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30 weeks: earning my stripes

30 weeks as of yesterday!  And I made it all this time without stretch marks.  Until yesterday.

I’ve been using Palmer’s products (this oil from 3-5 months, and this massage cream to the present) in hopes they would help my skin stretch and I could avoid the stretch marks that run in my family (both my Mom and sister got them really bad with their pregnancies).  All the books and websites I’ve seen say there’s no avoiding them if they’re in your genetics, but I was hoping to prove those mean old books and websites wrong.

About a month ago, I noticed the old stretch marks on my hips were turning red at the tips (they are vertical lines that extend upward toward my stomach) and I knew that these weak points were starting to stretch further as my tummy grew. I started putting extra lotion on those and they haven’t really done anything but stay red at the tips.  But yesterday I noticed several red spots on my lower tummy that don’t look like stretch marks yet, but I can tell they’re the tiny beginnings of them.  So it’s happening.  I still have 10 weeks to go so it could get really bad, especially considering how big I am already, and that Joshua is going to be doubling his weight during this time, and I’m trying to be OK with that.

A cousin shared this on Facebook before I got pregnant, and this is what I think of every time I think about the stretch marks coming my way.  I can’t forget how much I would have given at that time to have a baby that caused these marks, or “badges of honor,” as I’ve started to think of them.  Having known the pain of infertility and the fear that I would die without children, I should wear these marks with a happy heart, because not every woman who wants a baby gets one.  These marks are just another proof of the blessing, even if they’re not as appealing as the baby itself.  :)

It’s this thought, that Joshua is worth these “flaws,” that helps me most.  He really is worth it, and so much more.

You know it.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

29 responses »

  1. Love this sentiment, Veronica! It’s the best way to look at it. 10 more weeks! You must be getting SO excited/antsy/anxious!


  2. You will find that every ache, pain and stretch mark is well worth it.


  3. Wild rose oil might help a little, maybe.


  4. I love your post!!! While I didn’t get stretch marks, every other thing that happens to your body from this day forward is totally worth it!! I’m so excited for you. Being a mom is something I’m thankful for each and every day!


  5. So true! Your words made me cry…for some reason. I think one of my next #inspiring posts is going to be about this same concept. You are earning them and it’s all just a matter of perspective anyways! Our bodies just continue to get less good looking as time passes, whether we are striped or not :)


  6. You look great! And I agree with you and everyone…having stretch marks are totally worth it!
    Motherhood is great!


  7. You are a tiger—let out a roar. (Hope this is not written in strange looking characters…I have no idea what is going on with my site.)


  8. A sweet and wonderful post, Veronica. Enjoy your badges of honor :-)


  9. Oh my gosh; just ten more weeks?! It feels like I’ve know you are pregnant for like 3 weeks. :)
    I cannot wait to ‘meet’ Joshua!

    I honestly don’t mind my pregnancy stretch marks; they are living proof that my body grew and nurtured a tiny human life for 9 months.


    • LOL, another friend told me it seems like I’ve been carrying this baby forever. I feel both ways. It’s going slow and fast at the same time! Glad you can appreciate your stripes, you tiger!


  10. Love that color on you, Veronica! So pretty! (YOU…and the top!)


  11. You look beautiful! And you don’t have to move on to a one-piece swimsuit…you can get a tankini! All of the supermodels are wearing them.


  12. thebetterbaker11

    Another awesome and lovely post. LOVE the posters…the yellow t…your perspective. It’s gonna be worth it all for sure. I look at baby clothes and think of you! I don’t have any more grandbabies to buy wee clothes for, so I am thinking of you. =) Take good care. You are just looking soooo great!


  13. Rawer! Stripes fade over time while the love for that baby grows.


  14. Cute post! Love the pics with the tiger stripes :)


  15. Love this fun post, V. I’ve always been drawn to your humor. Can’t wait to see you and baby together finally. I’m sure you’ll have all sorts of wonderful anecdotes to share then too!


  16. Dude, you are so fabulous and beautiful stretch marks or no stretch marks! So who cares, really. You have EARNED them.


  17. Badges of honor, exactly right.


  18. I agree with you, not everyone gets to “wear those stripes”…you are lucky. And just remember with most things, they fade in time. I know ;)


  19. I loved this so much. You have such a grateful way of looking at life and I love that about you! I love that you think of them as badges of honor because they are!! Um I’ll be happy when I’m pregnant so that I can act like the stretch marks I already have are from being pregnant and not just eating too much bacon and sweets :)



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