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Thankful Thursday #64: hands

Hands.  Like many parts of our body, we take them for granted…but what would we do without them? Have you ever thought about how many times you use them a day?

I have been pondering this because Jessie bit my hand today, making it semi-useless, when I tried to take something from her forcefully that she didn’t want to give me, and her animal instincts kicked in.  I knew better, but I was mad.  Note to self: don’t get mad and scare your dog by yelling at her, then try to take something forcefully from her  possessive mouth–the combination of your anger and quick forward motion will make her animal instincts kick in and she will attack.  Duh.

So now I have a swollen and bruised hand that is painful to use.  I have it bandaged where her teeth punctured (that part isn’t too bad), and am thinking about how many times I’m going to have to change my bandages a day since I wash my hands often.  I’m thankful that it isn’t painful to type (after all, my job depends on that ability!), but it seems I can’t use it for anything else: grasping a knife, lifting, even using it to push up my sleeves.  I really miss my hand.

We often don’t consider our blessings until we don’t have them any more.  Thankfully this is an injury and not a permanent setback.  But it was enough to make  me consider something as “minor” as my hands and how useful they are, and how thankful I am to have both of mine.

God gave us an incredible ability to adapt to our situations as humans, and I know there are people without hands that learn to use their feet for everything…there are even artists who use their feet for painting!  But I bet they would tell you they wish they still had their hands.  Just like I wish I still had a working pancreas, though I’ve learned to manage my blood sugar well without it.

Today, let’s not wait until we’ve lost something to appreciate it.  What can you think of that you usually take for granted that you are thankful for today?

Atlantic Records doesn’t allow embedding of this video, but please watch it on Youtube (push play and a link will appear that you can click to do so)! It is powerful.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

14 responses »

  1. I know you love your Dog but I hope you didn’t give him love after the bite and cleaned up was finished …because then you would be saying it’s ok to Bite … Need to show him your hand and tell him Bab dog …to let him know that is a NO! No! …. scary to me hope your hand will heal soon did you need to get a shot ?


    • I told her “bad girl!” as soon as she bit me. I was in such shock, I almost passed out! I made sure she knew it was not OK. I showed her my hand and said, “look what you did,” and she looked ashamed and licked the blood off. Then I did the hydrogen peroxide thing and bandaged it. The cuts aren’t very bad at all-I was just so shocked it seemed worse than it was. She is up to date on her rabies so I didn’t get a shot. I suppose I need a tetanus shot, but so far I have no problems. I should probably get that one updated-been a while!


  2. Got to love Jewel.
    Yeah, Jessie bit me about 4 years ago.. It was like 3 AM in the morning. I was not happy about chasing her around the back yard trying to get my shoe. We had two opposing ideas. She thought that the shoe now belonged to her and she was going to bury it. My thoughts were “I’m getting MY shoe back.” Luckily I was wearing gloves, as it was winter (another reason I was not happy with the whole thing), so there was no damage. Anyway humans can get mad and act irrationally and so can dogs. * According to Sea Research Scientists in Arizona the only creature never to lose its temper and act irrationally is the East China Sea squid.


  3. The most important things that hands can do is to be folded in prayer.


  4. Dennis’s squid comment = hilarious. And I’m sorry about the bite, but I’m glad that it propelled you into a state of thankfulness. I guess that’s how God uses suffering for good–he can use it to turn our eyes to him and say THANK YOU!
    Today, I’m thankful for my general health. I can’t even remember the last time I was sick, and it’s such a blessing to me. I know people who get sick on a regular basis and that does NOT sound like fun.


  5. Sorry to hear about your hand. A couple winters ago I feel and broke my left hand (I’m right-handed) right before Christmas break, which made the timing better. When I got back to work I hand to type one-handed for the longest! And yes, when you can’t use your hand/s you have difficulty with many things and simple things at that!
    Love the squid comment…ha ha ha ;P
    I often joke around and say “don’t marry a mechanic” but, truthfully I’m thankful I did. My car has recently broke down twice and luckily both times it was a quick, easy and cheap fix. Having to not go to dealerships or any other “shop” has been a gift the last 18 years :)


  6. Sounds very trivial, but am thankful for comfy shoes b/c I chose poorly this morning and wore some new 2 1/2 inchers that are killing my feet right now. Veronica, I wish I could think of more inspirational topics like you! I hope your hand feels much better soon!


  7. Yep, isn’t it crazy how much you take advantage of things and you don’t realize it until its gone?

    For me, its not being able to go out to eat. While you know I love to cook, I miss going out for Saturday morning breakfast, or running errands with Tony and popping in a small Mexican restaurant for lunch.

    Hopefully we have turned a corner and he’ll be better in the next month. Until then, I’ll still keep Bizzy in my Kitchen! :D

    Happy Friday!


  8. Great post! Yes, we should be thankful for what we have before a day arrives where it is taken away from us. Love that song by Jewel.


  9. A beautiful post. Thanks! Glad I found your blog and hope to say hi again some time! :)



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