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Triple Lemon Cake

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This is my youngest sister, Lacey, blowing out a tealight candle on her birthday in 2009.  We never remember birthday candles for some reason.  My poor nephew (her son, Owen) had to blow out a lighter on his birthday over the weekend-lol.  Also, you can see how old this pic is from the caramels in the corner–they are from one of the batches I made during my caramel-extravaganza.

Anyway, this cake is another oldie but goodie!  I also made this back in my MySpace days and never got around to posting it because I made it in the winter and wanted to wait until summer to share it.  I’m seasonal like that. (?)  Anyway, three years later and with summer about to fizzle out, I figured I’d better get on it!

I made this for Lacey’s birthday, who is a December baby along with Danielle & Dennis.  December is quite the month for celebration in my family.  Anyway, Lacey loved the Lemony Orange Cake I made for my Dad’s birthday that year, and asked for a lemon cake for her birthday too.  Everyone loved it!  This is a seriously moist, lemony cake and for our lemon-loving family, it was perfect.

Triple Lemon Cake

Printable recipe
Printable recipe with picture

1 box lemon cake mix
1 pkg. lemon jello
3/4 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup water
4 eggs
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
juice of 2 lemons

Preheat oven to 325F. Mix all ingredients together until well blended. Bake in greased and floured 9×13 pan for 45 minutes.

As soon as the cake is out of the oven, whisk together the glaze ingredients. While the cake is still hot, prick top of cake all over with fork and spread with the glaze. Cool completely.

Recipe source: Barbara J., a MySpace friend

Since this blog relates to Lacey, I just had to share these two photos of her that I took at Owen’s party (she is his mama, that’s why he’s so cute :)). She’s so purty. :)

She cuts her own hair and did a funky style this time, making it short on one side and long on the other.  She makes it work.  I also love her earrings–it’s hard to tell but nails and skeleton keys are hanging off them.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

21 responses »

  1. Hey Veronica… We make this cake in a bundt pan. It is YUM, YUM, and YUM! Beautiful and delicious, moist, and so lemony. Definitely a winner recipe! Now I’m craving lemon cake.. gee thanks! LOL.


  2. Thanks for this recipe!!! WIll make it for our Bible study group~ We all LOVE anything lemon!

    Lacey is definately “Purty” Thanks for sharing pictures and recipes!!!


  3. I love all things lemon too!! For our wedding, I made our cake – it was a lemon cake with lemon curd in the middle and lemon frosting — so good! I made cupcakes for the guests at the reception, and they all wanted the lemon cake, not the cupcakes :) Good times! The cake looks really awesome and moist! Hope you have a great Monday :)


    • That’s so neat you made your own wedding cake! I so am going to make my own baby shower cake (knock on wood)–you gave me the courage to force the issue when people try to tell me it’s not “right.” lol


  4. I’m lovin’ Lacey’s style! =)


  5. I could definitely eat this. Yum! I love Lacey’s look, she can surely rock it :) Had to laugh about the candles…too funny ;)


  6. My nephew LOVES lemon, I might have to convince him to have his sister make him this cake, she is a great little baker. Lacey is totally adorable :)


  7. I am sure I’ve told you this before, but a woman in my church made the most delicious cakes and decorated so amazingly – I asked for her cake recipe and she kind of smiled and said “I always use cake mixes!”

    At first I thought Lacy’s hair was behind her shoulder – how daring to wear a style like that – it works for her but I don’t think I would have the courage!


    • A woman after my own heart! People think I make my cakes from scratch, but that is rarely the case. My formula is cake mix cake + delicious homemade frosting = cake greatness. :) Lacey has always had bold style–she had purple hair and pink hair and bright red hair in the last five years.


  8. Yay go Lacey so stylish :D
    And that cake… I need to make it :)

    Choc Chip Uru


  9. Hello sweet Veronica, this cake looks as sweet as you are! I just made a lemon cake today but I’m thinking I need to try yours! Looks so simple but moist and delicious!


  10. oooh, i love lemon so this cake sounds fabulous!


  11. My Italian Smörgåsbord (Aka Barbara)

    lemon and custard=yummy!!!
    all you girls look so pretty. you have a very handsome family :)


  12. That cake is super purrttyy on so many levels! I love all things lemon. You’ve got one lucky sister to have you to make this for her!


  13. I’m a sucker for anything lemon. But what size of lemon jello box do you use? Can’t wait to make this and I’ll probably do it in a bundt pan like that above commenter suggested! Thanks, Veronica. :)


    • Shoot, I knew someone would ask-that’s the kind of details I always note now but didn’t three years ago. I was hoping there was only one size. It’s the regular size, or the smaller size if there’s also a larger size.


  14. YUM! and I’m diggin’ the earrings!! ^.^


  15. Oh my gosh! Blowing out a lighter. I am going to send ya’ll some birthday candles! You sister seems cool! Lover her hair and earrings. Rockin’ cool girls run in your family apparently! :)


  16. Pingback: Eight Days ‘Till Christmas?! « Veronica's Cornucopia

  17. Pingback: Lemon Meringue Pie | Veronica's Cornucopia

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