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A Thumbful Thursday?

So I wanted to try something a little different today.  I have some thanksgivings, and those will be my “thumbs-ups.”  And I have some gripes, aka “thumbs-downs.”  This is something Karen used to do, a blogger I used to follow when I was a weight-loss blogger myself, which I thought was a fun way to share life’s blessings and curve balls, keeping both sides in check without becoming unrealistically positive or annoyingly whiny.  We all have our daily struggles and battles, and while I do like to focus on the positive most of the time, I also like to keep my blog as real as I am, and I’m not always a ray of sunshine. lol!  So let’s try this out…

Thumbs down: The Haus is still unemployed and it seems the longer he is, the tighter our budget gets.  Things keep breaking and they pretty much have to stay that way.  My car hasn’t moved from the driveway in almost a month.  Which means more gas money spent since his ginormous extended bed F150 guzzles it, which means less money available for fixing my car–vicious cycle.  My cell phone broke two weeks ago.  My CD player broke two months ago.  I started Body by Vi and my blender broke…so no more shakes.  (The irony of me finally saving enough to pay $100 for a month’s supply of shakes (that’s two shakes a day) and not being able to replace my blender to drink them is not lost on me.)

Thumbs up: I have a cheapo CD player I bought in 2004 that uses up batteries like nobody’s business, but at least I can still listen to audiobooks at work! Plus I have rechargeable batteries so that cheapo thing can just suck up the juice as fast as it likes…I’ll keep on keepin’ on with the rechargin’.

Thumbs up: The Haus finally has a job prospect that is promising.  PRAYER IS APPRECIATED!

Thumbs up: While typing this, I just won a used phone on eBay for a song!  Woot!

Thumbs down: I missed Aerosmith when they came to Wichita in 2003, I believe it was, and soon after became a huge, HUGE fan and kicked myself black and blue for missing the concert, which by my sister’s account was in-cred-i-ble.

Displaying my Aerosmith love during a night out with some girlfriends.

I didn’t think I’d ever have another chance to see them since they were old fogies-lol.  Several years ago I found out they would be in OKC, just a few hours from us.  I snapped up a couple tickets only to get a refund just a few weeks before the date because Steven Tyler had to have throat surgery and they cancelled much of their tour.

More Aerosmith love, this time decked out for my 80s themed 30th birthday party.

And now, now they are coming to Wichita for the first time in like ten years…and I just can’t go.  This is such a big deal to me that I would go to the concert over fixing my car, but there is just no money to work with.  Seriously a big bummer.  There may have been some tears.

Thumbs up: God brought a very special woman into my life during a time when we both desperately need each other.  We are both dealing with fertility issues and we met for lunch this week and it was just wonderful.  Wonderful.  She’s actually the sister of a best friend but I fought becoming friends with her because that’s what I do with everyone.  I hold them at arm’s length, scared to get too close.  I knew she had fertility issues, and I happened to run into her after she just had a miscarriage after trying for a long time, and the book I was holding in my hands when I saw her, I kid you not, was He Remembers The Barren.  It just was meant to be.  And now she told me that she might be able to get free Aerosmith tickets for us through the base (her husband is in the military).  I’m not holding my breath, but that would be icing on the cake.

Thumbs up: we switched to an insurance plan through my work when Dennis was laid off, and it has been a big blessing in allowing us to get many tests & see doctors for diagnosing our fertility problem with very little cost to us.

Thumbs down: Unfortunately my prescriptions (I have five-two insulins, one thyroid pill, blood glucose testing strips and needles) are twice as much through this insurance, and with money being scarce these days, a $120 increase per month is a big deal.

Thumbs up: open season for switching insurance plans starts next month!

Thumbs up: I started selling my award-winning carrot cakes, and thanks to my cake money, I was able to pay for my prescriptions this month.  The irony that sugar money is paying for my insulin is not lost on me. lol

Thumbs up: Before I say this, I want to preface it with telling you that I consult with Dennis before I share anything about him or us on my blog and I don’t share anything he would be uncomfortable with.  In the case of our fertility issues, he actually has said he’d like to do a guest post from the male perspective when it comes to infertility to help other couples facing it, so he’s obviously pretty comfortable with the subject.  That said, I had several tests (still am wanting one for progesterone, though, as I suspect it’s low) and an ultrasound and it was a relief, and truthfully a shock, to get some good news.  I got an A+ and I didn’t even have to study-haha!  Our situation could be so much worse.  We are waiting on the results of one more blood test but it’s looking like natural supplements will be our main help and I’ve had a lot of positive feedback from women on that have overcome problems like ours with supplements alone and had children, so I’m cautiously optimistic even after all these years.  In this instance as well, prayer is so much appreciated!

