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Thankful Thursday #115: living a romance novel

I married a good man.  I thank God every day for him because I know there are a lot of bad ones out there that I could have ended up with, but instead I got one of the best, IMHO.

I’ve dedicated many Thankful Thursdays to him, and have mentioned how he is perfect to me, even in his imperfection, like how he isn’t really a romantic, but I consider our love to be true romance.  Real.  It wouldn’t work in a romance novel, but it works for us.

Well, now that I’m pregnant, I’m seeing another side of this good man.  A side that would totally fit in with the men in romance novels!  And I’m so loving it.  Truthfully, it’s one of the reasons that I’m enjoying being pregnant so much and am in no rush for Joshua to come.

From the beginning, he has been doing more to make sure that I don’t overexert myself.  He watches out for me in a protective way that I find so sweet, but don’t dare tell him I think so for fear of messing it up. LOL!  I’m weird like that.  I thank him for his kindness, but don’t tell him how he’s turned into a romance-novel character because then he might freak out and stop being all sweet and concerned.  OK, probably not, but I’m not going to push it by embarrassing him.

So here’s my new romance-novel husband.  He rubs my feet and back whenever I ask.  If I say I’m hungry when we’re out, his #1 mission in life becomes feeding me.  And not because I get all crazy, I really don’t go into the “I NEED FOOD NOW!” mode, he’s just awesome like that.  He makes sure I don’t carry anything too heavy and strains himself to carry the bulk of the weight of furniture and other things we’ve moved, so that I don’t have to. The bigger my tummy gets, the nicer he gets.  Maybe he is just grateful that he doesn’t have to grow the baby? lol!

One night I went to Walmart late to refill our 5 gallon water jugs and he was so tired I told him to stay home and go to bed.  He didn’t like to, but he was just totally depleted and told me to wake him up when I got home so he could carry the jugs inside.  I told him not to be silly, that I could do it, but he insisted, saying he didn’t like me lifting the jugs even long enough to put them in the cart after refilling.  Because I knew he was worried, I accepted help from the sacker to bring my groceries to the car for the first time in my life.  I didn’t let him put the sacks of groceries in the trunk since I could do that myself, but told him my husband would appreciate if he put the water jugs in for me.  I was kind of proud of myself for stepping down where I knew I should, but wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t known how much Dennis wanted me to do it.  I guess we make a good team. :)

So my good man is spoiling me even more than he did before and I don’t know how I’m going to recover once things are back to normal and he doesn’t have a reason to be all super concerned about me any more!  LOL!  But I’m sure at that point, our new baby will distract me enough to make the transition easier.  For now, I really am enjoying living in my own little romance novel, and am always, always grateful for my man.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

15 responses »

  1. Such a sweet post! =)
    Your Husband is really sweet in all the caring ways that he is helping you!


  2. What a great husband & Brother he is. I know he will be a good dad!


  3. Awe. I, too, am grateful that I found a mate for life in my husband. I do think I love him more deeply every year we are together.


  4. I love it! Tony and I are the same way – we “get” each other like no one else ever did – we could be ourselves from the minute we met.

    Maybe that’s why we started living together 2 weeks after we met and married six months after we met. We’ll be married 13 years already this December!


  5. What a wonderful story. I helps take away some of the sadness we read or hear about everyday. To find such a wonderful and caring man is something we should treasure in our lives. I have one of my own. Mine is 13 years older than me.My mom always said” I would rather be an older mans sweetheart than a younger mans fool” And she knew, there was a 22 year difference in them and 35 years of happy marriage.. They both cared deeply for one another up to the day they died. I don’t who spoiled one another more. I know I am spoiled and proud of it LOL. Everyone have a great day!


    • Reese, my husband is 13 years older than me too! Too cool. Plus I just realized that’s another 13 (we got pregnant after 13 years of marriage). Maybe it really is my “lucky number.” :)


  6. The Dr. Suess quote was on a card The Hubs got me many moons ago. You two (three) are an inspiration!


  7. Veronica, a great big “awwwwwwww” for sharing your mini romance novel. Loved it! I agree with everyone else who commented — it’s nice to hear things like that. Our 13th is coming up, too — woohoo for “13” in 2013!


  8. Your husband is amazing but so are you–you guys are a dream team for sure!


  9. There is that number 13 again V…we’ve been married 13 years also. Close to your anniversary if I recall. I’m glad you found your one!! xoxo


  10. You guys are too cute! I actually was thinking what a great man he was a few posts back when you said he massages your feet :) He’s a definite keeper. This post made me smile :) You deserve this!!



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