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My man-baby

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I can’t believe it’s been almost two months since my last blog post. I guess I’m overdue for an update of some sort, though I’m unfortunately not ready to share any recipes. The only food I’ve photographed lately has been at night with the flash on, and do you really want a recipe for something like this?

good pork chops, bad photoDidn’t think so. :P

But I’ve taken plenty of cute baby photos! Although I don’t know if I can even call him a baby any more.  I’m pretty sure I’m going to wake up tomorrow and he’ll be graduating high school, he’s growing so fast.

I took his 9-month photos myself in September to save money, since we didn’t have any (lol), and I’m pretty pleased with how they turned out.  Here are my favorites.

Yes, he’s standing now. Not walking yet, but maybe soon.

We also switched to cloth diapers a couple months ago. It’s going great!

My little Tom Sawyer.

He is seriously the happiest baby, ever.

And possibly the cutest. Not that I’m biased at all. ;)

It has been so long since my last baby update, I’m not even sure all his advancements since then. He’s got three teeth now, and looks like soon will be four. He’s crawling everywhere like a little speed demon.  He loves to take off squealing, like he expects me to chase him, so of course I do. It’s so funny. He’s pulling up on everything and has been for a while. At the beginning of October he was 21 lb, 5 oz and 28 1/2 inches tall. Crazy he’s almost grown a foot in less than a year.

Anyway, here are some more recent pics – he’s now 10 1/2 months old. Where has the time gone? I guess it flies when you’re having fun, and I’m having the time of my life. :)

Look who started Sunday School!

Last month we stayed with Den’s parents for a week – he and little man got their jam on while we were there. It’s crazy how fast kids learn – he already knows how to strum and you should see him go up to Den’s guitar and strum it, then start boppin’ up and down, dancing to his own music. Hilarious!

Oh and the necklace – it’s a Baltic amber necklace and is supposed to help with teething pain. For us, it made a big difference. The amber releases an oil into the blood stream simply by being in contact with skin, and the kind of oil it is helps with pain. Crazy, huh?

Our little KU fan.

And so it begins…

Baby’s first bacon.

Seriously. Happiest. Baby. Ever.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

22 responses »

  1. Your pictures are so wonderful that there is no reason to pay a photographer. Joshua is getting even cuter and I love to see that smile with those teetch showing.


  2. Thrilled to see this update and how happy you are. It warms my heart. I feel like I need to say congrats all over again!


  3. So nice to see you enjoying motherhood. And I smiled when I saw the cloth diapers and amber. Two things I swore I wouldn’t do, and now I love them both!! :). Have a great time with your little one. He will *always* be your baby.


    • haha! I planned to do cloth but I had so many disposables from gifts it took me I think 8 months to get started. I’m surprised at how little work it feels like. I’m using cloth wipes now too and feeling uber crunchy. haha!


  4. He is SO freakin cyuuuute! Thank you for sharing an update with us….it was such a special treat to see his smiling face this morning.


  5. Oh what a darlin. Good thing I don’t live close cause I could definitely eat him up. What an awesome update & adore the cool photos. How very sweet. I’m not at all surprised he’s the happiest baby ever. Thanks for sharing. =)


  6. I was just thinking of you and your family yesterday. =) Your little boy is growing up so fast!
    I love the photos!! I’m glad all is going well.


  7. Angie@Angie's Recipes

    o..he is a big BOY now, Veronica, and he is a happy guy.


  8. Cute and happy baby photos all the way :D
    What a beautiful boy! I mean handsome :P

    Choc Chip Uru


  9. I just love that smile V! He’s beautiful and I am so happy you are a Momma – you are doing a great job! And that video of Dennis making that cake for you?! Priceless!


  10. Great to see you post – no need for a photographer ever with skills like this! Love seeing your babe’s updates on FB, too. Also? Amber necklaces are good for adults, too – I wear one as a bracelet to help stave off my horrible eczema!


    • That is so cool! I figured it could help adults too and wondered about arthritis. But our bodies are so much larger, it would probably take a lot of necklace to help. That’s crazy it helps with eczema! Awesome.


  11. Beautiful pictures!! How could you go wrong with such a CUTE, CUTE subject. No need for a professional. He is a little charm with that smile. Keep up the good work “mom and dad”, that smile is from a happy home with warm hearts.


  12. What a cutie! Looks like you have a job that you LOVE! Just found your delightful blog and loved the pregnancy photo journey.



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