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Thankful Thursday #86: you’ve got to be kidding me

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Wow.  You guys.  Seriously.  I’m nearly at a loss for words here.

First of all, thank you so much for the encouraging comments and emails following my “Thumbful Thursday” post last week, and for sharing your own ups and downs with me.  We all suffer & struggle daily with something and I felt like we had a little group therapy session together, which was made positive by also noting the “thumbs ups” in our lives at the moment.

What I didn’t expect was this, which came in the mail on Friday morning:

I was expecting my cell phone that I won on eBay, and I looked at Dennis, dumbfounded when he brought in a huge box.  I was like, “This can’t be my phone, can it?  They wouldn’t’ sent it in this big of a box, would they?”

He knew by the weight it wasn’t my phone but just told me to open it.  So I did.  Inside was this wrapped red package with a note and I knew right away it was a gift.  I’m quick like that. ;)  As soon as I tore open the note, tears started falling, and they didn’t stop for a while.

You’ve got to be kidding me, right?  Wow.  I mean, wow!  WOW!  Yes, this is more than a little encouragement, Jenna, thank you so much.  I started using it immediately and have already lost four pounds now that I’m back on Body by Vi. Thumbs way up! :)

Now this is when things start to get really ridiculous.  I mean, the blender was too much right?  Who gets a blender in the mail the day after they whine about theirs breaking?  But that’s not all, guys.  Nope.  Last night I came home from work to be greeted by this sight on the kitchen table.

A new personal CD player!  In fact, the exact same one I had that broke! *tears*  This is from a reader I’ve mentioned before here, who also sent me a pie carrier after she won three ribbons for her pies at her state fair using my pie crust recipe.  Apparently her generosity knows no bounds!  Thank you, Kerry!

Dennis told me that with readers like these, I need to start complaining that I have never received a million dollar check in the mail.  Ha! :D

But seriously, how can you not feel that God is really looking out for you when he puts people like this in your life?  I’ve had some thumbs downs this week but right now, they don’t matter.  This is all that matters.  Earlier this week, I put as my Facebook status, “Thanking God for the people He’s brought into my life, and the family I was born into. You make every day better. ♥”  And that pretty much sums it up.

Your turn to gush: what is an act of kindness someone showed you recently, or the biggest one in your life?

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

24 responses »

  1. Oh, that is so awesome! You hear about all the bad things so much, it;s nice to hear that so many have such a giving spirit!


    • Yes, it really makes me want to pay it forward! I’m going to have to be creative though b/c I don’t have $$! haha! Maybe I can send some homemade paper dolls. BWAH! ;)


  2. That was a real blessing…may he/she be blessed for their giving heart so you can keep blessing your readers with such great recipes.


  3. that is so awesome. yay for friends.


  4. Awww… Wonderful!


  5. WE LOVE YOU!!! And after receiving baked goods and encouraging notes from YOU (which by the way take much more effort to out together and send in my opinion than just ordering something online with two clicks), how could I not reciprocate?? (you started it, heh heh =)


  6. Love how things work out like that V!! Woop!


  7. that is so sweet! i love that you were taken care of like that. my sister has four kids and one night she took them all to perkins for dinner. when they asked for the check, the waitress told them that a little old man had seen them eating together and wanted to buy their dinner, which he did anonymously and then left. he left a sweet note about how watching her family interact brought him joy. i love stories like this!! they restore my faith :)


  8. wow! God really does take care of those who give it up to him, doesn’t he? Love this!


  9. Kindness knows no bounds my friend, you are very lucky to know such wonderful people :)
    I’m glad your spirits are up!

    Choc Chip Uru


  10. What a great week you had. I’m really pleased you received some things that needed replacing. Someone is smiling on you. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings…Mary


  11. Aw, that’s awesome, Veronica! I had tears reading this. That’s way too cool. This is simple proof that your readers “Love You!!” :) Congratulations on your new items. :)


  12. Oh wow! See, there are such things as Angels {I’m going to show this to my cynical jaded friends} …this post made me smile…HARD ^.^


  13. So sweet Veronica. I have had “angels” place in my life ever since I can remember. At just the right times one of them shows up to give encouragement and to relay God’s good grace to me. Enjoy your gifts, you deserve them! :)


  14. It looks like the very same blender I have, and a blogger friend sent it to me out of the blue to thank me for helping her with something a few months ago. Blenders make the world go round. ;)



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