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That’s right, if you clicked on my blog you’ll see I changed the name of it from Recipe Rhapsody to Veronica’s Cornucopia.  So far that’s the only change, but the reason for the change is because there will be more to come, particularly in the content I post.

Although I plan to continue using this blog for mainly food-related posts, I previously felt unable to include anything else on it, and I miss having an avenue by which to journal my life (MySpace previously fulfilled this urge, but I have long since moved on).  I wanted to reduce the limitations I put on myself by calling this my “food blog” and giving it a name like “Recipe Rhapsody,” which automatically sets up certain expectations from the reader.

When deciding on the name, I wanted to convey the idea that the blog would be rich and full, that the content would include food and other adventures in my life, with a particular focus on thanksgiving.  Not the holiday, but the act of giving thanks.  (I made a thanksgiving resolution on the holiday of Thanksgiving in 2010, to find something to be thankful for every day, and I have posted my daily thanksgivings every Tuesday on my weight loss blog.  Now that I have a new name, I’m very excited to share those here instead!)  Thus, Veronica’s Cornucopia was born.

****A huge thank you to Brandy of Nutmeg Nanny, who helped me figure out how to make a header.  I’m clueless when it comes to that kind of thing.  In case you want to know, she told me to use  I uploaded a background the size of my header and then used their text and sticker tools to make the header.  Thank you, Brandy, my blog would look so sad without your help!****

So I’m retiring my weight loss blog and will just have one here where I can share everything.  I suspect there are many that will find this change irritating, especially if you are a reader that does not know me personally and is only here for the recipes, but I promise I will try to keep the personal stuff interesting enough that anyone can enjoy it.  And if you don’t enjoy it, you can always skip the posts that aren’t about food.

My apologies to the few readers of my weight loss blog who are visiting me here after seeing the announcement that Going Down is, well, going down, because this is most certainly not the most diet-friendly blog out there.  But I promise you can lose weight while eating everything here (in moderation) because I’m living proof!  I don’t post any recipes I’ve never actually eaten myself.  All in the name of quality control, of course. :)

To wrap this up, I thought I’d get a little personal right off the bat just to kick-start this new sharing groove I’m feeling.  Here are five things about me, big and small :

1. I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness, was a Scientologist for four years, and became a Christian in 2008.  Most people want to know what denomination you are when you say you are Christian, but I do not follow anything other than Jesus & God’s word, therefore I call myself a Christian.  I worship at the Pillar church of Christ in Wichita, KS.

2. It’s really late (or early, depending on how you look at it) and I’ll be waking in a few hours to do a 5K with my Weight Watchers team for the Walk It! challenge. I’m kind of excited!  I ran a half-marathon in 2008 but haven’t done much in that arena since.

3. In 2001, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, brought on by a thyroid disease (Graves Disease) that is now cured, and am insulin dependent. In fact, as I type, I can feel that my blood sugar is low and I keep putting off fixing it with some carbohydrates because I want to finish this!  Unfortunately, I’m afraid that my current condition will affect the quality of this post (it’s hard to tell if I’m making sense–having low blood sugar dumbs you down) but I’m going to post it any way because I don’t want to put it off any longer (I changed my URL a week ago!).

4.  I am married to my soul mate.  We will celebrate 11 years together on June 4, 2011, the same day our dog/daughter will celebrate her 7th birthday.

5.  I twirl my hair.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

32 responses »

  1. Pingback: The end | Going Down

  2. I love the new look and sound of your blog, Veronica! And a huge congrats to you and your hubby on your upcoming 11th anniversary!!!


  3. I noticed the URL change yesterday, wondered what you had up your sleeve. Now that I know, I’ve changed the name in my google reader! I like the new banner and tagline too. :)


    • You are very astute! I didn’t know I was in your Google reader–I’m honored. If I used mine, I would have you in mine as well. I’m a bad reader user.


  4. I think the changes are great. Often managing multiple blogs can be a bit of a challenge. I am all for consolidating. :)

    You are in Wichita? Did I know this?? I am in the burbs of KC, KS. :)


  5. Congrats on your blog change. I like it because I do no have time to check so many different blogs. I like reading yours. Thanks for keeping me on your ‘list’.


  6. I was thinking of doing this same thing. But so stuck on the name.. UGH!
    I am so sorry i haven’t been commenting, our life has been so crazy lately with homeschooling and long awaited spring… i will catch up someday!!! ( i hope)
    Hugs my friend!


    • LOL, I feel the same way! I know I have missed a few of your posts as well. No worries! The life of a Mom is crazy busy and especially when you home school. Good luck thinking of a name–that is often the hardest part!


  7. Great changes and look forward to more to come. Your recipes are great but I love personal blogs too. If you see what a mix mine is I clearly like it that way :-)


  8. Change is GOOD! Quoting Cher in the movie Mermaids: “Death is dwelling on the past or staying in one place too long” (for years, my daughter called me Mrs. Flax – if you have seen the movie then you get it!) I look forward to the posts!

    I’ve been meaning to tell you that I bought a juicer (after reading Crazy Sexy Diet) and the first week I was using it I dropped 9 pounds. Without trying. I think I will keep juicing!


    • I watched that movie when I was fairly young and only remember Winona Ryder running off and leaving her younger sister to be with a man and then the little girl almost drowned or something like that. I like the quote! 9 pounds is insane–I think the juicing works!


  9. Youy twirl your hair?????
    not sure what to think about that!


  10. Can’t wait to see what other changes you have up your sleeve!


  11. Hope you did well on your 5k today Veronica!! Love the new look of the blog! :D


  12. How was the 5K?

    My son twirls what little hair he has, when he was young, he used to twirl mine. :-)


  13. Pingback: A Tale of Two Brownies and Salt and Vinegar Wings | My Bizzy Kitchen

  14. Veronica, My daughter-in-law, Stephanie, sent me the link to your blog several months ago and I have enjoyed it ever since. And am looking forward to the merging of your multiple blogs into this one.

    I agree that thanksgiving is a vital part of our lives. It keeps us focused on Christ and opens the door for the Spirit to work more deeply in us… and the adventure begins. :-)

    Peace and joy to you. Liz


  15. Nice!! I, for one, am so glad you’re merging your blogs because I would always read one but forget the other. Now that it’s all together, I will be a faithful reader of all your shenanigans! I also love your tagline “baking, living, and thanksgiving.” I get good vibes from it.
    Also, I love how you don’t define your Christianity denominationally. Whoo hoo! It is all about Jesus and God and the Word–not the little structures we humans have come up with. =)


  16. change IS good!


  17. I am a fellow WW with a blog where I post healthy recipes and healthy living tips.

    I am hosting a Small Change Challenge to kick off the summer.

    Check it out and see if you might like to join us!


  18. Pingback: A Tale of Two Brownies and Salt and Vinegar Wings - My Bizzy Kitchen

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