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Thankful Thursdays #82: no more banana bread

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Just a bunch of random thanksgivings again.

The biggest one: my banana bread journey is over!! I have to devote a blog to this 6 month journey in finding the perfect banana bread during which I baked 26 loaves, but in the mean time you can check it out on my facebook page here (I know that’s a lot of breads, so just skip to the last photos where we judge them–those are more fun).  There are only 24 in the album because after I posted it, I made two more banana breads and #25 is the winner.  I think. No. It is.  I can’t bake any more banana bread this year or my head will explode.  Kinda like it will explode when I don’t get even a third place ribbon in this category at the fair (the whole reason I set out to find the best banana bread).  A word to the wise: never ever place this much importance on food! It’s not balanced. lol  If you are trying to get pregnant and go crazy each month during the two weeks you’re waiting to test, you might want to check this website out.  It has really helped me stay grounded, encouraging other women on message boards, commiserating, reading success stories of those who beat odds similar or worse than ours.  I also love to vote on the “do you think I’m pregnant?” stories when I’m starting to obsess on my own “signs.”  Can’t wait for my first appointment with a fertility doc at the end of the month to make sure everything’s good on my end.  I mean, besides my diabetes, but that is under control and my diabetes doc gave me the thumbs up on his end, at least. :)

My co-workers.  They seem to be diminishing quickly, as they move on to other jobs and countries, and now my favoritest favorite friend at work is leaving soon as well (that’s her up there after winning a weight loss contest between a few of us back in 2010–see the below photo for our group “before” shot).  I’m going to be squeezing and hugging and calling the few remaining friends George until they leave me too.  *sniff*

And I’m pretty excited to be joining blogger buddy, Debbi, in doing the Body by Vi weight loss program.  I have gained 15 pounds from emotional eating since March (you can see proof in the one and only picture I shared of myself in the banana bread album–it was the best and you can still see the chub) and though not happy about the fat clothes I have had to buy, I have not found the motivation to do anything about it.  I finally bit the bullet and ordered a month’s supply of the shake mix and am hopeful this will help me get back on track.  I honestly don’t really support diets that use shakes instead of real food, but these are so healthy and it’s gotta be better than what I’m doing now.  If you are interested, check it out here and watch the short video.  If I get two people to sign up, my next month will be free (and so will yours if you do the same)!

Hows about you?  What are you thankful for today/this week?

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

23 responses »

  1. I use Body by Vi and LOVE it. I haven’t lost a whole lot of weight yet, but I feel SO much healthier and energized. There’s an awesome support group on FB called “Because of Visalus”. There’s tons of recipes, advice, and a place to help motivate as well as celebrate any success. Good luck!


  2. YES for looking at the positive and for finding the perfect banana bread! Baking 26 loaves is quite an achievement in and of itself.


  3. It is great you are able to find the support and help encourage others while you go through this journey. Praying for you!

    Let me know how Body by Vi goes for you. I have a friend who is pretty high up in it now. She earned her free BMW, etc. Good luck with it!


  4. Wow! That is a lot of banana bread!! I so have to check it out, I have one that I like but I wouldn’t call it “the best”.

    I didn’t think that I would support a diet with shakes either. It goes against everything I believe in as far as eating but you’re right, they are so healthy and I am not “denying” myself anything or excluding food groups from my diet. Like Whitney said, they really, really do make you feel healthier and energized. I am SHOCKED how much energy I have. No more being sluggish or anything. Hope you do well with it. I just had my shake this morning with a tbsp. of pistachio sugar free pudding mix. Yum!


  5. I’m sorry you’re losing your favorite co-worker! That’s sad. =( Having been through that a few times myself, I can totally sympathize. And you and Dennis and babies have been coming to mind and in my prayers this week, fyi. I know God has a precious plan for you guys!!


  6. You’re a banana bread master! I certainly hope you win, I have faith in you! Sorry to hear you’re losing your fav co-worker…that bites. I don’t know if shakes could/would fill me up. I hope it works for you though! Those Body by Vi ads were some that people were sending me on fb…hence my cheetos and oreos club…ha ha ha!


    • Thanks, Suzie. I hope the shakes keep me full–usually it takes a while before I adjust to lower calories so I’ll probably be grump at first. I don’t get why people were trying to get you to do body by vi when you don’t need to lose weight. A cheetos club makes more sense. :)


  7. If shakes were healthy meal replacements, they’d grow on trees. Just saying.


  8. Wow 26 loaves shows quite the dedication my friend :D
    And I’m sure this plan will work out, you have so much determination my friend, good for you!
    Wonderful post!

    Choc Chip Uru


  9. Whoa, girl. That was kind of an OCD banana bread quest you were on. Hope you found the perfect loaf. And, I truly hope you are successful in your other more important quest to be a mom. You will rock!


  10. Oh my gosh THANK YOU for the 2 week wait website!!! And I am in awe of you for your banana bread journey. Good luck with the appt with your fertility doctor — praying for you!


  11. whoa, that banana bread baking sounds like it was intense! good luck w/ body by vi… i’ve had a few friends who have used it successfully. it does sound like a better program than many diets.


  12. I had never heard of shrimp and grits till I moved to the South awhile back. Now it’s one of my favorite dishes of all! Love this version, Veronica – I can totally see how Dennis gobbled it up!


  13. I am thankful for a lot of strong relationships in my life. My in-laws are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary this weekend and Tom and I are celebrating 12 years together.

    I cannot believe all of that banana bread, but as long as you are happy with the result of your journey that is all that matters :) Have a great weekend.


  14. Pingback: It’s Fair Time! « Veronica's Cornucopia

  15. Hey, do you have the recipe for that banana bread or are you guarding it? :-) I was trying to find it on the facebook page but the page keeps freaking out when I hit one of the pictures. I have bananas and want to bake! :-)


  16. Pingback: Kansas State Fair 2012 part 2: How I fared at the fair « Veronica's Cornucopia

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