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23 weeks: I don’t recognize my feet

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While I still feel good, I think I’m past the blissful part of my pregnancy. I still have a month left before I hit the third trimester, but I feel like I’m already there! Two weeks ago I was telling Dennis I wanted to stay pregnant forever as long as I could stay the size I was.  But I guess Joshua wasn’t finished growing because my bump is officially larger than my butt now, which is no small feat.  I felt pretty cute with a smaller, manageable bump, but now I just feel huge.

This week I looked down at my feet and didn’t recognize them.  They are like little fat lumps with fat little toes at the end.  Whose feet are these?  And my ankles make me sad.  I get a crease in my ankle if I stand straight/flex my feet.  Isn’t it too early for the cankles to be coming on? For realz!

In case you’ve never heard of cankles, it’s when your calf meets your foot without an ankle in between. I’m getting there-the ankles I used to know are disappearing!

Also, look at the Crocs I’ve been forced to wear.  Oh so stylish and totally flattering to my stumpy legs.  OK, I don’t mind Crocs that much, but this style is kind of ten years ago…and this actual pair is kind of that old.  But they’re all I have and since my cute sandals offer no cushion or support, I had to switch to the old Crocs because of pain in my left heel.  I don’t know what is going on but, but if I don’t wear Crocs or some other shoes with support, it really hurts.  So Crocs it is.  Woe is me. ;)

Update: some asked about my blood pressure as apparently it rises when you start bloating out. I went to the doctor today and it’s still doing good at 102/62.

Other than my swollen, painful, cankly, Croc-covered feet, I’m doing good.  I can even reach my toes still…

hehe.  OK, here I am actually touching them. I might be bending my legs a little.  This belly is hard to get around I tell ya.

In other news, we finally settled on a nursery theme (Dr. Seuss/Cat in the Hat) and got a baby registry going at Target (some have asked for the link, so here it is for your viewing pleasure).  Since we’ve already started buying/been given quite a bit, when we got there I was like, “we only need a few things–this registry is going to be pathetic.”  Um, yeah.  I didn’t realize how much we didn’t have and still needed/wanted until we were immersed in baby stuff.  Needless to say, our registry is pretty substantial.  How does adding one small human into your life require so much extra stuff?

As for our progress on converting the office into a nursery, we have consolidated to one desk and moved it to the living room, so the room is half empty now.  We just bought a hutch today to put in another corner of the living room to store things that are spilling over from the kitchen now that I don’t have my extra closet for baking supplies.  Making progress, though it still looks like Taz has whirled through our house several hundred times.  Lots of organizing, cleaning, and straightening left to be done.  We have a deadline of Labor Day weekend to have it all cleaned up because Momma Donna, her sister, and our friend Stephanie are coming over to paint the nursery!  So excited! (A few people have asked about Momma Donna. If you missed my introduction, you can click her name to find out who she is-she’s at the end of that post.)

Speaking of Momma Donna, we had her dog, Doc, over this weekend.  If you didn’t catch it before, him and Jessie are best friends and they love having sleep overs.  Here’s Doc giving me some love.

“It’s OK, Aunt Veronica, I love you cankles and all.”

Dogs never judge. :)

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

36 responses »

  1. Lol…my daughter had to borrow my Crocs when she was expecting Luke. They were the only shoes that helped her swollen feet feel better and mine were the same as yours except blue. I love Crocs and always wanted shoes like them to walk in and finally found some that are really comfy. Sketchers Go Walks. Wonderful on the feet!


  2. thebetterbaker11

    You look adorable…cankles & all! (I’ve never heard that term before) but do love my crocs! Whatever it takes to be comfy huh? I’m amazed you can still bend over to touch your toes like you do. HOW FUN to have chosen your baby’s room theme huh? VERY excited for you Hon. Hope you have a wonderfully blessed week. Hugs from Ohio! XO


  3. How is your blood pressure doing? When I started to get cankles was when my blood pressure started to raise causing the extra fluid in my blood to be pushed out into my tissues. Anyway- if you like celery you can eat 3-4 stalks of celery per day (even with cheese or peanut butter) and in about 2 weeks you’ll start to pee out your extra fluid. My midwife recommended it and it works like a charm. Apparently there are 2 chemicals in celery that act as diuretics. I has to google it, but it totally works & will help bring your blood pressure down, help with the fluid retention in your tissue and generally just help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Good luck! BTW- love the nursery theme! So cute!


