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26 weeks: pregnancy & drugs don’t mix

I don’t have much to tell you this week!  I did get this outfit (skirt and shirt) from my wonderful friend, Stephanie T., who is also currently helping with the nursery.  That’s the big news – that the nursery is almost finished as I type this.  It should be totally done by Monday night so I plan to do a separate post with pics just for the nursery some time this week. You guys, I’m soooo excited!  It looks so so good already.  Momma Donna, her sister Connie (who was a stranger to us before she came over!), and Stephanie did almost everything and they really have outdone themselves. Prepare to be amazed by the transformation, that’s all I have to say!

Also, my inny is halfway to becoming an outie (this has been slowly happening for the last month or more, but you can now see it kinda poking out in photos), and if I lean back and clench my stomach tight, it pops out almost all the way!  So crazy.

I did manage to bite the bullet and give my toes a little TLC last week.  I did a base coat, two coats of pink, one pink sparklies, and a top coat. It was not fun, but I’m so happy to see sparkly toes on the rare occasion that I glimpse them.  I like sparkly things. :)

So Dennis was taking my update pictures as usual and I asked him what I could do that was more fun than just doing different angles and holding my belly.  I guess I’m getting kind of bored/boring!  He had no ideas so, unfortunately, this happened:

What exactly happened here?  I have no explanation.  I look like I’m high on ecstasy and my arms suddenly grew a foot longer than my legs.  Not one to let a golden opportunity pass me by…

Please share the message.

After that little mishap, Dennis suggested I show you my back.  Sure, why not?  At least it’s something I haven’t done yet.  I had no idea what my backside looked like but I think it’s cool you can’t tell I’m pregnant from behind.  I’m still rockin’ my curves. ;)

Have a wonderful Labor Day!  I’ll be back soon with nursery pics. :)

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

19 responses »

  1. You look awesome and I’m glad you’re feeling so good!!! It won’t be long now!


  2. You look amazing! I read your blog title and went, “well, duh!” And then I was worried you were maybe having some medical issues. Happy to read that isn’t the case!

    I actually had a dream last night that I had a homebirth and my mother was my doula. All these friends/bloggers/family members having babies is messing with my dreams! :)


    • LOL! Sorry for the scare. I’m a weirdo. Thank you SO much for the Dr. Seuss baby books – we were SO excited to get them!! They are our first Seuss books for Joshua and of course with our theme, we pretty much need them, right? lol!


  3. Hi Veronica, I have been reading /receiving your posts for almost a year, I’m so happy for you and your husband and your pregnancy. I enjoy your recipes and have tried a few, I don’t recall which ones for sure. I love your messages and especially your thankful Thursdays. I’m not really sure but do you have diabetes? If so, is it type 1 or type II? The reason I’m asking is because I just found out my dear niece is pregnant and she is a type II diabetic, who was diagnosed when she was 9 years old. I believe she is 27 now (wow, time flies!). Anyway I’m so happy for her and her husband, but also very worried for her and the baby because of the diabetes. I’m not sure how well controlled her glucose levels have been over the years. I believe she is just 8 weeks, she hasn’t told anyone yet, except for her mom and dad. Her dad couldn’t keep it a secret from me and let it out. How has your pregnancy been going I know you look wonderful and so happy. Thanks for your time, hope your nursery goes well , I can’t wait to see the photos, God bless, Maria Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 13:00:53 +0000 To:


    • Thank you, Maria, it’s nice to “meet” you. :) Yes, I’m a type 1 diabetic. Don’t get scared – it’s not all Steel Magnolias any more when it comes to diabetes and pregnancy BUT it is very important to keep blood sugar levels as normal (about 100) as possible to keep baby healthy and less likely to have birth defects or diabetes. My diabetes wasn’t under tight control before I was pregnant (average was about 150) but as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I changed that immediately and have kept it about 100 the whole time, though I do have my highs and lots of lows. I test my blood sugar up to 10 times a day to make sure I’m staying on track and that helps me a lot. That way if I do happen to get too high, I can fix it right away with more insulin so it’s not over a long period of time. It’s a real trial, but many diabetic women have had healthy children. My best friend also has type 1 and she gave me the confidence that I could do it too b/c she’s had 4 kids and all of them are perfectly healthy. Best wishes for your niece!


  4. Pregnancy definately suits you. You are glowing and happy. Can’t wait to see the nursery pics. Take care


  5. Quite legitimately you look like a pregnant fairy sprite my friend :D



    • LOL, I love it! I think I’ll legally change my name to Pregnant Fairy Sprite. Or maybe I should wait until my pregnancy hormones diminish before making any major decision like that. haha!


  6. You are really pooching out there Sweetie! ;-} And I CANNOT imagine you could actually paint your own toenails??? WOW!! You are surely looking beautiful…love that you still have
    those curves from the backside too. Another WOW! Thanks for sharing….VERY excited about seeing the nursery. I know you feel very blessed to have some awesome people in your life who are helping you so much. Take good care…won’t be long now and your duet will become a trio. =) Hugs!


    • It was uncomfortable, but I got it done! So happy. :) Thank you so much! We are so fortunate to have so many good people wanting to help us in so many ways – it really has taken so much stress and pressure off.


  7. You are looking great girl!! And your PSA totally cracked me up! Good message. :P


  8. I seen that picture on fb and was laughing, you’re a goof! Can’t wait to see the nursery :)


  9. You are such a hoot, V. Tellin’ ya…pregnancy suits you. I can’t wait to see baby boy’s nursery. Love your PSA (captures your humor so perfectly) Love ya mama-to-be!


  10. You are such a cute little mama and will make a very good one too!


  11. Yay yay yay! Can’t wait to see the nursery!! And belly buttons are so weird! How can an inny become an outty?? Freaky lol! I LOVE the 3rd pic of you! Seriously, frame that. And I must say, you’re lookin mighty fine from the backside girl!! :)


  12. You make me laugh so hard! =)


  13. Pingback: Thankful Thursday #117: professional maternity photos | Veronica's Cornucopia

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