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The Truth

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The truth is…

  • I’ve been in a funk and not my usual happy self.  I’m not going to start using you guys as my therapist and boo-hoo about anything, but it is what it is and I’m working through it.  I actually have a whole program I’ve worked out for myself to get out of the funk and am doing it, so I hope to let you know soon if it worked and how I did it!
  • I have gained a lot of weight.  Hello, my name is Veronica…and I’m an emotional eater.  I feel a cleansing coming on because I pretty much can’t stand myself any more!
  • Oh yeah, my hubby didn’t get that 911 call taker job!  I forgot I never updated you on that.  We thought he had it in the bag, but the old adage, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” comes to mind.  We are not worried, he got severance pay from his last job and if he can’t get another job right away, he can get up to 6 months unemployment if he needs it.  Though we’d really prefer an amazing job right away if you feel like praying for him! :)
  • My hubby and I are going out of town on a sort of staycation an hour and a half from home, to stay with his ‘rents and check out the sights in good old Abilene, KS.  (Don’t scoff, it may only take 5 minutes to drive through Abilene (we timed it), but they pack quite a tourist punch!)  So this is likely the last blog from me for a week or so but try not to have too much fun in my absence. ;)  I will definitely return with lots of pictures to share.
  • I’m so glad to have this creative outlet and I’m so glad that you’re here to share in it!  I so appreciate your comments and appreciate those who read silently as well–I’m not omniscient but my statistics let me know you’re there.  :)  I usually convince myself that I only keep this blog for my own benefit, but if there wasn’t anyone reading, I know I wouldn’t have enough motivation to continue, despite my amazing threshhold for selfish endeavors.  You guys make it fun, and you are why I do it if I’m completely honest with myself.  Thank you for all your recipe reviews, comments, and encouragement.  Thanks for reading and putting up with me, and hopefully enjoying some of my craziness.

See you again very soon!



P.S. So that you don’t feel recipe-deprived in my absence, how about checking out these oldies but goodies in the mean time:

This vegetable appetizer pizza is SO good, I bring it to at least one party a year.  I’m bringing it to one tomorrow, in fact!

I’m also bringing some 7 layer dip because I have some leftover refried beans from the last batch I made.  Love this stuff!

I’m bringing two plum pies to a Mother’s Day picnic.  This pie is so easy and so good! By the way, the plate in this picture belongs to my Mother-in-Law, whose own Mother-in-Law passed it on to her.  So I’m kinda hopin’ she’ll stick to the theme and I’ll inherit it some day. Isn’t is gorgeous?

And of course, I’m making a double batch of dilly cucumber salad because I need enough for both parties.  It’s the perfect summer side dish, so light and refreshing!

And while I’m not making this Italian cornmeal-crusted white fish over the weekend, it is a favorite, and elegant enough to serve Mom on Mother’s Day!

God bless you all, especially the mothers out there. What would we do without you?  Happy Mother’s Day!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

37 responses »

  1. ahhh I just got over a little funk myself, so I totally understand. Have fun on your staycation! I hope you are able to relax and forget about real life for a little bit!


  2. Hoping things get better for you! If you have extra time while you are in Abilene, stop by and say hi!! After reading your blog, I feel as if I know you already, so would love to actually meet you! :)


  3. awe….HUGE HUGS…hate when the boo hoos are hanging about. May brighter days be coming soon!


  4. Warning~ Warning~ Danger ~Danger~ Don’t read Veronicas blog when your hungry!!! Thank you for sharing from your heart! That is why I LOVE you and your blog and So appreciate it when I see it in my mailbox. You can bet I am praying for you!!! Be Blessed!


  5. Ugh, too bad about the funk! I so understand. I’ve gained a ton of weight too, way too embarrassed to even say how much. It’s awful. We have to get through this!!! I so hope your mini vacation helps. Maybe it’s a good time to just refocus and come home with new goals.

    I am so making one of these recipes this weekend!! I’m having guests and was wondering what to do as far as a vegetable. I want to make this vegetable pizza and maybe the cucumber salad too! Thanks!


  6. Thanks for sharing your life with us! I found you sometime last year (I don’t even remember how -probably looking for a recipe). I always look forward to your posts. Because of you, we now send packages to the soldiers and I have a whole arsenal of new recipes. Weight stinks esp. when you get older. My 12 year old will not eat much for one and day lose 4 pounds. I told her it’s not fair because for me to lose 4 pounds would take weeks !!!!!!!!


    • Were you the one that had the dogs go missing and decided to send a package to a soldier to lift your family’s spirits after reading my blog about doing just that, and then the dogs came back at the end of the day? I loved that story and it was one of the reasons I recently did the soap for soldiers thing, because I wanted to focus my attention on others and away from my own issues b/c I thought it would help me, and it did. LOL, I vaguely recall those days when weight would just fall off! Arg! ;)


  7. I am with you V – I have no idea what’s going on, but I’ve been snacking WAY too much – I even know I am doing it but I don’t stop.

    Sorry Dennis didn’t get the job – being out of work is hard – my hubs (I don’t talk about it on my blog) has been out of work since January 2010 – our only saving grace is that we don’t have any debt and we can live, albeit frugally, on my salary.

    Enjoy your time away! Look forward to your recap when you get back.


    • You told me that before and I guessed he was still unemployed since he’s had so much health issues lately. So glad you guys can make it on your income!


