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The Postcard Project Cookie Swap

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**IMPORTANT NOTE: The sign-up deadline for 2011 has now passed, but I plan to continue the swap in 2012 so if you’d like to go ahead and sign up in advance, feel free!  (Sign up link is below.) You will be added to the list and I’ll contact you in November to see if you’re still interested in participating. **

I just found out about The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap, 2011 and had to sign up.  Not only do I love baking and cookies, but this swap accomplishes both goals of my Postcard Project: it spreads joy and supports the US Postal Service.  I am all over this!

After signing up, I immediately started drafting a post to promote the swap, when I realized that the majority of my readers would be left out.  What about all the people who don”t have blogs?  Don’t you want some cookies too???


Not wanting anyone to be left out, I contacted Lindsay, the co-host of The Great Blogger Cookie Swap, and ran my idea of doing a separate one for non-bloggers past her.  She gave me the go-ahead, despite my blatant copy-catting and ripping-off of her & Julie’s idea. Thank you, Lindsay!

How does it work?

My cookie swap has the same premise as the blogger cookie swap.  You sign up for the swap, and I will match you to three other participants.  You will mail them each a dozen cookies along with the recipe and a personal note telling the recipient a little about yourself or even about your recipe, if it has a story.  In turn, you will receive three dozen cookies from three other people who received your name.

Talk about sweet returns!  Want to join in the fun?

Click here to sign up now!

Sign-ups are open through November 18th. I will email your matches on November 21st, and I ask that you mail your cookies no later than December 5th. Before signing up, please be sure that you can make the deadline.

I’m accepting registrations from all countries, but I must receive at least four other sign-ups from your country to be able to include it. I will only be matching people within the same country to keep the shipping costs reasonable. If I don’t receive enough sign-ups from your country, I will notify you by November 19th. Reversely, as soon as I have a total of five participants from your country, I will let you know so you won’t be waiting on pins and needles! :)

And as a last note, there is a field for dietary restrictions/allergies and you will only be matched to those with the same restrictions, so this swap really is for everyone.  Let’s have some fun!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

22 responses »

  1. I would like to sign up.


  2. I’d like to sign up!


  3. I’ll have to skip this one since I don’t eat or make cookies. I’m still mailing letters and packages though :) Oh, and Happy Halloween!


    • Suze, you are the best! Did you see my email regarding this? You’re the only one I know that doesn’t like sweets so I was sad that this wouldn’t include you. I told you next year maybe I should have a “salty” swap…except it just does NOT sound right. All kinds of wrong. Haha! Happy Halloween to you too! I’m celebrating by working. :)


      • I’ll see the email tonight. A salty swap….lol!! That does sound wrong….ha ha ha! I’ll post pics tonight of my costume :) Bummer you have to work.


  4. This sounds like fun! Unfortunately things are busy, busy for me right now with gigs and band stuff, so I’m not confident I could pull this together in time, but I’m sure everyone else will have a great time with this!


    • No problem, Jenna, the food blogger swap already has over 300 people so there will still be plenty of cookies mailed! That’s exciting for you and your band that your gigs are keeping you busy. You guys rock (and roll…haha). :)


  5. This is such a fun idea, Veronica! So festive!


  6. Ah, this sounds super cool! Two years ago I would have jumped in but these days I’m already chewing more than I can handle. Will you be posting the cookies you’re baking? :)


  7. Marian H. Williams

    What fun! Sign me up! An American in Australia!


  8. stephanie cowan

    i received your message on pinterest. i don’t mind you contacting me at all. i am interested in the cookie swap. :) i’ve done one this way before (with many more people). if you can just let me know what the schedule is? like when the cookies are to be mailed by etc that would help me a lot! i will be out of the country the week after thanksgiving. hooray for a holiday cruise! my other question is will there be any communication about what cookie is being made so no one doubles up? i would love some more gluten free cookie recipes so i’m very interested. i am not gluten free myself, but i have two friends who are so i’m amassing the recipes so they have a nice sweet snack once a week at our knitting group. thanks! stephanie.


    • Sorry, that info is in the “sign up” link so I didn’t include it in the blog–here you go! If you are able to sign up, you don’t have to do it as a gluten-free person if you don’t want to receive gluten-free cookies, but I hope you will tell you g/f friends about this because I still need at least 3 more to be able to include the two that have signed up. I have 50 participants total so far.


  9. Pingback: Cookie Swap Update « Veronica's Cornucopia

  10. Just came across this and I have signed up. This looks like such a great and fun activity that I could not pass it up.


  11. Pingback: Sneaky Snickers Cookies « Veronica's Cornucopia

  12. Pingback: Turtle Cookies « Veronica's Cornucopia

  13. 2012 cookie swap hmm?


  14. Are you still taking members?



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