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Thankful Thursdays #77: summah!

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Every summer, I become a broken record: “It’s soooo hot,” I moan.  Me and the heat-we don’t really get along.  Especially since I love baking, and summer heat makes it very uncomfortable to turn on the oven.  I really hate sweating.  Which may explain why I don’t exercise very much. ;)

But lately I’ve been thinking about all the great things about summer and it’s actually really changed my attitude a lot.  I’m still miserably hot, but at least I’m having a great time while sweating my butt off!

Why I’m thankful for summer:

*You can hover over the photos to get a description for each.

Summer is when our crops are grown and harvested and without summer, we’d all starve to death!  Thank you God, for giving us summer, which is the perfect climate for producing delicious corn, berries, wheat for our bread, gorgeous tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, and the enormous cornucopia of colorful delicious vegetables and fruits.

Which brings me to…

The farmer’s market! I rejoice every summer when it opens up for the season.

I enjoy the vibrant, happy colors of bountiful green on the earth and blue of the sky.  Every season owns a unique beauty and summer is no exception.  God is the ultimate artist.

Babies!  Baby bunnies, ducklings, and goslings are everywhere in early summer and they are just so cute you have to stop in your tracks when you spot one to “oooh and awwww” for a while.  Unfortunately, I missed any photos of them when they were really small and only caught them once they were already half-grown, but they’re still pretty cute. :)

Ever since I was a baby, I’ve spent my summers swimming in lakes and pools and I continue to enjoy it as an adult.  One of the most delicious feelings is soaking up the shimmering hot heat of the sun and then running into water that is hot at the edge and gets cooler and cooler the deeper you go.  Swimming is my favorite exercise, next to biking, and there’s no other time of year I can do it since I don’t have access to an indoor pool.  It is also one of the best exercises since it is low-impact and a whole-body exercise, so I’m thankful for summer for helping me get more active by enjoying one of my favorite things.

Summer time means extra time with the nephew, which is always a reason to be thankful.

Danielle’s eyes were closed and she asked if I could Photoshop her eyes open. Aren’t you jealous of my Photoshopping skillz? And aren’t you glad you’re not my sister? lol

The Wichita River Festival, where there are myriad outdoor activities to enjoy like paddle boating, kayaking, outdoor concerts, miniature golf, an ice cream social…

Last year Dennis went overboard in his kayak and he had to be rescued out of the river.  Not that I was thankful for that, but it was a pretty good laugh. ;)

Picnics and barbecues!  It may be hotter than Hades, but that’s OK when there’s good company and good food to enjoy.

What do you love about summer?

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

20 responses »

  1. That was a great Thankful Thursday .and A great positive thought .Thanks Veronica


  2. i love summer produce too! and i hateeeeeee the heat.


  3. Hahaha! Danielle’s Photoshopped eyes are cracking me up!! =)
    And thanks for the reminder about thankfulness–it was already 90 degrees when I was headed into work at 8:30 this morning, so I need that kick in the butt to focus on the blessings rather than the sweaty misery that can sometimes happen.


  4. Love this post V! And yes, while I am not a great swimmer, I love the water. At my Aunt and Uncle’s lake house we just put life jackets on and “float” in the water for hours – so fun!

    And I am jealous of your photoshop skillz :D


  5. how fun! definitely a lot to be thankful for:) i love farmer’s markets too!


  6. I hate the overly hot weather too, but man does summer make me happier! The sunshine, fresh corn and watermelon, lakes, beaches, kayaking, pools (if I knew someone who had one!), grilling out, festivals, and going to the farmers market is on my bucket list. Never been! And dear God I’m glad I’m not your sis, but I’m loving your photoshopping skills since I’m not her lol! HILARIOUS!


  7. Great pictures! I love the picture of the beach, it so makes me want to go! Love the picture of you’re sister’s eyes too! Funny!

    I LOVE the farmers market. It’s just so fun to go and see everything!


  8. Girl, you know I could write a book about summer!! Ha! I love everything about it but, my pool has to be my favorite. I live in that thing. I swear I’m going to make it to a farmer’s market this year, I just found out about one recently and it’s only about a half hour away from my house :) Now, if I can just get out of the pool…hee ;) I love my garden too, love fresh veggies right after they’ve been picked :)


  9. Great reminder to look for the good things and be grateful for them. I am a fair weather person myself- don’t like the heat or cold! I do love all the wonderful produce this time of year, that it is light well into the evening hours and that we can sit oustide and enjoy it all in the evenings. Life is good.


  10. So many wonderful summer memories my friend, definitely a positive outlook on the season :D
    Loved your sisters eyes :P



  11. Daniel’s eye were great! I like summer because it means we are out of winter.


  12. Summer in AZ is nuclear, from June until October we see 100 + degree temperatures every day, but the rest of the year is beautiful. Your list is great, and that picture of your sister is hilarious.


  13. Are you giving photo shopping lessons? :) Too funny. Thank you again for reminding me what to be thankful for. Wichita (and surrounding areas) looks like a pretty darn cool place in the summer!


    • I totally should, for the comedy of it of course. :) Yes, we do have some fun things to do! The people that say Wichita is boring need to look at themselves and figure out what’s wrong instead of blaming it on the city. lol


  14. I tend to bemoan summer’s heat also, but there’s also so much to love about this season! Great post!


  15. (Ah, sorry that last comment is me)


  16. I loved your photos. You have a beautiful family and it looks like you all know how to have a great time. Have a great day. Blessings…Mary


  17. Hope you have a great 4th V!! Hugs!


  18. Summer is the best! Well, except the heat. Then again I have AC so I don’t mind too much :)


  19. I’m loving summer, but I’m like you: every 5 minutes I’m thinking or saying, “It’s sooooo freaking hot!!” But then today there was these gigantic waves of wind and you appreciate the breeze so much more. :-)



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