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Danielle’s Flying Pig

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Meet Danielle:

This brilliant blonde is my middle sister (I’m the oldest of three girls, no brothers),  and she owns a gift boutique here in Wichita called The Flying Pig.  The first question people always ask when I tell them the name of her shop is why she chose it.  She has such a good answer, I’m going to let her tell you in her own words.

2600 E. Douglas  Wichita, KS  67214 / Open 10 AM – 6 PM every day

The Flying Pig was a natural choice for my shop for several reasons. First and foremost, “when Pigs Fly” conveys the idea of always reaching and working towards a goal, however unattainable it may seem, in pursuit of your dreams. I believe that we can all relate to the experience of working hard (pouring our blood, sweat, tears, and most importantly our heart), to get our own “Pig to Fly” in some manner. So the name is personal to me, and it encompasses the feeling of taking on all of the risks, challenges, responsibilities, joys, and rewards that come with having my own business.

Another reason for the name is that it is just a whimsical, fun, classic image. People notice the big Flying Pig sign and are intrigued to find out what’s inside. It’s not easy to forget a name like The Flying Pig!

In 2005, while in still college & working to get her degree in Industrial Engineering, Danielle started making homemade soaps & lip balms at home.  She got such positive feedback from friends and family on the quality of her products, and she enjoyed doing it so much, that she started a website to sell them and orders started coming in.

She graduated in 2007, and started working full-time as an industrial engineer for an airplane manufacturer.  In her free time, she was making bath & body products in an apartment she rented exclusively for producing & storing them, because she didn’t have enough space for the supplies in her own.  She sold her products on consignment in local shops, but had a bigger dream and she didn’t stop in her journey until she had reached it and opened up her own business at the age of twenty-six in 2008, in the heart of the recession.

Despite the floundering economy, in just three years her business has grown to the point where she can support herself with it.  Up until a few weeks ago, she was still working for Hawker Beechcraft, but now she is able to devote herself entirely to her true love.  The Flying Pig!

Danielle’s soaps are all-natural, made from plant-derived oils and high quality ingredients.  Many are vegan as well.  Every customer seems to have their own favorite product, and mine are her sugar scrubs and lotions.  They smell so good and make my skin super smooth, moisturized, and baby soft.  My husband uses her bar soaps exclusively, and his aunt Dorothy raves about them, claiming they’re so moisturizing she doesn’t have to use lotion after her shower.  She’s even got her husband hooked.

In addition to the bath & body products, candles, and room sprays that she makes, Danielle sells a wide-array of gift items, many of them handcrafted by local artists who sell on consignment in her shop.  Many of the artists have an arrangement with Danielle to work at the shop for free in exchange for her not charging a consignment fee for them to sell their goods there.  This allows her to keep the shop open every day of the week without being tied to the register herself.  She needs to be able to escape to the back room so she can make the soap, after all!

The place is packed with jewelry, clothing, prints, photographs, antiques, pottery, children’s items, even Amish baked goods, and smoothies are made to order.  There is a professional massage therapist with her own room in the back, and gift certificates are available.  If you’re looking for a unique gift for a special lady, you’re likely to it Dani’s shop.

Danielle also offers soap classes every Thursday.  I sat in on one a few weeks ago and it was so much fun, and not anything like the stiff atmosphere I usually associate with a “class.”  Danielle’s teaching style is very relaxed and you feel very at ease with her–all the ladies in attendance never hesitated to ask questions and Danielle had so much information to share.

One of the ladies in attendance had flown in from Detroit just for this class, which she found in an online search.  I thought that was pretty neat!  Everyone carried out Danielle’s instructions, standing around the messy round table in the back room, putting things into a big bowl, and we all laughed about how much it reminded us of witches making a brew.  They all got their own separate bowls of the master batch that they added their preferred scents and colors to before pouring into molds.

For those of you who live outside the Wichita area, you can buy many of Danielle’s products on her website, though she doesn’t have time to keep the site updated with all the new things.  Be sure to call or email her if you have a special request because she can makes soaps, etc., to order!


*Update: this giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Rick! What are the odds the only man who entered would win? lol!

