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It’s Fair Time!

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Sorry to those of you who love coming here on Thursdays to get your thankfulness on, but I have nothing for you today.  Sure, I’m thankful, but my brain seems to think that it can’t handle cranking out any meaningful thankful words right now.  I have a new 93-year-old pen pal named Grandma Joy who has lightened my heart the last couple weeks with a recipe that has been in her family since 1890 (at least) and stories of Dennis’ ancestors from when they came to homestead in Abilene, KS.  I got a bunch of great fortunes (a take out place went crazy with the fortune cookies and put five in a sack for one order) that said I will be successful in my endeavors. (Not that I put any stock in fortunes, but they are fun and affirming. :))  And things I can’t even think of right now.  Like I said, my brain is kind of on strike.

So yes, I’m thankful, but all I have for you is a breakdown of my current state of affairs.  I’m only going to be posting a few things within the next couple weeks, things I already had scheduled.  Because, here it is, confession time.  You knew it was coming but I haven’t admitted how close it is.  Fair time!

I signed up for 50 baking contests (!) and right now, have only baked and frozen like ten things.  And I have only SIX DAYS to get the rest done.  Although I won’t be actually entering all 50 I signed up for, I’m going to do as many as I can (it’s a 1 1/2 hour round trip so I like to make entering the fair worth the drive) and so I won’t be blogging or much of anything else online.  I also have a family reunion, a baby shower, two birthdays, and two potlucks all coming up in the next couple weeks.  Not to mention a certain doctor appointment that I’m pretty nervous about.  Crazy times, man.  ;)

Please don’t get your hopes up for me this year because I don’t’ want to disappoint you!  I almost hate to tell you I’m entering the fair at all since I probably won’t win anything this year, but I suppose you’d think I was crazy if I made 27 banana breads to find the best one and try to beat my baking nemesis, and then didn’t enter any of them at the fair.  OK, so obviously I’m crazy either way, but I’m not a quitter and I’m seeing this crazy quest through to the end.  Anyway, I’m not entering many things I’ve already won ribbons for in previous years because I wanted to try some new things this year and since I’m limited on time, I decided to cut back by nixing most of those I’ve won ribbons for already.  Which means I likely won’t get many.  Just warning you.  I hate letting you guys down so I’m doing it in advance. lol

So yeah, that’s pretty much what’s going on.  I’m sorry for the lack of a Thankful Thursday today, but I will make it up to you soon!!  And I do have a post tomorrow–it was an easy one I scheduled earlier this month.  And one next week!  So I’ll still be present, even while absent. :)  See you soon!  I will update on the fair stuff in the second week of September. Peace out!

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

32 responses »

  1. Holy cow! 50!! That is a lot of baking. I know that you won’t make them all but I know you and you are going to try your darnedness to bake as much as possible. I’ve never entered anything in a fair but it sounds like such fun! I wish we lived closer together so I could help!


    • Yup, I’m on it. Probably won’t even get half done but I’m not going to stress–I’ll just do what I can and have fun with it. :) It would be so fun to bake with you Debbi!


  2. Wow!! That is a lot of serious work. I made your Lemon Zuchinni Bread this week for small group and it turned out fabulous!! My girls didn’t like the lemon glaze – but kids – well they are kids.

    Where in Kansas do you live? I grew up in Almena, Kansas. A small town of 400 (at the time) in the northwest corner of the state.

    Good luck in your endeavors!!


    • Cool! That’s actually one I’ll be entering. The judges seem to like traditional tastes with a twist so I hope this isn’t too different for them. I live in Wichita. I’ve never heard of Almena!


  3. I’ve never entered any kind of contest or fair, but I agree, it does sound like fun. But 50! whew! that’s a lot. Good luck with the doc appt!


  4. In my younger days, I entered county and state fairs every year and always met their limit of 25 entries. It was a lot of work and a lot of fun. Good luck at the fair.


    • They don’t have a limit here but they might instate one b/c they’re probably tired of me signing up for so many and never doing them all. They made several new rules this year JUST for me (and they are VERY irritating-like if you have dairy in your frosting, you have to cook the frosting.). Kinda funny. :)


  5. 50 baking contests??? Good luck girl! You’re a rockstar.


  6. That is a lot of baking! Wishing you much success.


  7. 50???? That is just way too cool my friend I wish you the best for as many as you can enter!
    It sounds like so much fun :D

    Choc Chip Uru


    • LOL, you’re the second person to question 50 with three question marks. I believe that is code for ARE YOU NUTS?! The answer to that is, if you don’t know I’m nut by now you must be completely obvlivious. Hehe! Thanks Uru, I’m having fun.


  8. I remember last year you entered a lot! I know you’re going to come back with some ribbons and finally beat your nemesis! I just know it :) You must have more faith in yourself baking Queen! xoxo


    • I hope so. I have confidence in cake but I’m not entering my old stand-bys so I have no idea how I will fare. But that makes it even more fun to come and see how I did-builds anticipation!


  9. Good luck, girl!!!!! I hope your nemesis goes doooooooown! ;)


    • Your comment made me LOL Julie! I harbor no ill will, but is it so much to ask that I beat her in one category this year? OK fine, I guess I wouldn’t mind her going doooooooown. lol


  10. VERONICA!! Best of luck!!! May God bless your hands and all the butter and sugar that they’ll come in contact with.


  11. You are one busy bee! Sounds like a lot of fun, though!!


    • It really is. I used to get stressed about it but now I just do what I can. Maybe I’ve gotten too laid back, as I had most of my entries completed by this time last year! Oh well.


  12. You need to get all of those negative thoughts out of your head about not winning anything. They won’t do you any good. We are all wishing you well. I know you will do GREAT!!! I wouldn’t doubt that you have all 50 ready by the time you need to take them. :) Good luck. :)


    • I do that to protect you guys…and myself. I prefer not to get my hopes up and I’d hate to let anyone rooting for me down. So let me be negative–I’ll be positive after I lose all the contests. Bwah!


      • You could never let us down. You will have fun making things for the fair and we love hearing of your “adventures”. What more could anyone ask. :-)


  13. You crazy, awesome baking person! I love that you’re entering all new things–that sounds much more exciting than doing the same-old, even if it doesn’t guarantee you as many ribbons. =) Don’t worry about disappointing anyone (yourself–and definitely not us!)–just enjoy. And good luck!


  14. Holy Baker Batman ! Good Luck in bringing home the Blue !!!!


    • Thanks Kerry! You inspired me to try the pie contest again (I didn’t do it last year after striking out two years in a row). Wish me luck! I’m also entering a triple berry pie, and a cherry pie.


  15. Good luck! And good luck at the doctors! I do the negative thought thing to so I totally understand not wanting to get your hopes up before something actually happens :)


  16. Sorry for the late reply. I have been in Las Vegas. I can’t wait to here about your fair results. Its been 30 years since my husband and I entered our Country Fair in Los Angles. I practiced and practiced and then baked 34 hours straight. My feet did not look like feet after. Good luck.


  17. THE BAKING QUEEN for sure! Good luck , I know you will be bringing home some ribbons!!



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