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Rosemary Sage Burgers with Chive Mayo

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I first made these burgers last year with bison meat from the farmer’s market and I’ve been dreaming about them ever since.  I’ve been itching to make them again for an entire year and I finally fulfilled my fantasy on Memorial Day.  I used lean ground beef this time and have to say although still delicious, bison does improve the flavor substantially.  Here in Wichita it is available at the farmer’s markets and in the freezer section in health-food stores.  If it is available where you are, try it–it is actually healthier than most meat, even chicken!  Click here to find out why.

If you do choose to use bison, you’ll need to add a tablespoon of oil when you mix in the herbs because it’s virtually fat-free and doesn’t stick together well without it.

Rosemary Sage Burgers with Chive Mayo

Printable recipe
Printable recipe with picture

1 lb. lean ground beef
2 tablespoons chopped fresh sage
2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 buns (I made these and they were perfect!)
1 cup baby spinach leaves
4 large tomato slices

Chive Mayo
1/2 cup mayonnaise (here’s an easy homemade recipe)
3 tabelspoons chopped fresh chives

Combine the ground beef, rosemary, sage and salt in a bowl and mush together with your hands until well incorporated. Form into patties and grill 4 minutes on each side or until juices run clear. Meanwhile, mix together the mayonnaise and chives. Toast the buns and spread each top with mayo.  Arrange spinach leaves on bottom buns, put on the burgers, tomato slices, and cover with top bun.

Serves 4.

Recipe source: adapted from

I served this with a side of Watermelon & Tomato Salad – so good!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

23 responses »

  1. Ah yes, i love bison… if it wasn’t so expensive i’d buy it alot more, these look so good.. really like the spinach on it.


    • Same here. I used to buy it exclusively but buy ground beef more often now to save on groceries. I used regular spinach from the farmer’s market–I was amazed at how sweet it was compared to store-bought–even better than baby spinach!


  2. This should be entered into the Build A Better Burger Competition. Sounds and looks delicious.


  3. An awesome burger! I like the rosemary and sage in the burgers and the chive mayo sounds fantastic!


  4. Is it wrong that it is breakfast time and I’m drooling over your burger? Looks and sounds fantastic and I really love the mayo touch with the chives. That sounds delicious especially when it’s with your homemade version :o)


  5. Droooool. I LOVE your food photography! Love the setup, composition and colors! And we might not agree on meat, but I’m glad we agree on burgers! :-)


  6. I wish I could get bison here, I can’t find it anywhere. Another thing I’ll have to look for when I make it to “the big city”…lol! Your pictures look fabulous and made me hungry :)


  7. I’ve actually never had bison, but I have seen it at my grocery store. I’ll have to pick some up! Girl, that is one gorgeous burger!


  8. I’ve never tried bison before, but I’ve always wanted to! I went to WF one time to buy it, and then…uh…looked at the price and ran the other way.

    Gosh. Veronica, you are making my carnivorous desires stir inside of me. I want some beef now. With a huge slater of that chive mayo!


  9. Hi Veronica,

    Your bison burgers look awesome!!
    Unfortunately I haven’t seen the odd bison wandering around here lol
    I could always pop over to grab a huge plateful!!
    Hurry up & invite us!


  10. Oh wow! This sounds delicious. . . YUM


  11. now thats one gorgeous bison burger!!! they do sell bison meat in some of the stores around here, but my wife is he only red meat eater here and she is not that adventurous!!

    but if I was eating red meat again….that burger would be calling to me!


  12. hey! nice new digs.

    i love these great recipes. it’s been a while, but i’m writing over at cogitamus now.

    just posted this one, knowing how you loves you some sweeties thought i would drop it on ya…

    i found your url when i was searching for my fish taco recipe.

    i’m about to do it with pictures and stuff.

    i’ll give a head’s up when it flies.

    gotta go fishin’ first though.


    • Hey, it’s good to hear from you! That pie looks so tart–did you love it? I’ve never made a pie that had entire lemons, rind and all, in it. Hey, you aren’t related to Dewey Benson by chance, are you? He’s a myspace friend and lives in CA too. You kinda remind me of him, the way you talk.


  13. I love burgers. . . yours looks delicious – I’d just leave off the chives!

    Happy Monday!


  14. peter dobrowski

    My mother came home from work and wanted to make burgers so I suggested we check foodgawker. Wouldn’t you know it this burger was the first to come up so we made them and they came out fantastic!!! The chive mayo was the thing that really pulled the dish together. I swear I have never seen my mother eat a burger as fast I did tonight. Great Recipe!


    • That is music to my ears! I love sharing my favorite recipes so that others can enjoy the same food I’m enjoying in my own home. Thank you so much for the feedback. :)


  15. Pingback: Bread Machine Hamburger (or hot dog) Buns | Veronica's Cornucopia

  16. OMG this is the best looking burger recipe I’ve seen in a long time! I was just thinking, wonder what would happen if you put a little cream cheese in that mayo.



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