future is still uncomfortably uncertain.   But despite this sad news, I’m happy.  I’m happy to be alive.

Funny how almost dying can put things in perspective.  :D  Thank you, Lord.  I’m thankful to be alive.

My Jessie girl enjoying our first real snow this winter (we’re up to 15 inches). One of the reasons my life is so sweet.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

44 responses »

  1. Glad you are okay and sorry to hear about your job! I hope you are staying home today and just watching the snow fall by looking out the windows.


    • Well I did go in today as well, though almost didn’t make it because we got pretty badly stuck in the snow (hubby gave me a ride, thank God), but I was actually glad, so glad to have gone in. So many people had called in due to the weather so the mail volume was higher than it’s ever been (a million and a half–usually we keep it below 100,000!) and the small bunch that made it in were all in pretty high spirits, a united front working together to do the best we could in getting the mail keyed out. It was the best work day I’ve had in a long time. It was wonderful.


  2. Glad to hear you’re okay


  3. Oh V, that is so scary! Not only am I thankful you’re alive, but that you will have work! After Dennis being off of work and you just starting to catch up with everything, my heart sank for a second when I thought you were laid off. Hugs!


    • I’m thankful for that too, though I’m so sad to have to leave the REC after all these years. I guess it’s possible to be thankful and sad at the same time, though it’s not usual for me-lol. Thanks, Biz.


  4. I am so thankful that you weren’t injured, or worse, in your mishap. Your honesty and joy, not to mention your yummy recipes, mean a great deal to me. How wonderful that you will still have work. Thank you, Lord! : )


  5. SO glad you’re OK!! But sorry about having to switch jobs… Your sweet Jessie is a doll!!!


  6. Glad to hear you’re okay. That is such a scary situation to be in, but Its great to hear that you didn’t hit anyone else or hurt yourself! :)


  7. I’m glad you are ok, but so sorry to hear about the job. It’s hard being a federal employee right now, esp. postal, with sequestration looming over us. :-(


  8. I’m so glad to hear you are ok! What a scary morning! I’m sorry to hear that your job is ending but happy to hear you can get another one within the system. I hope you are doing well…sorry it’s been so long since I have been around!


  9. oh my goodness! i am so glad you’re okay. that sounds scary. i’m sorry about the job too, but thankful that you will still have one!


  10. What a scarey experience! So glad you are okay and safe! And happy you will not actually lose your job, but can continue working!


  11. What a day! I’m sure your life altering moment, made the following disconcerting news not seem as life altering. So glad you were okay, God was watching out for you for sure.


  12. thebetterbaker11

    Whoa Honey Child…I’d say that was quite a day for sure. Amazing how God prepared you to face a big letdown…and still be grateful. HE NEVER MAKES MISTAKES! SO thankful you weren’t injured in that coulda-been-tragic accident! God will provide. I sure appreciate your outlook in life and know you’ll get through this, though it’s always sad when you don’t get to see those beloved coworkers as ‘normal’.


    • It also reminded me who’s really in control! While we make choices, he’s ultimately in charge…so I’m just really glad that it wasn’t my time to leave this world! I’m not quite ready yet. :) And yes, I will really miss my job when I have to leave.


  13. So glad your alright! Jessie’s a beautiful girl and looks just like my Gabe. :)


  14. I am so glad you are okay!! I think its time for you to sit back and relax this weekend :)


  15. ahhh I am so sorry! I’m glad you are ok after your accident! I hope you aren’t sore today, because that is the worst! I was wondering with all the PO layoffs if your job was ok … I hope you can find something else! :(


    • Man, the whiplash kicked in at work and I felt crippled on my left side-lol. But I felt a lot better on Thursday, though the pain moved from my neck to my lower back. I think it’s just very mild whiplash b/c I’m only sore and not totally stiff. I guess I finally have a good enough reason to finally go to the chiropractor. I’ve been wanting to go for a long time as I’ve had back issues my whole life but never wanted to put forth the effort. I think this gives me the extra incentive I need. I really have no idea what I’m going to do…my “ideal” situation really doesn’t fit with what I know needs to happen so I’m kind of stuck living in a fantasy right now where I don’t work and am at home with a baby (that doesn’t exist-lol). I’ll face reality later. haha


  16. Thank goodness you’re alright, girl. We have some news to be thankful for too here. Hope to share that soon. Sorry about the job situation. Am thankful for you that you still have a job option.


  17. Wow Veronica. What a day! So glad to hear you are okay. Sorry about your job. Perhaps it is a door opening for a new opportunity. :)


  18. I’m so glad you made it through…gosh, that must have been so frightening!!! It’s definitely a God thing.


  19. My Italian Smörgåsbord

    happy too you are alive!!! I know the feeling, was so ill I could not even eat or bake (can you imagine it?). glad you still have ties to the postal service, keep us posted about the new developments. hugs, Barbara


  20. Im glad you are OK Veronica, I love your dog and love snow, take care:)


  21. I am soo glad you are okay. It can put quite a scare into you when you lose control of your vehicle..


  22. Oh my goodness I’m so glad you’re ok!! I HATE driving in snow or ice, it’s like the worst thing ever for me. I AM one of those people who panic lol. Sorry to hear about the REC closing but what a great outlook you have on just being happy to be alive! Wow, facing oncoming traffic on the highway… I can’t even imagine!! But I’m glad that you will still be able to find a job, but like you said it put things into perspective about what’s really important. Jobs come and go so we just have to be happy to be here!!


  23. I’m glad you are alive too Veronica! What a day you had. But you are right the accident puts it all in perspective. Wishing you well in the days and weeks ahead.


  24. I’m so glad you’re okay!! That must have been insanely scary.


  25. Thank goodness you are ok! I’m sorry you had to experience that.


  26. Wow, what a day! I am so glad that you are safe and that you are not immediately unemployed! Change is hard but it is also sometimes the best thing that can happen to us.


  27. Oh my gosh–I’m so sorry about your job! But so glad that you can have another (even though change is hard) AND that God kept you safe on the road. That sounds so scary!


  28. Oh Veronica! I got on your blog specifically to find out how you were fairing with this crazy weather we’re having in the midwest. Wow! What a day you had! I honestly don’t know how you aren’t completely exhausted from that much shock in one day. You always sound so positive and I very much enjoy reading your posts. You share with us a window into your life and sometimes its just nice to know what someone else is going through. Thank you for sharing your recipes and your life with us!

    I am so thankful that your are okay… after all that happened yesterday.

    Take care, Veronica!


  29. Popped over to check out your award winning recipes from The Better Baker, and wow! What a day you had! Thank God you are okay and will have another job to go to, but still….quite a day. You need chocolate – stat! (or at least I would!)


  30. Im so glad you are OK! =)
    Ive been a follower for a while, and just love your blog!

    I live in the city that you do, and when I heard about the Coding Center closing, I thought of you. ( I had taken the testing there about 2 years ago and passed the tests..but had to wait to accept a position )

    Love your cake on “The Better Baker”!


  31. WHAT! Thank God you’re OK, that’s what matters and really sorry to hear about the work news. It is very probably a blessing in disguise. Sending you a truck load of positive thoughts and well wishes.


  32. Pingback: Thankful Thursdays #106: Becky | Veronica's Cornucopia

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