(P.S. The irony of trying to get pregnant while my husband is jobless and I can’t even afford fix my car is not lost on me.  What can I say, I know it’s going to take a while and I’m not wasting any time!  At the same time, I know everything will happen the way it is supposed to, and I have faith it’s just all going to work out, whether it’s how I hope or not. :))

So that’s three thumbs downs and nine thumbs ups. There are very rarely any times in my life when my thumbs downs will beat the thumbs ups.  I don’t think there’s anything wrong with acknowledging upsets, allowing some complaint, as long as it doesn’t turn into the focus.  The silver lining is way too shiny to dismiss. :)

Your turn! What is a thumbs down for you right now, and what thumbs up cancels it out?

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

38 responses »

  1. I adore this post! I will share my thumbs down in a msg but my thumbs up would be women’s bible study!! I started back up last week and it’s just so encouraging and life affirming. I am leading the worship for it as well and it helps so much with my walk. Thanks for the inspiring blog sister!


  2. Oh and ps…I guess I will share a bit of the thumbs down..we haven’t had a car since May..prayers needed for that. I am praying for you as in all these things girlfriend!!


  3. Prayers sent that Dennis gets the job Veronica! I really believe that every cloud has a silver lining and things work out just the way they are supposed to, even though it might not seem that way! hang tough girl!


  4. Love this approach to sharing good and bad news! Good idea! I like how you note the irony on a number of them, too. =) Hard to believe you had “the book” right when you ran into your new friend! Hmmm… sounds divinely planned? =) I think you recently mentioned switching the way you do your blog so that you get paid some now… has that made a difference? I know nothing about blogging and I prolly shouldn’t even be asking… Way to go on selling cakes! Praying for Dennis and the job! I guess this is all part of the refining process God has in store for you and I know you know that and commit yourselves to His hands even in these tough times.

    Thumbs up: figured out how to go swimming AND I braved driving here in Russia for the first time- both are less intimidating than I imagined they would be. (This probably sounds silly but when it comes to swimming laps, I didn’t know the ins and outs of where to change, where to put your towel, where and when to pay, how people swim laps here, any other strange and different rules I was bound to break, etc.)

    Thumbs down: The city controls our heat and even though it is cold outside (30s and 40s), the heat hasn’t been turned on yet. It has been freeeeeeeeezing in our apartment. As a result, we all have runny noses and sore throats. Or maybe we just caught a bug? It is supposed to be turned on soon… maybe even tonight?


    • I definitely think God led us to meet each other that day-it was so perfect. Yes, I did get my first money from blogging earlier in the month, but I couldn’t help but spend it on someone else…which was good and bad-lol. It was a little over $100–they only send money once you get to $100. Good job on the swimming and driving! I would be intimidated too. Yikes on the cold apartment-that is crazy! I hope it comes on ASAP!


  5. Definitely praying for Dennis’s job! And there IS so much irony here–the diet/blender thing, the carrot cake/insulin thing, the trying to get pregnant/jobless thing–yep. Irony in abundance!


  6. Loved reading this post! Definitely keeping D in my prayers for a job. Love the carrot cake/insulin, lol! :)


  7. I love this idea! There is always so much to be thankful for!


  8. Prayers for the job and baby making! We had our own fertility issues, many miscarriages and so on but were blessed with two children after going through all that. Keep the faith. I admire your attitude and the fact that you see the good as well as the bad.

    My own thumbs up is that we are adjusting to the empty nest and although it is lonely at times it does allow hubby and I to just be a “couple” again. It’s strange and lovely all at the same time.

    My thumbs down is that my foot is still hurting and my mobility is limited which affects my mental state. The thumbs up is that we have medical insurance and once we know exactly what is wrong we have the means to have it taken care of.


  9. praying for you guys! things can be tough, but God is bigger!! :) you seem to have an awesome attitude. my thumbs down would be my stupid thesis that i’m still not done with… but my thumbs up would be my wonderfully supportive husband. yesterday he bought me a bag of doritos for “work food” (i don’t really ever buy chips but i love them)… and then i broke into them at like 10:30 in the morning. haha. he’s the best!!


  10. Life is good when there are more thumbs up than thumbs down! I am with you on costly it is to be an insulin dependent diabetic. Here’s a tip – tell your doctor to write you a prescription that you test yourself 8 times a day – even if you only do it twice. You get more test strips for the same cost (and fyi – 8 is the highest I could go – I checked!).