Danielle has offered a set of her homemade products for one lucky reader.  This bag is filled with 6 bath and body products in “Kumquat Citrus” scent: body wash, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body powder, and massage oil.  If you would like the set, leave a comment below about your own what kind of pig you would like to make fly (i.e. your dream), or share what kind of business you would have if you decided to open one.

Giveaway is open until Thursday, 10:00 PM CST.  I will draw from the eligible comments using and announce the winner on Friday.  Good luck!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

66 responses »

  1. What a cute place! If I’m ever in the area, I’ll stop by with my daughter Danielle! :-)


  2. I’ve always wanted to have a koi and pond store. I love koi and anything related to them! We currently have 5 ponds in our own yard and would love to have a setup where we could sell the fish and pond supplies to people who enjoy it as much as we do!
    BTW… you forgot to mention how great Danielle’s candles are!!! Love the coffee scented one!!


  3. I make English toffee at Christmas time (and other times per request) and give it as gifts. It is usually quite well-received and I even considered selling it for some extra income when I started to stay home when Levi was born. I don’t think I can sell anything while living in Russia, but I don’t expect we’ll live here forever, so maybe someday? When I was about 10, I started selling Rice Krispie Bars and lemonade to construction workers in our newly developing neighborhood. My mom used it to teach me about debit, profit, book-keeping and budgeting. And yes, I even paid taxes on that income as a kid! Your sister’s gift shop is just the kind of place I love to check out. Congratulations to her on flying that pig! Was this the place that was robbed?


  4. My dream would be to open a tea shop. It would feature an assortment of exotic teas and pastries. Perhaps in a little corner, I would have some tea-related items to sell.


    • Very nice! We have a place here in Wichita called the Spice Merchant that has a lot of tea-stuff too: loose teas, boxed teas, tea pots, tea cups, tea strainers-everything. It’s so much fun to look at all that stuff.


  5. That is a lovely shop and giveaway. If I had a dream fulfilled I would want to have my own organizing business. I wouldn’t want to get involved with the Hoarders, as on TV, but the ones that just need help getting their things in order for them.


  6. What a beautiful shop! If I could start a business I would start a small cafe with home cooked soups, salads, light meals, deserts, coffee, and teas. I would like to also offer classes and demonstrations on the art of baking, making jams, etc. as this is becoming a lost talent here in my area. I couldn’t believe that I had a high school student tell me that she didn’t know that you can make frosting from scratch?

    Wishing you and all of your readers a wonderful Christmas season with friends, family and joy.


  7. Oh, if I were anywhere nearby, I would totally shop there! What a dream of a store, and all those treasures just waiting to be found! It’s amazing that your sister did all of this so young, and (as you point out) in the heart of the recession. Wow.
    I didn’t hesitate for a second about the pig I want to fly–I want Thornfield to record a CD! We’re talking about doing it early next year (yikes–I guess that window opens in only 4-5 weeks), but have none of the logistics figured out.


  8. Dani is one of the sweetest people you’d ever meet, and I applaud her on following her dream. I love that she supports local craftspeople, as I believe that’s very important. I’ve been flying my pig for a couple of years now, hosting an online travel business that allows me to travel for wholelsale and sometimes free, and sharing with others how they can do the same. I enjoy meeting new people and hearing their stories, and helping them fly THEIR pigs, as well. It’s been life-changing for me, and I LOVE it! If you’re looking for your pig, you can give me a call ~ Jan 316-393-4956.


