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Thankful Thursdays #88: too many blessings to count!

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Wow, this is too cool-my 88th Thankful Thursday. My favorite number is eight and I think it’s kinda cool that this is the week–the week of two eights–that I have so many thanksgivings I seriously can’t count them!

OK, I could.  But I really just do not have the time.  I’m working split shifts right now so I can make a nightly gospel meeting this week, which means I’m gone from home almost 12 hours a day, leaving less free time to get things done.  Nevertheless, I have more to do at home than usual, as I’m organizing a fundraiser, trying to keep on top of the cookie swap (I use a spreadsheet to add the sign-up names & info every day so I won’t have as much work to do later), I had a cake order from my boss, and there is a charity bake sale going on at work that I’m also trying to bake for.

So I’m going to keep this week’s Thankful Thursday really simple and will just whallop you good with my thanksgivings next week.  :) I really like taking time to fully appreciate where I am in life, and sometimes I think we all need a little help realizing just how good we really have it.  I ran across this graphic on Facebook when I was pretty low a couple weeks ago, and it hit home for me.

Wow.  We are a blessed people and I know if you are reading this that you will agree, because you wouldn’t be able to read this if you couldn’t afford luxuries like internet service.  Let us not take these blessings for granted, and may we use our prosperity for good, including to help those in need.  Don’t forget to consider you just may be the “angel” God sent to answer a prayer.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

11 responses »

  1. I love that picture. I try never to forget, no matter how broke I am or sick or stressed; that there are so, SO many people who are worse off than I am.


  2. I love that you always find time to be thankful even when things aren’t favorable or you’re busy.
    I did have a thought that may help make swaps and other such events a little easier for you. Instead of manually entering all participants info into a spreadsheet, create a Google Doc and post the link. Participants fill out the required info and it automatically shows up on a spreadsheet for you. I know it may be a little late this time, sorry.
    Best of luck with your split shifts! Sending good thoughts your way.


  3. I love the beginning of Whitneys comment. You are always thankful, even when times are down or there is so much going on. I really wish I had your temperment, life would be so much easier for me. … XOXO


  4. Great post Veronica. I have been trying to be more mindful in everything I do and concentrate on enjoying the moment more. Have a great Thursday!


  5. I love that image. It helps keep things in perspective!


  6. That picture is so truthful my friend – the fact that we get out of a warm bed each night is a blessing :)

    Choc Chip Uru


  7. Wow number 88, that’s impressive. As usual you are always busy, busy. I don’t know how you do it! You’re like the engergizer bunny ;) Love that image, soooo true!


  8. I couldn’t agree more with this post V – thanks for sharing it – it does make you stop and think of everything you do have! Happy Friday!


  9. It seems that you have a lot of sugar related “stress” but it’s only because YOU are so SWEET! Thanks for the reminder. It’s hard for me to let go of frustrations and just be thankful sometimes. You’re an angel, yourself! =)


  10. We are so blessed! Tell it girl!



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