    Big hugs that the rest of your tests come out okay!!


    • Ugh, I check my blood sugar AT LEAST eight times a day, sometimes more, so my strips pretty much last me a month. Thankfully my insulin will last longer than a month so that’s good, and if I get back on Body by Vi I need a lot less insulin so that will help with the cost as well.


  11. Definitely wishing the best for dennis getting the job my friend, I love your twist on thankful Thursdays :D

    Choc Chip Uru


  12. Prayers on the job and the fertiliity issues. I like your twist to Thankful Thursday and yes, lots of irony! Thumbs down…I can’t stand my boss. Thumbs up…I just killed her. Okay, not really but, it made me feel better and probably made you giggle ;) Hee hee!


  13. Life is good when there are more thumbs up than thumbs down! I am with you on costly it is to be an insulin dependent diabetic. Here’s a tip – tell your doctor to write you a prescription that you test yourself 8 times a day – even if you only do it twice. You get more test strips for the same cost (and fyi – 8 is the highest I could go – I checked!).

    Big hugs that the rest of your tests come out okay


  14. Sending lots of hugs your way … I know you are going through lots of tough stuff now .. Don’t you sometimes wish you could see into the future and just KNOW things were going to work out?? Sometimes I think that would just help me hang in there! But then again, maybe it is good that we can’t! Good luck to Dennis! I will be interested in his guest post, and I think it is awesome he is willing to share! :)


    • Lately I’ve been wanting to see into the future even to see if things will never going to work out, then at least I can make my peace with it and move on! lol. But you’re right, it’s a good thing we can’t see everything that would happen, we’d be big messes. I’m so happy he’s wanting to share as well as I think a male perspective, especially one like his where he doesn’t blame himself or feel depressed about it, will not only help other men but also other women to know how to help their husband’s deal with male factor infertility. We both have advice so it might be a joint post.


  15. My bf is doing body by vi …how do you like it otherwise? He hasn’t been on top of it so the results are uncertain as of yet, lol.


  16. I love your spirit and all those wonderful thumbs up. It is a pleasure to visit your blog. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings…Mary


  17. What a great post, keep on concentrating on those thumbs up and you will be just fine. Sending good vibes for that job prospect! Thumbs up for me right now is my family is healthy and thumbs down is I have been in a funk lately, but hopefully that will clear up soon.


  18. Pingback: Thankful Thursday #86: you’ve got to be kidding me « Veronica's Cornucopia

  19. Keep hanging in there. I waited almost 13 years and three in vitro fertilizations to be blessed with an awesome baby boy at 38. He turned six on Sept 11. I completely understand. Also, hang in with the weight issue too. I lost 105 pounds and have maintained my current weight for two years now. YOU GO! You are a blessing and an inspiration. God has big plans for you and your family.


    • Thanks Heather–we’ve been married 12 so we’re catching up to you! We’re not doing IVF so if it doesn’t happen, we’ll accept that…but I do know it will be hard for me. Wow, 105 pounds!! Good job! You are such an inspiration! Especially the maintaining part, which is always my downfall. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement.


  20. I was glad to see you at the Pig on Friday, I did not realize your husband was out of work. My husband was laid off on the 21st after almost 21 years with the company. We are still waiting on the severance and to apply for unemployment. The thumbs up is we don’t have any debt so we should be alright for a while. Best of luck on his finding a job as well. I don’t know you well but do know you have an infectious spirit! Blessings on you and your hubby!


    • Wow, Cathy, what a trip to meet you on my blog! :) Next time I come to the Pig, I’m going to set you up as the Treat Nazi (like you are the bacon Nazi-lol) to make sure the kids don’t eat all the treats in one go! haha! Wow, that must have been really hard to take after 21 years. Was he in aircraft? Way to go on not having debt! That is so great! I do hope he is able to find something that he loves and yes, the unemployment does help a lot to make ends meet. Blessings to you as well!


  21. Thanks for keeping it real Veronica. That’s what I love most about your blog. :) I find I struggle to keep a true balance of reality in my own blog. As you said, we are not always rays of sunshine!

    I’ll be thinking about you and Dennis.


    • It’s hard because I don’t want to give my blog a negative vibe and actually felt guilty about indulging myself in a little whining. I think finding that balance is really hard but I’m glad you think I’m handling it OK. :)


  22. Pingback: Thankful Thursdays #109: the people God gave me | Veronica's Cornucopia

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