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19 weeks: what will it bee?

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Maybe a boy?

Maybe a girl?

Probably a human, right?

OK, you’ve been patient long enough.  Let’s open up one of those cupcakes and see what’s inside…

That’s right, folks!  It’s a boy!  So excited I could…

jump for joy! Stand on one leg!

I really am excited, guys.  Truthfully, it did take me some time to adjust, after wanting a girl for so long.  Yes, I felt that it was a boy from early on, and I wasn’t surprised to hear it confirmed, but it did take me some time to get over that longing for a girl.  I did feel some disappointment, but there was a moment even the first day after finding out when I had an overwhelming thankfulness fill my soul to be having not only a boy, but a healthy, perfect boy.  Because during the sonogram, every time she froze the screen to measure something or check things out, they were “great,” “perfect,” “normal,” and “right on track.”  That is truly all I ever wanted.  A healthy baby. *tears*

Two days later, I woke up and started talking to our baby, calling him by his name that we picked as our “boy favorite” before I was ever pregnant.  (I will tell you about his middle name soon too, which we’ve also picked.)  “Good morning, baby Joshua,” I said, rubbing my belly, and singing to him (he can hear now, you know!).  I haven’t felt any movement yet, but our baby was suddenly so much more real, knowing I have a little boy inside me.  And with that communication, I was connected and my happiness complete, with no disappointment left over.

I bought this frame from Family Christian (it’s available online here, and here for a pink one) and mailed it to my in-laws along with a letter to announce we’re having a boy.  I also got one for Dennis and he’s proudly displaying it on his desk at work now. :)

Everyone in Den’s immediate family that dared to guess, guessed boy (actually even his extended family guessed boy, except for one) and that’s what they wanted so they’re thrilled!  The Miller name lives on! :D  My sisters also guessed boy but they didn’t really care either way, they just guessed based on how I’m carrying (kinda low), but my Dad thought I was carrying high so he guessed girl.  (I warned him my upper roll of fat was throwing him off but he didn’t believe me-haha!)  He was the only one in our immediate families that was wrong, but he doesn’t care, he’s just happy our baby is doing so well!

OK, so I seem to remember promising to draw a name from those who guessed correctly and give them a prize.  You’re probably ready to hear who won!  There were 110 votes in all, 56 for boy, 54 for girl.  I think it’s so cool how split down the middle the votes were, almost like the ratio of boys to girls in the wold.  Neat!  Anyway,  the winner from the boy jar is…

Michelle Clark!  Come on dowwwwwwn.  Or just check your email and let me know which prize you’d like.  That would work too.

Speaking of coming on down, check me out reaching for my toes…

I can still touch them from the front, but barely!  When I do my toe nails I kinda have to bend my leg to the side, but it works. And I’m determined I will never not be able to do my toe nails.  They will be pretty to the end.  So there.

Thanks everyone for playing along – it was so fun to see all your guesses!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

43 responses »

  1. Oh HOW EXCITING! I am blessed to tears – NO Joke! You look soooooo adorable and I am so impressed you can even touch your toes! WOW! Joshua was the name I had picked out for our youngest…Joshua Paul. I loved that name for so long. Since all 3 of our kids names begin with “D”…it didn’t get used, so I am ecstatic to see that’s the name you’ve chosen. And oh how blessed to be able to talk to him and call him by name already. I.LOVE.THAT! Congrats Sweet Mama!


    • My belly is so in the way, I’m finding the floor harder to access, but not impossible. I gotta learn to start squatting instead of bending over. That’s so neat we picked the same name, and glad I can use it! :D


  2. thebetterbaker11

    Your cupcakes are sooo darling…quite the BUZZ I’d say. =)


    • Thanks! They were an experiment for the fair – I made my own recipe for honey cake and it turned out really nice so I think I’ll enter it! I plan to share the recipe here too.


  3. Congrats, Veronica! You are the cutest little pregnant woman :) Love the name Joshua, too.


  4. Chica_Boricua

    YES, YES, YES, I knew it was a boy!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Also I am so happy that is healthy baby……when there are bunch of females in the family they always have boys (at least that worked on my family).
    Question for you….what about the due date, I know still December, but that date changed? Don’t call me crazy or witch or nothing related I just have a good instict …but I have a date and won’t tell, at least not yet.


