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Cheeseburger Salad

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Usually when I want to enjoy a cheeseburger in salad form, I make a hamburger salad and just top it with some shredded cheddar.  But I knew I had to try this Pampered Chef version when PW featured it a while back.  So glad I did because it’s so much better than my old stand-by!  I love how the sauce is mixed into the meat so that you don’t need dressing.  Saucy, flavorful meat, crisp lettuce, pickles & onions, juicy tomatoes, cheddar cheese–this salad just can’t be beat!

OK, now Pampered Chef and PW get all crazy and actually turn hamburger buns into croutons by baking them.  So cute, right?  But grizzle, puh-lease!  I may be crazy in certain ways, like adding way too much butter and sugar to my desserts to where they are literally swimming in evil, but I’m not the kind of crazy that likes to bake my own croutons in the summer for a simple salad.  If I’m turning on my oven, it’s for something sweet, not for croutons.  If you’re not my kind of crazy, you might want to just go to the original recipe for the crouton instructions.  As for me, Texas Toast croutons suit my salad just fine.

But, truth be told, this is the way I prefer to eat my cheeseburger salad:

Sans croutons.  I mean, the reason I like to turn hamburgers and cheeseburgers into salad is to get away from the bread because it gets in my way, and I like the veggies way more than the bread.  Plus, I get enough carbs from sugar. :)

Cheeseburger Salad

Printable recipe
Printable recipe with picture

2 lbs. ground beef
1 ¼ cups ketchup
3 tablespoons prepared yellow mustard
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
2 small red onions, one sliced into rings, the other diced
8 dill pickle spears, sliced
4 Roma tomatoes, quartered and sliced
8 oz. cheddar cheese, shredded
16 cups chopped Romaine lettuce (about 2 heads)
Texas Toast croutons (optional)

Cook the ground beef in a large skillet over medium heat. Remove from heat, drain the fat, and stir in the ketchup, mustard, and Worcestershire sauce. Add the diced onions and pickles (you can set some aside for garnish if you like). and stir to combine. Put 2 cups of lettuce on each plate, then divide the burger mixture between them. Top with cheese, tomato, onions and pickles if you set some aside, and croutons if desired.

Makes 8 servings.

Recipe source: adapted from The Pampered Chef

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

19 responses »

  1. This looks so good! I want to make it NOW!!! Can’t wait to try! Thanks again for another great recipe!!!:)


  2. I have NEVER thought of making a cheeseburger salad! What a wonderful idea! I LOVE taco salads and I know I will love this!

    I’ll be making this soon, I can tell ya that!

    AND… you’re pictures are so beautiful! Do you have some sort of fabulous camera or what?… :) This picture just begs to be pinned on Pinterest (so I’ll pin it!)

    Thanks again!



    • I think you’ll like it too-very tasty. Thank you Gina, your compliment has apparently started a flattery revolution in my comments section! I just use a Sony point and shoot and I hope some day to get a good camera, but for now, I’m in love with my macro setting-haha. Thanks so much for pinning!


  3. I just posted a burger salad this week too, I think we have some bizarre mental connection ;) Yours looks delicious as well, such a fun way to break the boring salad habit. Have a great week!


  4. I seen Rhonda’s yesterday and now your version, they both sound great! I can’t wait to try them. I agree with Gina too, your pictures look great! I’m just starting to get tomatoes out of the garden so this is perfect timing.


    • Spangles, a local burger joint, got me started on them. You can order a delicious 1/3 lb juicy “Gourmet Supreme” burger “protein style” which is basically a burger without the bun, piled on top of extra burger veggies. Now it’s my favorite way to eat one.


  5. Yum, that looks so good! I also love your pictures :)


  6. It’s healthy it’s a salad but it’s a burger too :D

    Choc Chip Uru


  7. I’m just going to echo what everyone else is saying:
    1) Yum!
    2) Your pictures are vibrant and beautiful!


  8. Looks good. I use a similar saucy mix and hamburger for a cheese burger pizza. (Try it, you’ll like it!) :) Had to check out what “grizzle” meant!


  9. Your photos are so colorful! I’ve never seen a cheeseburger look that pretty :)


  10. This is my kinda salad! You crack me up with your glossary, grizzle!


  11. Pingback: Salad Fiesta – Cheeseburger Salad | musings by melina

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