  9. I love your sister’s shop! It’s so cute, such a great idea. I’m glad she’s been able to finally quit her job and devote more time to what she really loves! I wish I had the energy and desire to work my lil business like your sis does. Hey if she ever needs someone to sell personalized tea sets, let me know. ;)


  10. I have so many flying pigs, the term passel come to mind. I’d like my facebook group Kansas Treehuggers & River Lovers to become way more than I can handle. I’d like Wichita become a greenroof community(does the FP have a flatroof?) I’m working on a hydroponic greenroof planting system that uses my many empty 2 liter diet dew bottles.
    My Winged Hogzilla would be to open a restaurant or diner that serves good healthy food for both vegans and omnivores and never turns anyone hungery away because they can’t pay. The menu would either have no prices or suggested ones. I’d call the place “As you Wish”. Hopefully the food would attract enough people that would overpay, offsetting the less fortunate. And people that are just short on cash today would come back later and overpay. I know it’s not an original idea but my world would be a better place if there were such places everywhere…


  11. My flying pig is kind of big. I would love enough land to open an animal rescue that would ALSO offer housing and accommodations to some displaced veterans who would help with care of the animals, training and preparing qualified animals to go on to be well mannered pets. I would like to support it with online sales of pet and animals care products..


  12. Such a fun giveaway! I have a friend that lives in Kansas (Newton…not sure how close that is to you) so I will tell her about this store. She would love it!

    My dream is to finally be able to do what I love. I want to be able to blog full time (from home!) and have my own relaxing home office. Dreams…. :)


  13. My selfish flying pig is to be supported so I don’t have to work and can just write full-time! These novels aren’t going to write themselves! :)

    Less selfishly, I’d love to start an organization, almost like an after school program, for young girls and women who are interested in horses – how to ride, how to care for a horse, rescue and rehab, etc. The horse world can be so small and petty and cruel, but I think about how many times horses quite literally saved me when I was younger and I want to pass that on.


    • I have that selfish pig too–I would really love to stay at home writing all day. I have finished two books but haven’t worked on writing novels since I started blogging. Just not enough time! I love your idea of the horse program, that is wonderful.


  14. Love the name of Danielle’s store and it is very impressive that she opened it at a young age, in a recession and succeeded so well she can work there full-time now. What a wonderful outcome :) I can vouch for her lotions too, I have a raspberry truffle and a vanilla one that are to die for!! They are heavenly and so luxurious! I would recommend them to anyone. Those little piggy earrings are so sweet….I want!
    One of my dreams was to run a (duck) farm and I did that with over a hundred animals at times. I did this for 6 years and ended up selling off the animals in the summer. The winters were just too hard and no de-icer in the world could help me…lol! My next vision was to take photographs for people and have my own studio. Well, I use an upstairs “lounge room” as my studio and I love it. I don’t have to leave home (always) and I’m doing what I love to do. Someday, I’d like to do that full time but, for now I enjoy it as a hobby. In some ways, I don’t want it to become “work” so I don’t advertise or anything, just word of mouth and I have plenty of jobs to fill my time :)
    I really, really like Rick’s vision of the “As you Wish” diner…such an awesome idea!


    • Suzie, I just love you! You always leave such thoughtful comments. <3 <3 <3 I'm glad you like those lotions. I wish I could have shared more pictures here b/c she has so many cute piggy things throughout her shop, but I felt I was bordering on going overboard with them as it was. I totally understand not wanting to turn a hobby into work! Danielle obviously thrives on it but I'm the opposite–once it turns from a "I like to" to a "I have to" I don't enjoy it as much. I'm glad you're doing well with yours b/c of word of mouth-that can be the best way to advertise! And I know you take GREAT photos!


      • A few hours later and I couldn’t help but email Dani and inquire about those piggy earrings…lol! I’m sure I’ll be ordering them :) (Merry Christmas to me…ha!).


  15. Love the name of the store…….you just have to stop in to find out what’s it’s about! :)


  16. I love the name of the store…. My dream would be something to do with my current job, but a little different. I work with veterans. Right now, the only business hours for them to get our assistance is 8am to 4 pm. I would love to be able to open the office up in the evening or even overnight, as so many of them have PTSD and other issues and can’t sleep at night, work during the day ect.

    Love the store, going to have to stop in and buy soon!


