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Thankful Thursday #114: not enough time

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While leading us in a closing prayer on Sunday evening, brother Deon said, “If we took the time to thank you for every blessing you’ve given us, we wouldn’t have time for anything else.”  Wow.  That really resonated and I heard a couple “Mmm hmm’s” and “amens” to that.  I’m more on the quiet side during worship, but I gave an internal “Amen.”  We all have our daily complaints, which we often take time to ponder and vocalize, but what if we wrote down or thanked God for every single thing we have to be thankful for?  Would we have time for anything else?

Something to think about.  I know I wouldn’t!  Here’s just a few of the things on my list right now.

Jesus, our home church & family in Christ. I would be so lost without them.

Clean air & water.

Books, music, and art.

Reliable transportation and cell phones.


A job, enough money, and food.

The bestest husband and fur baby of all time.


That there hasn’t been a war on our home turf since 1865.

For the miracle of new life growing in my womb.

More than enough clothes & shoes.

The abundant rain this summer, which has covered the dried up riverbed-Hallelujah!

Air conditioning and fans!

Computers and internet access.

Friends in real life and online, who constantly cheer me.

Trees, flowers, grass, mountains, valleys, and rivers.  Nature is just wonderful.

Fingernail polish, especially with sparklies.

Family who sticks with me through thick and thin.

So many material things that we’ve had to get rid of a lot of them to make room for baby!

The postal service, which I haven’t utilized nearly enough lately.

A home that keeps us safe from intruders, pests, and mother nature.

The men and women who give up their own freedom for the sake of ours by serving in the military.

Enough food in the pantry and freezer to get us through a couple lean weeks as we are spending more to get ready for baby.

Modern medicine, which has allowed me to live 12 years (who knows, maybe 32 years!) beyond what I would have without it.

Thank you Stephanie H., for the baby clothes, maternity clothes, and much-needed advice.

Thank you Tracy and Jenna for always taking the time to answer my questions, give advice, and so much support.

Thank you Stephanie T., for the baby clothes, mini diaper bag, and paying for a maternity photo shoot for me in October.  I don’t have enough thank you’s to give for that!

Thank you Donna for filling in for my Mom, who I haven’t seen in two months and miss terribly (she switched with Dad to care for Grandma in Joplin and might not return until Grandma passes away).  Also for the physical gifts you’ve given us in preparation for Joshua, which are just over-the-top.

Thank you Kevin for being so supportive in word, thought, and deed.

Thank you readers for your constant support of my blog and of this baby!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

20 responses »

  1. I’m not religious at all, but I really think we should all take the time to be thankful like this, props to you for doing it !

    I hope you won’t take this the wrong way, I mean no disrespect at all, but “scissors” made me laugh out loud – you’re absolutely right, I have no idea how I never thought to be thankful for scissors before ! <3


    • No offense taken, I too laughed when I typed it. I seriously could have come up with stuff like that all day. I mean, they’re SO useful! But it was pretty funny to list it. :)


  2. What a sweet sweet, heartfelt post! It’s soo true…we don’t have time to thank God for all His wonderous blessings. Thanks so much for sharing…and inspiring. I’d be lost without scissors too. =) We are blessed beyond measure and I am ashamed that I don’t take time to acknowledge all that HE gives me every day.


  3. When I’m feeling down, and like I I don’t have enough I choose to want what I have. Sometimes it’s only my clean underwear!


  4. Thank you for the prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen and Amen!


  5. Lots to be thankful for! It’s awesome that you take the time to remember all this :) Today, I’m thankful that it’s hot and I’ll be in the pool soon :)


    • It has been hot here too! By the time I have time to actually get to the lake though, it will probably be too cold. That’s how it goes! Oh well, I’m just glad we’re getting the nursery done within a week – yay!


  6. Hi Veronica! The book, “One Thousand Gifts”, by Ann Voskamp gets wonderful reviews. It teaches us to live our lives fully, right where we are and to recongnize (count) the many blessing we each have, but sometimes overlook in our fast pace and busy lives. It’s wonderful that you see the blessings in your life and share them with others, through this blog. Thanks for the inspiration!


    • I think a friend has read that too – I will have to look into it! I might get lucky and my library might have it on audio. I have no time for reading with my eyes these days but plenty of time for audiobooks at work – it usually works out nicely unless I can’t get the book in audio form. Thanks for mentioning that!


  7. mmm, so good! we really do have so much to be thankful for. God is so generous.


  8. So true!


  9. I love your attitude of gratitude Veronica! I need to do more of this as well – my life is filled with so many good things to be grateful for.

    I am so glad that you are surrounded with loving friends and family. :)


  10. So much to be thankful for! Love this.


  11. Love this post, it’s so true and a good reminder of just how good we have it! Also you’re more than welcome for my ramblings :)


  12. I love this post, we have so much to be thankful for!
    Best wishes for a wonderful Holiday weekend!! =)


  13. I am not religious at all my friend but can definitely commend you for being so thankful for even the smallest things we take for granted each day :)
    Thank you!!!

    Choc Chip Uru


  14. That’s a great long list of things to be grateful for :) I often feel I’ve got so many blessings that I couldn’t even begin to count them.



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