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A glossary for my slicers

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I was just writing a post and after saying, “grizzle, please,” in it and thinking once again I would have to rephrase my words in order to be understood by the masses, I changed my mind and decided instead to just create a glossary for my blog.  You can check it out here, if you care to.  Right now it’s not very long, but will likely grow over time.

No longer will I hold back saying things like, “the Perch blood struck,” and calling you guys my “slicers”  when I’m feeling particularly fun-loving and affectionate.  Though, actually, I’d much rather call you my Cornicopi-cats.  Would that bug you?  I kind of love it.  Anyway, now you can just refer to my handy glossary every time my words leave you scratching your head, and soon enough, you will become Davis-lingual.  (FYI, I was born a Davis, and this is where my odd language stems.)

Happy Tuesday, my little slicer McSlicingtons!

When my sister, Lacey (middle), saw this photo on Facebook, she said “Well lookey there. Three little perches sleeping in the same bed. I like to imagine that we are all laughing at completely separate things. ;)”  Knowing us, we probably were.  It’s the Perch blood.

What strange words do you have or strange ways do you use words in your family?

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

27 responses »

  1. hahaha wow so many funny things in that glossary! I was wondering about your email address … now I know!


  2. Hahaha! I would be honored to be called a Cornicopi-cat. =) Some of our sister words are “spankeroo,” “spankypants,” and “crabadonk!” Or “haruzziah.”


  3. Love the idea of your glossary — so much fun! Such a cute pic too. :)


  4. I love this: Cornicopi-cats!

    When my brother, sister and I get together we laugh at just about everything – we have so many weird sayings that remind us of something that happened as kids. We’ve truncated it down so much, no one else knows what the hell we are talking about, but we laugh pretty hard – my husband calls it “unseen humor!”


  5. You can call me anything you want except late for dinner! Girl, we’ve been over this…lol! ;) Loved the glossary and I have countless of goofy words and nicknames that I use. Just one example is Haley, she’s also known as, The Queen, Skinny-mini, (cuz her sister is Chubba-wubbles), Haleybear, Bear, Haley Bailey and sometimes even crybaby…ha ha ha! (She fears the almighty washer and dryer!) ;)


  6. Haha your glossary rocks my socks :D
    What a cool post!
    Cute lil pick too :)

    Choc Chip Uru


  7. OK—it’s after 3:30 a.m., couldn’t sleep, started blog reading, and now I am laughing out loud and waking up The Hubs due to your HILARIOUS glossary, grizzle.


  8. Well, I don’t know about “strange”, sista-de-scrumply, but we probably could use our own dumply glossary. Can’t have a bunch of misunderstood, or wrongly understood, or incorrectly understood, or inventively understood, or synonymoptically understood, or otherwise miscontrued words being rufferiously bandied about!


    • SCRUMPLY!!! Howwww could I forget? Well, I probably won’t include that since it is now out of use and I never did use it so my peeps don’t need to know, but it gives me warm mushy feelings to see you use it. Ah, the memories of yesterdays. And I love the yawn comment–took me a second before I remembered that from Scientology. For anyone else reading that is not a former member of a cult (lol), one thing they teach is that a manifestation of a misunderstood word (MU) is yawning. I think it very well may be true…either that or I was more brainwashed than I thought.


      • Oh, and for anyone who might still be reading these comments, scrumply was another form of address Danielle used to use on pretty much everyone. And meister, she uses that a lot. I might have to add that oen since one of Jessie’s nicknames is Jessie-meister thanks to her.


  9. this is too funny! will be checking out your glossary :)


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