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Thankful Thursdays #70: animals make us human

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I’ve been doing Thankful Thursdays for almost a year and a half, and I often get comments from people telling me they wished they were more like me, that they could be more thankful and less pessimistic and negative. While I appreciate the sentiment, I have to admit that I’m not thankful all the time.  Truth be told,  I really am more of a glass-half-empty kind of girl, and sometimes I really struggle with feeling gratitude for any of the good things in my life when there is something that is not going right.

Which is why I started this series–I realized I had a lot to be thankful for and I wanted to put more energy into being positive and noticing all the blessings in my life.  And it has made a difference.  Although I’m still more of a pessimist than an optimist, I’m much quicker to see the silver lining in any situation, and a spirit of gratitude has definitely been developing and growing within me.

That said, this was one of the weeks that I just didn’t know what I was going to write about today.  Yes, there are many things I’m thankful for, but it’s been a sad couple weeks for me (this situation has gotten me down again–it seems to rear its ugly head once every year or two) and I didn’t exactly feel like talking about why I’m so thankful for fill in the blank.

So I was brainstorming with Dennis while we walked Jessie last night and as I watched Jessie in all her innocent bliss, sniffing and romping, treating each blade of grass as an engrossing and transcendental experience, I started thinking out loud.

“I’ve already written an entire Thankful Thursday about Jessie, but really, I think I’m thankful for animals in general.  They teach us so much if we take the time to observe them, don’t you think?”

I have seen a playful, patient, and loving spirit in nearly every animal I’ve ever observed for any length of time.  While we may take the many conveniences we have for granted, they seem to really appreciate everything about their world, whether it’s their humans (in the case of pets), or the grass, the wind, and other animals.  (Especially if they’re hungry and eat other animals-lol.)  Sometimes I wonder if the biggest reason God put them here was to teach us how to be human.

I had quite a few animal pictures saved to my “Amusement & Etc.” and “The Cuteness!” boards on Pinterest, and rather than wax poetic about the lessons animals teach us, I thought I’d share the photos and let them teach you without words.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

20 responses »

  1. I love, love, love animals. Even insects. They just make life worth living. Every day I go to the All Creatures (great and small) Tumblr site just to look at photos of animals. It’s usually the highlight of my day. Great post!


  2. Animals are amazing. All you have to do is look at the food chain and cycle to see how perfect God made them. I’ve read dozens of articles about how science is constantly trying to mimic some quality in an animal but they can’t succeed in doing so. I just read an article about the elephants trunk and how amazing and perfect it is! Great post and great pictures!


  3. I am thankful to follow a blog that causes me to smile!


  4. I so agree with you. My fur-babie have so much patience and love I could really learn from them. They even try to “teach” the dog I’m watching to stay away from the road. Animals are so intelligent it amazes me.

    I have old pictures (somewhere) of ducklings that I hatched nestled in with a Momma cat and kittens. The Momma would clean the duckling as if her own, she didn’t even mind the little quacks…lol!! And then there was the time when Roxy was a pup and got stuck under John’s tractor. By the time I ran screaming inside the house for John to come out Haley had already dug her out….like it was her baby :)

    Love this post!


    • Patience and love, that’s the lessons I learn from these photos and observing them too. They have so much of both. And when they can show it indiscriminately like your cat did with the ducks, it is really a good lesson for us. They do not judge the way we do, either. I remember that story about Haley digging Roxy out–that still makes me smile and warms my heart!


  5. Dude, your post has me in tears. We were made to love!!! Animals too!!! I can’t wait until nature is fully redeemed so that the ugliness goes away and this sweet companionship among all living creatures is all that remains.
    And I’m sorry about your struggle. I’m praying that God will either miraculously give you a baby, or miraculously return the peace to your heart (or both! =). Also, I know you’re rejoicing with me, but I can’t help but remember how it was hard for me to hear about other pregnancies popping up when we were trying . . . ay ay ay. I know it’s not easy. I’m totally pressing the pause button on everything else right now to just intercede for you and Dennis.


    • Thank you so much Jenna, you brought ME to tears! And I loved your comment about nature being fully redeemed–that will be truly wonderful indeed. Thank you for your understanding regarding our baby struggles. I’m truly happy for you, though, and am grateful for your prayers.


  6. My Italian Smörgåsbord (Aka Barbara)

    animals are just like small kids. we also were like them, before becoming self-conscious. we also have the capability of being amused for nothing and being really joyful… this self-awareness is what we should try to get rid of :) to be what we really are: animals. pure and innocent and happy. thank you for sharing.


    • True, they are perpetually innocent! Thank you for your perspective, I’m glad the photos did the work for me and taught lessons without my cumbersome words. :)


  7. What a wonderful post!! Praying for your Peace that surpasses understanding! We have been blessed with our babies, but suffered through the struggle with our first one together… and I have suffered the loss. I believe from your blogs that you are strong enough because of HIM that you will get through this.


    • Thank you Melissa, this was so uplifting and encouraging. I’m sorry you suffered the loss of a child, I think that would be harder than never having one at all, but praise God that you have so many to love now!


  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This made me smile after a rough few days!


    • Well, that made it totally worth it! I almost skipped it this week, but I think it helped me to forge ahead, and I’m glad if I can help anyone else at the same time.


  9. To be honest, I’m not much of a fan of animals…but recently I visited a friend’s dad who is dying of cancer…and he was in a really depressed state. But in enters a puppy, and it was the first time I saw him smile! That’s when I realized how precious God made animals too.


  10. Thanks for that it made me smile.I’m off to cuddle my dog.x


  11. I have days where I’m glass half empty and days where I’m glass half full but your thankful thursdays always help bring me to the full side of hte spectrum! you’re an inspiration, as are these photos.


  12. Pingback: Thankful Thursdays #71: tragedy makes us human « Veronica's Cornucopia

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