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Thankful Thursdays #109: the people God gave me

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Remember when I did a thumbs up & down Thankful Thursday?  This is going to be another one of those because I’ve had some drama in my life lately!  I was going to skip Thankful Thursday this week but decided to just tell you how much I suck lately instead of acting like my life is always perfect.  :)

Thumbs down: I was in a car accident last Tuesday and it was my fault. First time ever!  Still can’t believe I didn’t check my blind spot before changing lanes. :(

Thumbs up: No one was injured. I scuffed the guy’s truck a little and dented my passenger’s side door as I side-swiped him.

Thumbs down: Found out my car tags are expired (the car is still in my Mom’s name since we haven’t been able to find the title and I never even thought about the tags with all this baby stuff going on) and got a ticket for not only inattentive driving, but for the expired tags.

Thumbs up: At least we kept the insurance current, even if it’s in Mom and Dad’s name.

Thumbs down: I kept driving the car to work and got another ticket for the expired tag two days later.

Thumbs up & down: Baby is still my car and I stole her back, so at least I have something to drive legally until the duplicate title for Becky arrives and I can register the car in my name, although it does put my poor sister in a bind.

Thumbs down: Baby has developed more issues (how is this even possible? lol) and stranded me yesterday, making me late for work as I had to get a ride from a kind neighbor.

Thumbs up: My supervisor cancelled the red mark I would have gotten for being late since it was car related. After being sick three days, the last thing I need is another red mark.  I need this job right now!

Thumbs down: My Dad called me to tell me that his best friend passed away.  This is my Dad’s third loss this year, and all of them have been his closest friends (the first one was Gramps).

Thumbs up: Even while crying, he was laughing with me about how much joy our baby has given him, especially with all his losses.  *tears*

Thumbs down: We are short on money because we both took off for three days when I was very ill with a stomach virus.  Dennis was such a champ for taking care of me, but our paychecks suffered for it.

Thumbs up: God sent a very unexpected answer to prayer and friends from church who knew of our situation offered to pay my tickets.  Wow.  Just wow.  :’)

Thumbs down: The insurance company says my car is totaled (they’re still waiting for pictures from the body shop who did the estimate to finalize this determination) so I may be without a good car again.  (You can tell how much the car is worth if a dented door totaled it-lol.)  Unless I want to drive a totaled car.  But apparently you have to pay some sort of fee if you do this.  Blah.  We’ll figure it out.

Donna with Jessie (back when she still had a waist-lol!) and Doc (Donna’s dog and Jessie’s best friend).

Thumbs up: A friend who used to run the doggie day care we took Jessie to (Jessie’s still best friends with her dog and they have sleep overs to this day–so cute!) has turned into my second mother and is excited about our pregnancy the way my Mom should be but isn’t.  She’s been buying me maternity clothes and got me some belly oil to help the skin stretch and these gestures mean so much more to me than the physical gifts themselves.  It’s nice to have a woman excited like a Mom for me, especially without my own showing much interest. I’m now calling her my “Momma Donna.” :)

Thumbs up: Everyone I love is happy and healthy and that’s what matters most!

I’m just incredibly thankful for the people God has put in our lives.  They really made this last week so much better than it would have been without them.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

41 responses »

  1. Amen, Veronica!!! Yes, life is full of ups and downs but God cares and provides. He sends His people to help those who prays for help. Congrats on your pregnancy. Wishing you a very healthy baby.


  2. Sorry you’ve been having a lot of drama!! I’m glad there are ups along with your downs. I’ll be thinking of and praying for you!


  3. Glad it was only a dented door!


  4. Im so sorry to hear everything that has been happening! But glad that there were some ups along with the downs.
    Traffic tickets are the worst…….


  5. i’m sorry for all the car issues and sicknesses you’ve experienced lately, but what awesome friends you have! God is so good :)


  6. Janice Spillane

    Veronica, sorry for all of the problems you’ve had lately! You really inspire me with your fabulous attitude though. I need to learn to find the positive in things the way you do. Keep smiling, you’re amazing!! :)


  7. I agree that it’s how you look at things as a whole will make you feel so much better about life in general. You have to take the good with the bad. I thought your Mom would be so excited about you having a baby – is she worried about your health because of your diabetes? How are you blood sugar numbers? Hugs!!


