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Thankful Thursdays #84: dirty dishes

Sometimes I feel like I’m being terribly monotonous, finding things to be thankful for in spite of everything that isn’t so great.  Not that my life isn’t fantabulous, because it is, but I think all of us take it hard when things aren’t going the way we had planned, expected, or hoped.  Well, today is another Thankful Thursday along the same vein, but light-hearted, so I bet you’ll forgive me for any monotony :)

I ran across this little poem on Facebook and it fits perfectly with my own thoughts on the matter, so I created a graphic for it since the only ones I found online were the work of artists and I didn’t want to steal their work for my blog.  I love finding sunshine in the shadows, and while dirty dishes aren’t very shady (lol), I still like this positive perspective on having a sink full of them.  I think I need this in my kitchen…maybe visitors will be more forgiving, especially if I have something tasty on hand to distract them while they’re dirtying even more dishes.

Note to self: make and freeze some cakes!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

21 responses »

  1. This is so very true! Sometimes we all need to be reminded to look on the good side and see blessings in everything around us, including a sink full of dirty dishes.

    Love this!


  2. So true! I just watched a dvd yesterday and there was a german guy who used to be in the concentration camps. He was talking about all the goals and stuff he had before the war but while he was in the camp, he was thankful for his bowl and spoon because it reminded him that he had food and he was alive. He kept the bowl and spoon as a reminder of how being with God and having the necessities truly brought him happiness.


  3. Ah yes, so very true. I hope this includes lots and lots of dog hair on the carpet too! ;) Happy Thursday V!


  4. Love it! Thanks for that poem V! :D


  5. Haha that poem is so true indeed – perfectly written :D

    Choc Chip Uru


  6. This made me smile so hard…my least favorite thing in the world to do are dishes so I can definitely appreciate this–thank you so much for sharing!!!


  7. I love this Veronica, sometimes I so take for granted all of the blessings in my life. Thanks for this great reminder and unique perspective!


  8. This is a great reminder! Because we kinda left a pile of breakfast dishes in the sink this morning that I know will be greeting me when I get home this evening. =)


  9. What a great perspective, Veronica! Thank you!!!!


  10. Veronica, isn’t that so true in life…we really need to appreciate what we have, from now on my dirty dishes will be a tribute to my good fortune ;) This reminds me of a Dutch saying that I’ve adopted:

    “My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy.”


  11. You always have the knack of putting it all in perspective for me!


  12. Being grateful and thankful is a great thing!


  13. This is so very true, thanks for sharing it. Even though I am one of those wacky people that actually enjoy washing dishes :)



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