  8. I’m sorry about your funk . . . ugh. I hate being in funks. Usually my de-funking program involves:

    1) Not rushing myself emotionally–allowing myself to walk through the sadness without feeling guilty. If I feel like I have to recover in a hurry, the stress usually just gets me in deeper. It’s strangely releasing and freeing to just let yourself feel what you’re feeling without fighting it.
    2) Psalm 119. It’s my lifeline when I’m in a funk. I read it and cry and read it some more and cry some more. I’ve read it over and over during all of my depressed/hard times and it just shines a light on my soul or something.
    3) Time alone in nature. Mmmmm! It speaks peace into me.

    . . . not that you were asking for advice. But I though I’d share anyway.
    Love you, and I’m praying for an awesome job for Dennis!


    • Thanks, Jenna! My approach is different but I’m going to read Psalm 119 and I will be out in nature a lot while we’re away and that always helps me too. I’m gonna get my zen on. :)


  9. I wonder if it is seasonal or something because I have been the same way, and it is so hard to get motivated and make the right choices. I hope you can turn it around and I am also crossing fingers that the perfect job comes along for your husband. Have a wonderful weekend.


    • Too weird, I was just wondering why I would be blue when it’s so nice outside so if it’s seasonal…what’s wrong with us? We are contrarions! lol Thanks, Rhonda.


  10. You’ll get through this, V. You’re an amazing, strong woman with a good man beside you. Sending love and best wishes from Seattle.


  11. I see alot of people, either bloggers or on facebook, feeling a bit in a funk too. I myself took off this week for no particular reason except I didn’t feel like posting. Hopefully some sunshine and time away will do you good :) Coloring my hair perked me up too, sure you don’t want those pink tips? ;)

    For Mother’s Day we are going to Detroit to see J’s Mom, I’m hoping to go to a restaurant that was featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives! Kid Rock took Guy there on his show. I found out it’s about a 1/2 hour away from her house.

    Enjoy your week off V…xoxo! And I’ll be praying Dennis finds a job soon.


    • I thought I was a freak for being depressed when it’s sunny outside so I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one…although I wish none of us were blue! We will be getting lots of sunshine and exercise as long as the weather cooperates and I’m most looking forward to swimming at lake Kanopolis (where we camped in the cabin a couple years ago–it’s close to Abilene). No thanks to the pink tips! lol Hey, don’t you mean Diners, Dumps and Dives? LOL!Cool, that’s neat you can try a place he went to–enjoy your Mother’s Day! I was happy to see you got stuff from Derek too, what a surprise that he managed to get you a gift on time all the way from Afghanistan!


  12. My friend I hope there are only happier days ahead – my best to your husband and I hope you lose this funk soon – feel free to use us as therapists my friend, we support you to the max :)

    Choc Chip Uru


  13. bigbearswife

    aww love, I’m sorry that you’re having a hard time! I’ll be praying for you both!


  14. My KS unemployment got approved even though I’m on severance!! So if it may help….Dennis may want to go ahead & file now & just save the unemployment money.


  15. My Italian Smörgåsbord (Aka Barbara)

    hard times for people everywhere. hope you guys will be back on your feet again soon.
    I know what you mean with comfort/emotional eating. addictions are so easy to develop, and so difficult to get rid of, aren’t they? I am sure you are NOT fat. I saw a recent picture of you and you looked lovely as usual. please stop being harsh on yourself! we love you and think you are amazing! keep strong and fight depression with cakes. I mean making them. xox


    • There are times when I feel fat but I actually technically am fat right now, it’s not just in my head. I’m actually obese according to weight charts-fun stuff! But not for long. I’m like Sarah in the Labryinth: “You have no power over me.” My fat, that is…David Bowie might have just a little. I actually had a crush on him from that movie when I was little-lol. And I’m baking up a storm right now–great therapy! THanks, Barbara


  16. I hope your holiday is really a change of pace for you. The food and recipes you’ve left for us all look wonderful. I hope you have a great day. Blessings…Mary


  17. Have a great get away and know we will all be waiting for you when you get back. From one of your silent fans. :-)


  18. Really sorry to hear about that 911 job! I just assumed it was a done deal too. Hope the staycation helps you get out of her funk. Hang in there and I know there are lots of people (self included) sending good thoughts your way! (Loved the looks of those dilly cucumbers btw.)


  19. This is one of my favorite meals.. you have me salivating for them now they are perfection~


  20. Veronica, sorry you’re feeling discouraged – we all go through times like that but I do hope you’re having a wonderful time and your spirits have been lifted.
    ps and yes I am a nurse, a mother-baby nurse for 30 years! :)


  21. Aww chica, I’m so sorry to hear about this funk of years! I definitely go through periods like this and that, combined with the emotional eating, always ends up being a vicious cycle until I force myself to break out of it. It’s the worst. But I know you can do it! <3<3


  22. I’ve been in a bit of a blogging funk myself! I was just writing about how I’m tired of writing up restaurant review posts. I hope to get out of the funk soon. Oh I just realized you didn’t say blogging funk, just funk, but oh well… either way I hope your program works out! And I have gained alot of weight too… almost can’t stand to look at myself. At least my fiancee loves me fat rolls and all :) Boooo to Dennis not getting the job, but I’m very glad he’s got the severance pay at least. Good luck to him on the jobhunt! Have fun on your staycation girl (if you haven’t already went and came back! lol )


  23. Thanks for keepin it real Veronica. Your blog makes me laugh and think and is about more than recipes. It’s about life and I for one, appreciate you sharing. Hope you are enjoying your vacation. The funk will pass!



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