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My First Blogger Meet-Up

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Yesterday I had the privilege of meeting the adorable & enchanting Julie of Sugarfoot Eats!  I see a lot of meet-ups between bloggers who live in bigger cities like Chicago and LA, but living in Wichita, KS, the middle of nowhere, I never thought I’d run into another blogger within 100 miles.

I met Julie through Eliot’s Eats, when we both commented on “Eliot’s” (not her real name, thus the quotations) review of some Wichita restaurants she visited while on a business trip.  We’ve been following one another’s blogs ever since, but being the recluse that I am, I kept putting off suggesting a meet-up.  Although you wouldn’t probably guess it of me, even if you met me (I’m pretty relaxed once I get over my urge to run in the other direction), I’m sort of antisocial.  But when Julie told me she would be moving soon, I knew I would kick myself if I didn’t meet her before I lost the opportunity for good.  And we literally met on her last full day here in Wichita.

Despite my aversion to social behavior, I had the most wonderful time with Julie.  We met at The Copper Oven, a place Julie reviewed back in January.  I went there right away to try the white layer cake she bragged on, and it was every bit as good as she said.  So we decided to meet there for lunch so I could try their “real” food too.

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The first time our waitress came to take our order, Julie laughed and said, “I haven’t even looked at the menu yet.”  We launched into conversation so quickly and easily, it took us a while to shut up and focus on the menu long enough to make a decision.

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Now, despite my recent healthier eating, I had every intention of ordering something cheesy-greasy-delicious.  And for dessert, I was going to have a big piece of cake.  But I have to be honest here, I’ve went off the rails and have been mostly substituting on junk for the last week (the stupid Guiness & Bailey’s cupcakes sent me into a tailspin) so the only thing that looked good to me when I browsed the menu (which had so many greasy delicious possibilities) was the fattoush salad with grilled salmon.

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After our prayer, we dug in right away until I gasped, realizing I’d committed the cardinal sin of food blogging: not taking a picture first.  So here’s the picture of my partially eaten salad, which doesn’t convey the bright beautiful colors in the slightest:

The salmon was so pink (I know, don’t judge by my photo, it’s a liar) and delicious!

Julie still had half of her Butcher Block sandwich left and she let me take a photo of it also.  We both agreed that the fruit cup she ordered as a side totally justified the bacon and cheese-filled grilled ham sandwich of delight.

Julie offered to cut me off a piece of her sandwich and I declined, but Dennis and I actually returned to the Copper Oven for dinner and I couldn’t resist ordering it, remembering that gooey melty cheese and the sweet pepper bacon that Julie had said was “really good.”  She was right.

I was so full I couldn’t even finish my salad (this is so not normal for me!), so I skipped on dessert, but when Dennis and I returned we split a piece of chocolate cake so my cake dreams were fulfilled.

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Julie is such an easy conversationalist that nearly 2 1/2 hours passed by without me realizing it.  We learned a lot about each other in that short time, discussing everything from our blogs, relationships, family, religion, dogs, and of course, cooking and baking.  By the time we left, the rain had stopped and the sun had come out and it was the perfect end to a lovely lunch and meet-up.  I’m so glad to have met her and so thankful that everything aligned to make it possible!

If any of you bloggers/readers out there live in Wichita or ever come through, give me a holla so maybe we can do lunch!!  You’d better catch me while I’m coming off a social high before the hermititus creeps back in. :) 

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

21 responses »

  1. Blogger meet-ups are the best! I’m generally not so socially inclined either but the conversation somehow just flows. I think it has something to do with the fact that food bloggers especially are the sweetest people on earth. Case in point.


  2. That’s awesome you got to meet up and had a good time to boot. Your comment about hermititus creeping back in had me laughing. I can be the same way. I just like being a homebody, that’s where I’m happiest :)


  3. I’m glad you had such a good time! I also get kinda nervous meeting new people, so I totally understand that impulse that kept you from meeting up until now. I’m glad you ventured out (I mean, that salad alone looks worth it–not to mention the company of a lovely blogger!).


  4. I am so glad I am not the only one that is socially awkward :) I have a hard time meeting new people also. Looks like you guys had a great time and some great food.


  5. Hooray for getting out of your comfort zone and meeting up with another blogger! You know if I lived within 50 miles of you I’d meet you for lunch!

    And yes, for the record – have fresh fruit with cheese and bacon totally cancel each other out. :D


  6. I haven’t been to the Copper Oven in a long time, but now I am anxious to get over there. Those desserts look really good!


  7. wow had a great time chilling out with the bloggers there? :) that must be fun!

    Latest: Walk This Way or “Wok Dish Way”?


  8. That is so cool you two connected before Julie moves to Austin. (I can’t wait to here about her adventures—there are so many blog-worthy places there!) I bet you all had the best time! (Also, thanks for the comment on our latest wine adventure—I had not thought you rude in the least—are you kidding me? How could you be rude? And, we are definitely not connoisseurs! ) :)

    Debra. .


  9. Oops! I meant “hear”!


  10. This is soo cool! I love Eliot Eats and Sugarfoot Eats :D
    You are so lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful bloggers and they you! Glad you had an awesome time!

    Choc Chip Uru


  11. How fun Veronica! I don’t believe for a minute that you are anti-social! Sweet, yes but definitely not antisocial. Looks like a delicious and wonderful meet-up – thanks for sharing!


  12. I love Cooper Oven… great food! Glad you ventured out for a meet-up! Thanks for sharing!


  13. I meant Copper Oven… I naturally type Cooper, it is my son’s name, lol!


  14. melissalikestoeat

    Hanging out with other bloggers is fun! We totally “get” each other. :)


  15. I ran across your blog because I was looking at your cake pop tips (thank you SO much btw!) and I decided to browse…reading this post, I saw that you mentioned prayer before your meal. While many might not think it a big deal, and making a long story short, thank you for not being afraid to show Christ in what you say and do. Be blessed and have a great day!


  16. Don’t let hermititus sneak back in and please visit me tomorrow at Eliot’s Eats. I have a surprise for you. (It won’t post until around 5:00 a.m.)

    Also, if you got my email, I thought of a couple of other things: Myriad Garden Crystal Bridge and the OKC Museum of Art. Two cool places!


  17. Aw, I’m so glad you got to meet the community face to face! It brings such a deeper level of dimension into our cyber relationships. I wish I could meet you one day, too. I just know I’ll love you even more. :-)


  18. Okay I’m SO late in responding!! I finally got the time to catch up on all my blog reading. That’s so funny that you were nervous because so was I, ha! But next time we meet up, no nerves!!

    BTW, I’m totally craving that Butcher Block sandwich and the sweet pepper bacon now! :) :) :)


  19. Pingback: » Texas Sheet Cake Sugarfoot Eats

  20. I’d tell you how I found this post, but I’d basically have to write a book and then you’d be bored, LOL! Anyway, I’m a Wichita blogger too. Lived here my whole life and I’ve never even heard of Copper Oven. Thanks for the info, I’ve now got a new place to check out! :)


    • I hadn’t heard of it either until Julie suggested it. FOR SURE try their cake if you go. I am a huge cake snob and it’s the only cake I don’t make that I’ve enjoyed here in Wichita! It’s really good.



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