  17. I would like to earn my Master’s degree in Library Science (or Information Science I think it is called now) because I want to be a librarian when I grow up. We’ll see if the Lord’s plan for me includes that at my young age of 51…


  18. I remember seeing photos of her shop back on MS and was thinking “That’s my kind of shop” I would be walking around looking at and smelling the aromas of everything there :) ( kidless of course, lol)
    My friend who just passed collected flying pigs..there is even a bread company called “When Pigs Fly” in Vermont. :)
    My dream.. hmm right now it is just getting through life as smoothly as possible and making sure my kids grow up happy and healthy. I haven’t had much time to think about what I want….
    Headed over to her website right now :)


    • Girl, you can spend HOURS in a store like this and still not see everything. You would love it! The Flying Pig name is more popular than Danielle thought when she chose it–we now have a “Flying Pig Barbecue” here, and there are flying pig stores throughout the US. I think raising happy and healthy children is a very wonderful pig to make fly. :)


  19. Dani is the happiest and nicest person I have ever met! I love her products as well as others in her boutique! On my last trip to S. Texas I brought her a “Mexican Pig” when we went across the border, as a souvenir. Hmm now thinking about taking one of her soap classes it sounds like fun. And if I opened my own business..I would love to be a Life Coach and a Healer. By the way the cupcakes I purchased from you for Dani’s Fundraiser, were the best I had ever tried! Yummy!!


  20. I love The Flying Pig! Dani’s soaps and lotions are awesome!

    My Flying Pig is to be a published novelist. I’ll be going back to college soon to see if I can find a way to make that happen.


  21. wow, I had no idea what Danielle sells in her shop!!
    That is just fab :)


  22. This post makes me wish I lived in Wichita! Shopping online will have to suffice though ;)
    I’ve always wanted to open my own childcare center. I still may someday- I love working with kids and thinking like a kid is so much fun! I love cooking too so I would definitely love to incorporate teaching healthy cooking & eating habits to kids while I’m at it!


    • I like it! My Mom always wanted to have a daycare out of her home but kept finding excuses to delay. You could always try doing it at home first since that wouldn’t require as much money!


  23. Veronica, my “Flying Pig’ is to start a Tea Room, nestled in the center of my herb gardens, and the menu would spotlight recipes that have herbs, spices, and fresh products. A gift shop would have herb/gardening supplies with herb markers, potted starts of herbs, recipe books, garden tools, etc. I would offer cooking and herb gardening classes. Years ago we built a Carriage House (using as a garage) with the ultimate plan to transform it into my tea room BUT with my health concerns I can only dream of my Pig flying. If I had my tea room I would include the foods that your parents fed you and your sister that made you into such successful women! Ha! I certainly wish I could shop in Danielle’s store – so many items I would want to purchase – woolen stocking stretcher, Grandma’s Flower Garden quilt patches, enamel ware, crockery, baby’s high chair, rag rugs, wicker – all things that I could find the perfect place in my home to display and enjoy. I pray that I win the set of bath-skin products. All my life I have fought the battle of dry skin. I remember as a child my Mother would slather mineral oil ALL over me to battle the dry skin to no avail. I have tried EVERY product to remedy dry skin but found myself looking for an alternative just last week. I HOPE Danielle’s products will be the answer to my life long problem.

    Thank Danielle for me for offering such a wonderful gift for a give-away and thank you for supporting your sister in such a grand & effective manner.


  24. Oh my goodness, I could spend all day in a store like that! What a wonderful giveaway! My dream would be to own a food truck and sell homemade soup and bread!


  25. I love “meeting” people close to you, Veronica. Your sister has such a cute little shop! Guess what! There’s a place called Flying Pig in Los angeles, too and it’s an Asian fusion restaurant! It used to be a food truck but now turned brick and mortar. :-)


  26. Pingback: Suzie’s Next Day Chili « Veronica's Cornucopia

  27. My flying pig would be to design my own line of clothing for women and possibly men whose bodies don’t fit in the “normal” clothes. Clothing that modestly flatters and doesn’t accentuate the wrong parts that the wearer would prefer to hide. I’d also like to to have my own line of shoes for those (like me) with bigger feet who have a hard time finding stylish shoes that fit comfortably. Yay for great fitting clothes and comfy shoes!


  28. My flying pig would be to write a great children’s book- I love a good book with great illustrations to read with kiddos-nothing better than sharing a good book..


