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Thankful Thursdays #58: Guest Post from Kathy Hadley, Life Coach

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Thank you so much for the comments on my husband’s first post, it meant a lot to both of us!  Today my friend, Kathy, volunteered to fill in for the Thankful Thursday feature, and I gladly took her up on her offer, knowing how positive of a person she is, and how well suited she was for it.  We have known each other for years and she has always been an entrepreneur, has owned and ran businesses nationwide, and is always ready for something new and challenging, which ultimately led her to becoming a life coach.  That’s right, Kathy’s so good at life, she coaches others on how to make theirs better!  Thank you, Kathy, for filling in!


Don’t you just love this blog? I’m sure like me, you enjoy how educational, entertaining and fun it is–so I jumped at the chance to help Veronica out by doing a little guest blogging while she is taking her hiatus. I am honored that she is allowing me to share a little of my musings.

I am especially happy to be posting on Thankful Thursday. My view of life for most of us is we have so very much to be thankful for. I constantly feel so grateful, that one day cannot contain my great appreciation for all the blessings that have been bestowed on me. Therefore, I start and end every day just saying thanks for everything wonderful in my life.

Every day of Thanks for me always includes my wonderful family, all my great friends, all the many gifts that were just given to me at birth that have allowed me to achieve so much in my life. But for me, that isn’t enough. I am thankful for even the smallest things, like a new skillet, shower curtain, a smile from a stranger, the wind, so many little things—-and actually, I always have been.

Today, I am especially grateful for cultural difference in foods and people. All these differences allow me the joyful adventure of tasting so many different flavors and learning about so many different lives. I find people fascinating. They all have a story to tell and I am thankful to share in those stories. And these stories are more accessible to me now because of the internet.

The internet with its blogs and social networks has many wonderful features that I am very thankful for. It is because of it, we can easily get these engaging posts from Veronica and what allows me to be able to reach you now. Also, I come from a very large family and I doubt I would be able to be in such daily contact with my family without these advances.

There is so much to be thankful for, I could write on endlessly, however, I will just end with one more thing from this week: the warmer than usual weather.

Have a great week and remember, there is much to appreciate every day. Take some time and recall it often.


Kathy Hadley is number 5 of 9 children from the same parents. Her parents have been married for 57 years. She has founded, owned and operated several businesses and is currently a member of the International Organization, CEO Space and is a Life Coach. You can find out more at and are invited to her Facebook page and her Facebook Fan Page

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

6 responses »

  1. Being grateful for all the little things (like my first sip of coffee–it’s about to happen =) is wonderful. It makes life more vibrant! Thanks for sharing with us.


  2. Great post Kathy, I like that you remember to be grateful for things on a daily basis. I think if there were more people like you, the world would be a better place :)


  3. Thank you, Kathy. I especially like what you said about being thankful for small things. I agree that we have so much to be thankful for, and it is so important to take time to BE thankful. It really improves the quality of our lives so much and helps to get through the tough times. Today I’m thankful for nail polish because it makes me happy at work every time I see glitter on my nails out of the corner of my eyes. :)


  4. Kathy—
    I enjoyed reading your Thankful Thursday. I look forward to Veronica’s b/c she is soooo positive and she keeps my negative side in check. It is the simple things in life that we need to notice—like glittered nail polish. You guys made me smile!


  5. I’m always amazed at how many times thankfulness is stressed in Scripture! It’s everywhere and for good reason – thanking God for big and small blessings totally changes our perspective and attitude towards everything in life! Thanks for this great post!


  6. Pingback: Thankful Thursday #103: busy-ness | Veronica's Cornucopia

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