  4. I love the Dr. Suess theme! I have to say that this post made me green with envy, because for some reason, I’ve been fantasizing about a nursery lately. Maybe if I build it, they will come?! ;) You are looking so adorable, cankles and all.


  5. You poor thing . . . cankles sound so uncomfortable. Hang in there! Little Joshua needs his baby rolls. The more rolls = the cuter. =)


  6. Bless you little heart Veronica, I know that swelling must be uncomfortable in the heat. Is your BP ok? That’s the nurse in me worrying about you.
    Your nursery sounds adorable and it will be such a step of progress to get it painted!


  7. I hope you meant Labor Day not Memorial Day, otherwise Joshua would be six months old by then! :D You look great!


  8. You look adorable! I do remember those swollen feet – both of my children were fall babies and the heat and humidity of August just about did me in! As my mom always says, “This too shall pass”.

    The nursery is going to be adorable – nice little theme you have going. Yes it does take a lot of “stuff” to pamper that little baby!


  9. I’m with Biz, I hope you mean Labor Day…lol! I love the nursery theme. I will NOT say anything about the crocs….tee hee! ;)


    • I had no idea I typed Memorial Day – I was thinking Labor Day and typed the wrong thing! lol. Oh and I got the other “cuter” Crocs in the mail and they are way too tight on my cankles so I have to return them. BWAH! That’s what I get for trying to be a little more stylish with Crocs. I’m going to get something altogether different.


  10. Love the crocks! =)
    You look great!! Im sure the nursery will turn out beautiful!!


  11. awe…you are gorgeous! I am so glad I had all of my kids in the summer, because the only shoes I could get on my feet toward the end were flip flops! They would look pretty ridiculous if my kids were winter babies! lol


  12. You’re pregnant. You can walk around in bags tied around your feet and still look lovely. In the meanwhile, you’re rockin’ the croc. If you need more stylish ones, might I suggest these fun ones from Disney?


    • Nooooooo! LOL! Crocs actually have some cuter styles now that don’t even look “Croc-y” so if I do buy more Crocs, it will NOT be in the classic style. I just can’t go there! haha


  13. what a fun nursery theme! love it!! and i have a pair of 10+ year old crocs too. mine are purple and have those fun charms on them….remember those? i think i have a frog and a sunflower. and a flamingo maybe. needless to say, i only wear them around the house…they have such good support! :)


  14. You look so cute, even if you don’t feel it :) I like your nursery theme a lot, something he can enjoy for a while to come.

    I have some crocs that don’t look terrible and are actually quite comfy! Rock the Croc ;)


  15. You are the most adorable pregnant woman! I went barefoot every chance I got during my pregnancy, so I feel ya on the Crocs! I love Dr. Seuss; what a cute theme!


  16. I have been woefully absent from my blog reading this summer. Look at you, I don’t think I’ve ever seen pregnancy look so good on someone! Not pregnant but get the cankles when it’s hot…(overweight and high BP are the culprits for me). Crocs may not be the in thing but they are my fav ‘house/garden’ shoes and they are great for foot pain..

    The pain in your heel is probably from plantar fasciitis (it’s nothing serious), here’s a link to some info on it:

    My traveling is almost done, I’ll be way better about keeping with my fav blogs (you)!


  17. Aww you’re adorable! Totally rockin the crocs!!! Glad to hear your blood pressure is good. Oh and I love your nursery theme… Dr. Seuss/Cat in the Hat!!! I know it’s going to be so perfect for baby Joshua! Pics please! :)



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