    • LOL! Yeah it’s working that way for my family too. Dad had all girls, and now the two of us who’ve gotten pregnant have been with boys. :) The due date is December 9th but I’m perfectly OK with baby coming a little earlier or later so that he doesn’t have to share a birthday with his Dad.


  5. How wonderful – a little boy. And I love the name because my youngest grandson is named Joshua.


  6. Hooray! Healthy is all I really wanted to hear – can’t wait to meet Joshua in December!!


  7. I’m so excited for you!
    The “Bee” Cupcakes are so cute!!! =)


  8. I guessed girl…but I’m thrilled for you none the less. Congrats on your son.


  9. Congratulations, V! How exciting. My bet was that baby was going to be a human too =) The unveiling couldn’t have been done in a cuter way. You look SO happy and it makes me happy too =)


  10. Those cupcakes are so cute!! So excited that you’re having a boy and I love the name that you’ve chosen!


  11. A boy! Aw! I knew it! I am SO EXCITED!! Congratulations and congrats to Baby Joshua on landing such great parents! So happy for all of you!


  12. Oh my gosh; I am SOOOO happy for you. My gut told me you were having a boy, and honestly I didn’t even care if I won your little prize pack. You and Den are getting the most wonderful prize of all, and I continue to pray for your pregnancy. I have a cousin named Joshua; I have always loved the name. YAY!!!


  13. Michal Nitzan

    Yaya!!!! well it was a wrong guess but i’m so happy for you!!!! :-)


  14. Congratulations! You are glowing and beautiful. :)


  15. hooray! a little fella for ya :)


  16. Oh Veronica, such a sweet post, I’m so excited for you. You’re in for all kinds of wonderful times ahead!


  17. Great post! I also thought I’d want a girl, but by the time I got pregnant I honestly didn’t care. Just like you, only wanted a healthy baby. Also, I “felt” I was having a boy, too. We never even came up with a girl name! Congrats again!


  18. Congrats! healthy baby is the best answer of all. Oh you are going to start to feel that guy move any day now…usually around 20 weeks. BEST. FEELING. EVER. Girl…one word. Pedicures. Go and have pedis and let someone else rub and pamper you feet!!


  19. I am so impressed you can still touch your toes! Congratulations, Veronica.
    These bee cupcakes look adorable.


  20. Congrats!! I love the name Joshua as well. But like you said the most important thing is you have a healthy baby!


  21. I can’t write as many “CONGRATS!” and “BLESSINGS!” as I want here but you get the idea about my excitedness for you. (I think I made up a word.) Love the name choice. Take care.


  22. the cupcakes are adorable! the way you told mom & dad is original!
    So cool cousin Michelle won!
    have a great week
    Love to you all, Aunt Joan


  23. Congratulations! I can’t wait to “meet” baby Joshua. You are going to love having a little boy. My son who is now almost 24 is a treasure to me. We have an incredible bond, he has always been my comic relief.

    I know you are going to love having a little boy.


    • I bet I will, and if he’s anything like his Daddy, he’ll also be my comic relief. Now I’m getting all mushy thinking of Joshua being hilarious like Daddy. They will surely drive me insane….with love. :)


  24. Aaah! How did I miss this post? I’m so excited!! Little Joshua . . . aaaah. Perfection. I remember feeling the same way after finding out that our baby was a girl, and calling her Alice that first day we found out. I suddenly felt so much more connected to her. Anyway, I have the itchy finger–itchy to buy blue and green things from your registry. So you have to tell me when you have one!!! Love you!


  25. Pingback: Thankful Thursday #111: forget envy | Veronica's Cornucopia

  26. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I went through the exact same thing (wanting a girl), but I will tell you, sons hold onto their Mamas and hold your heart more than I eve thought possible, I am so thrilled for you!!


  27. Awwwwww!!!! A little boy!!! So happy for you and Dennis. And I love the name you’ve picked out. Wow that belly is getting bigger, but you still look gorg!! Loving your little bee cupcakes too. So happy that little Joshua is healthy and perfect and that you’re over the disappointment of not having a girl. You’ll just have to keep trying for one, now won’t you? :)



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