  29. How sweet of her to offer the giveaway! So happy the shop is taking off! Let’s see, I have several flying pigs! I’d love to have a little cafe where I also sell artwork. Or have a vintage shop (in a store front, not just online!). I’ve also wanted to write a children’s book. But most of all I’d like to have a farm that would not only allow us to be mostly self-sufficient, but offer enough bounty to sell.


  30. Pingback: Christmas Card Outtakes & an announcement « Veronica's Cornucopia

  31. Pingback: Mocha-Frosted Kahlua Brownies « Veronica's Cornucopia

  32. I would love to visit Danielle’s shop-you wouldn’t be able to get rid of me–I like to take my time and make sure I’ve seen everything-and also talk-Only problem don’t have enough money to buy all I would want to really spend-But I could keep coming back-until you put the CLOSED sign in the window -because that strange talkative lady is back–(funny but true LOL) –anyway my flying pig would be owning a little store that sells anything made with mint and all types of mint –I love the smell of mint (wintergreen being my favorite) I make sweet fresh mint iced tea in the summer-I love chocolate mint Andes candies,York peppermint patties and Godiva chocolate covered mint creme-I would love to make these d-lites as well–I would love to make candles,soaps and lotions made with mint also and i want to have a mint and herb garden,and mint garden with all kinds of mints –I would mix them in my food and candle and soap recipes- I would also like to teach classes -food,soap,candles and herb gardening-I would like to teach classes of children all ages and get them interested and bitten by the mint bug -I also agree about children not even knowing how to make frosting from scratch – I want to teach candy making- have an old fashion Taffy-pull -I would do a taffy-pull night with a square dance and make It a fund raising nite-depending on how big my store was –I would sell crocheted,knitted,quilts,scarves and handcrafted jewelery–oops -I also write as much as I talk–sorry–Well I hope I get to see The Flying Pig and Danielle someday-I’m going to check and see if she makes Mint soaps, lotions and candles on her site–I’m soooo Happy I stumbled upon your site though–I made your Oreo cake for my daughters 13th Birthday the other night and her and her older sister devoured that cake and said it was the best cake they ever had in all there lives, that they want to keep having it. and as they would say” OMgosh that was so YUMMY!!!”–I told them I want to try your peanut butter and chocolate cake or that sour cream chocolate cake sounds incredible–So they’ll have to be patient and I don’t think they’ll suffer—hahahaha–(just I have to space these recipes out or we’ll be uncomfortable trying to get in our jeans—lollollollol–I want to try to come up with a diet cake and if it works out I will definitely send the recipe your way(my husband is diabetic,also) ttfn—thankyou for your inspirations—my name btw is Wanda –


    • Wanda, I just now found your comment-so sorry it took me so long to reply! Thank you for the feedback on the Oreo cake, that makes me so happy! Also, I will be coming up with a few diet cakes of my own hopefully soon so stay tuned. Oh, and my sister has the most delicious smelling spearmint bar soap–if it’s not on her website then call her to order it. I want to eat it it smells so good!


  33. Pingback: BSI – Breakfast Winner! « My Bizzy Kitchen

  34. Pingback: Soap for Soldiers {a casual soap-making tutorial} « Veronica's Cornucopia

  35. Pingback: Fresh Mild Salsa « Veronica's Cornucopia

  36. Pingback: Lemon-Basil Peach Dumplings « Veronica's Cornucopia

  37. Pingback: Virginia Street Banana Nut Bread « Veronica's Cornucopia

  38. Pingback: Eight Days ‘Till Christmas?! « Veronica's Cornucopia

  39. I am looking for lotions to sell in a small booth I run. I like what I have seen in your photos. Do you have a sample pack I could buy to decide what to purchase? Do you have a price list? I may also be interested in soaps and lip balms.

    Thank You,

    Margie Mello


  40. Is the Flying Pig still open? I haven’t been able to drive by, but when I call what is listed on Google it sounds like a personal phone number now. I am asking because I am curious if your sister still has soap classes? They no longer offer it at the Wichita Rec either and I am looking for a class to take! Thanks!!!


  41. Pingback: BSI - Breakfast Winner! - My Bizzy Kitchen

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