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Thankful Thursdays #48: I heart mail

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I made a thanksgiving resolution to find something to be thankful for every day until next Thanksgiving.  Here’s what I am thankful for this week!

Thursday: I think y’all know I really like personal mail. Well I got some today!  Just a short letter, but it made me go like this :D … times ten.

Friday: Sleep, glorious sleep, and enough of it too!

Saturday:  That my baby sister caught a much-desserved break!  She has been through hell working in the deli at Dillons for the past two years, and she got promoted to deli manager, which means a $13/hour pay RAISE…that’s right, $13 more on top of what she was already getting!  She is now making more than me and my industrial engineer & boutique-owning middle sister!  I am just thrilled for her!  Her and her husband, who are the parents to my only blood-nephew (I have two through Dennis, too),  have really struggled financially and this will help a lot.

Sunday: Awwww! OK, so sometimes it really pays off to send a letter!  Since I have been working Sunday morning, I have only been able to make it to our evening church service most weeks, and have really missed seeing my friend, Thurman, who only comes to the morning service because he doesn’t have a car and doesn’t want to be a nuisance by asking for more than one ride a week.  He is 91 years old and quite spry and alert, and we get along famously.  We used to sit next to each other and I’d take his hand during the closing prayer (with Dennis’ hand in my right, of course), and he always told me how much that meant to him.  Well, I sent him a letter expressing how much I missed sitting next to him and “holding hands” (haha) and told him that I’d love it if he’d come to the evening services and we’d be happy to give him a ride.  I never heard back from him but, lo and behold, there he was sitting in the spot next to mine when I came in Sunday evening.  He was such a sight for sore, work-weary eyes! Oh, I can’t tell you how happy this made me.  And though the sentiments I sent him were heartfelt, I wouldn’t have sent that letter if it wasn’t for The Postcard Project so I guess I’m also thankful for that extra motivation! :)

Monday: A later schedule.  Apparently I’m no good at adapting to an ever-changing schedule and when I was starting at 3:15, I started staying up until 4 AM and never got into the habit of going to bed earlier, despite starting at noon most days for the past month.  This week it’s 2:45, which means 8 hours of sleep.  My body is grateful. 

Tuesday: A generous friend shared her Photoshop Elements 7 with me! I have a long list of priorities that supersede buying a nice camera or photo editing software, so I very much appreciated her help.  Now I just gotta learn how to use it–haha! Thanks, Duck Lady!

Wednesday: As of today, I’m back on track, diet-wise.  And it feels sooo good.  It’s hard to remember how good it feels to eat healthier (and less) when your feel so terrible because you stuffed yourself with cake, but now I don’t have to because I’m living it.  And it’s great!  So although I will still be sharing many fattening treats (I have several I’ve already made and need to post recipes for, and soon I’ll be doing my holiday baking), you should start to see some lighter options again fairly soon.  Yay for feeling healthy again! :)

*Don’t forget to update the spreadsheet with any and all mail you’ve sent over the last month–the person with the most sent will be awarded an entire batch of my blue-ribbon brown butter chocolate chip cookies!  And if you’re just now joining The Postcard Project, you still have a chance to win a dozen–anyone with any number in the “completed column for this week will be entered into my drawing for a dozen of the cookies. Yaaaaay!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

4 responses »

  1. Love the story of the old man at church! Love it. My Mom’s church is probably 80% senior citizens – they are a joy to talk to every time I visit – and many of them have known me since I was little.

    Although one church member thought Hannah was me and kept saying to her “Biz, you just don’t ever age – you still look like you could be in high school!” Poor thing!

    Hooray for that giant raise for your sister – woot!


  2. That’s awesome for your sister…woot! The story of the elderly man is sweet. I go visit an elderly man in the nursing home and I can take Haley. He loves when we come and visit him :) (Everybody loves to see Haley there!). And you’re welcome…quack quack!! ;)


  3. Your Thankful Thursday posts always warm my heart–and your story about sitting next to Thurman is wonderful.



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