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We had a coupon

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I kind of hate coupons.  Coupons lead me buy things I normally wouldn’t buy, so although it seems like I’m saving money, I’m really just spending money I wouldn’t have spent if I didn’t have the coupon.  In the case of a photo coupon I printed out for Portrait Innovations, which was the opposite situation in that I did want to buy pictures and it was a very good deal, I was led to buy so many pictures, I have no idea what I’m going to do with them all and now we are broke.  But unlike when I use a coupon to buy a huge bag of chocolate, this was so worth it. :)  Enjoy the cause of our poverty.

Joshua’s been working on his Elvis lip since he was just a few weeks old.  He also just started to sing with us at church (and I kid you not, his coos were on key), so we may have a future “King” on our hands. ;)

“I don’t always wear hats, but when I do, women find me irresistible.”

“Your story’s all full of holes, Louis, and soon you will be too.”

“How you doin’?”

If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear he was a shameless flirt! ;)

Love his goofy grin.

Angel baby pose. :)

And just for fun, here’s one of the ultra-horrible ones.

Priceless. :)

Notes on Joshua: he was 14 weeks in these photos, now 15 weeks. Where does the time go?! He has his four month shots next Monday. Not looking forward to that. :( He is smiling more and more and I am waiting for giggles. He does little chuckles but I want full out laughter. I really suck at tummy time and pretty much only do it by putting him on his tummy on my chest while I’m leaning back on the couch because he fusses the least that way, but somehow he’s gaining strength in his neck and is able to hold his head up for quite a while despite my suckage.  I think he’ll be able to keep it up when the doc tests it next week (it’s cute, he holds him up over his head like a flying baby to see if he can keep his head up. He almost made it last month but dropped it after a few seconds). He’ll also get his bilirubin tested and I’m sure it’s normal by now, or it better be! Also, he hasn’t peed on me during a diaper change in at least a month – yay! :)  Also, it looks like his newborn eye color has turned to blue which took me by surprise as most everyone agreed his dark color looked like it would turn to brown. Yay for blue eyes like Daddy!  (And lashes like Momma’s) My little stud muffin. :)

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

17 responses »

  1. Joshua is beautiful and getting so big, God bless him.
    Such a beautiful baby.
    I love the Elvis lip.
    Beautiful pictures of all a really beautiful family.


  2. What a Blessing!! Thanks for sharing this with us!!! God Bless! ♫♪ •*¨*•♫♪.¸


  3. These pictures are absolutely adorable! You have such a beautiful family!


  4. You’ll still be enjoying these pictures when Joshua is a grown man – definitely worth the money. I love the one with the cap.


  5. When I had Hannah’s pictures done at six months old, I wanted to buy them ALL! But my Mom luckily said “when you look back, you aren’t going to want all these pictures of her in the same outfit and same age.” She was right!

    He’s so cute!!!


  6. So cute. Thank you for sharing your poverty. You look destitute. ;)


  7. Adorable


  8. Such a healthy looking baby. Proud parents for sure. Congrats to you both.


  9. There is too much adorable in this :)

    Choc Chip Uru


  10. verónica
    your baby is pretty pretty pretty


  11. Awww LOVE THIS FACE.


  12. Gorgeous gorgeous family photos, Veronica. Your boy looks so sweet and irresistible wearing that oversize hat!


  13. I’m in love with his Elvis lip!! He’s so handsome! He’s gonna be a lady killer, for sure!!


  14. Darling photos Veronica! You all look so happy, I love it!!


  15. You have SUCH a beautiful baby– BEAUTIFUL!!! What a happy, kissable little guy he is. He’s the perfect fit for the two of you beautiful people. Love your blog/recipes, too– I found it today, for the first time and I’ll be back often.


  16. P.S. Whomever took the photos did a fantastic “capture of cuteness”, too!!!! Love, love the different “hat looks”!!!



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