    • Totally! Well Mom is unpredictable b/c of her “issues” but I’m sure she will be thrilled once the baby is here. At this point she doesn’t seem to really even recognize the baby is coming and she’s not worried at all b/c that would mean she’d have to realize a baby was coming-haha. My blood sugar is great–average about 113. There’s that 13 again!


  8. I always love the honest better than the pretty. =) And I’m sorry for the car drama, but praise God for his provision throughout. And I’m so glad He sent you Momma Donna. Love you!


  9. Amen Veronica! Life would be quite sad without sweet family and friends!!


  10. Nice to hear honesty, without the glaze. My Mom always told me ( life sucks then you die) shes gone now and it’s days like yours I want to call her. But in the same breath she always told me you have a roof, food and each other every thing else will have a way of working out. Be thankful for your family and don’t worry about the small stuff we all have and or make accidents were not perfect. On a happy note I rescued another Dog which forces me to walk and I’ve lost weight! Something good comes from something bad eventually.
    Again thanks for the honesty! Makes me know I’m not alone in my trouble.


    • LOL! There’s a song by Dennis Leary you just reminded me of that goes “Life’s gonna suck when you grow up, and then you’re gonna die!” :D Good for you for rescuing that dog – I love people like you! And very cool it’s helped you lose some weight.


  11. Like many said, at least you see the positive through it all. Everyone is happy and healthy and that makes it all good in the end. I can’t believe they considered the car totaled! We don’t have any fees to pay if our cars get totaled here and we want to drive them. I’ve never heard of that! There would be a lot less people driving if that were the case here…lol! I see them wherever I go, heck some really special ones even have duct tape on them…ha! Glad your friend’s are paying the tickets too, that is awesome!


  12. I’m thankful Donna has “stepped up” to be a mother figure to you during this pregnancy. When I was pregnant, my mama was my ROCK. I didn’t have an easy pregnancy, but knowing she was supporting me all the way truly made all of the complications easier. And then I got my miracle baby, so yeah, totes worth it. :) I hope your Donna will be as much of a comfort to you as my mom was to me!


  13. I’m so glad you’re okay after that accident!


  14. You are lucky someone is watching over you…that accident could have been much worse. Sorry your mom is not too interested in your pregnancy, but at least you have a 2nd mom.


  15. This is how real life goes – we have to take the good with the bad! What wonderful people you have in your life to help you out when you really need it!


  16. Bless your heart… What a week! (I sound like my grandmother when I say that, LOL)


  17. thebetterbaker11

    What a week for sure, but if anyone is going to see the sunshine in the storm, it’s gonna be you. VERY thankful you weren’t injured. We can always find something to be thankful for, and you do a fine job at that very thing! Thanks for sharing your heart..your life. XO


  18. So, I knew someone at work whose car was totaled but he needed wheels desperately bad. It was an older car too and he bought it back from the insurance company and then had it repaired. It worked out for him. Hope you get Becky back soon.


  19. Gah so much annoyingness!! But also so much happiness. A good balance.


  20. I am sorry you had to go through so many thumbs down my friend but I suppose the thumbs up should be focused on :)
    Keep up the good attitude!

    Choc Chip Uru


  21. Pingback: 16 Weeks – pregnancy & diabetes | Veronica's Cornucopia

  22. Wilma Hardesty- Jerrell

    Veronica, while I was in the hospital after having my second leg amputated I dreamed of the cookies you sent to me – the dream was as pleasant as the cookies were. I am not doing Real well YET – unable to spend much time in the kitchen – my strength and stamina are not strong enough even after 7 months since surgery. So happy about your good news of hearing the pitter patter of little feet soon. I am keeping you in my prayer journal and you are prayed for each morning during my devotional time – you are such a special woman!


    • Oh my goodness Wilma! It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you but I had no idea what trials you’ve been facing. I’m so sorry you’ve lost both your legs!!! How sweet that you dreamed of my cookies, I’m so glad I could bring you some pleasant memories while you were going through such a terrible thing. Thank you for your prayers, and I will pray for you as well!


  23. Pingback: Thankful Thursday #110: Becky’s back! | Veronica's Cornucopia

  24. Pingback: 23 weeks: I don’t recognize my feet | Veronica's Cornucopia

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