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Thankful Thursdays #79: I don’t have cancer!

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For the first year of Thankful Thursdays, I’d list what I was thankful for each day of the week on Thursday.  Although I’m not going to do that today, I am feeling a “list”-type TT is in order since I have a bunch of random thanksgivings in my heart right now.
Cold-brewed iced coffee.  I’m sipping some now, as I do most mornings.  OK, so technically is 12:30 PM but it’s still my morning.  So much for the waking up early thing.  But I’ve done a little better this week. Baby steps.  Anyway, I loves my iced coffee!

I don’t have cancer!  Yay!  I have a mole on my arm that’s always been misshapen and last Monday it was painful and itching. The redness and pain lasted all week but by the time I saw the dermatologist this Tuesday, the redness had turned darker around the mole and it was no longer painful.  He said it didn’t look suspicious but he’d keep an eye on it, and we both supposed I had bumped it and bruised it.  Don’t I feel stupid?!  The visit wasn’t a complete waste of time as I also got prescriptions for my adult acne.  Proactiv just isn’t cutting it.  So yay!

I feel a little weird mentioning anything about our infertility battle since that’s a very personal thing, but we are finally taking some action, getting tests done and seeing specialists, and while we do have a problem, I suspected it would be much worse.  There is hope for us but it’s looking to be a long road.  Some day, I will be a mom!

My bitty sweetheart is finally losing some weight!!  She was on Temaril-P for her summertime allergies that make her itch so bad, but when I found out it was likely to blame for her constant hunger and thirst, I took her off of it right away, hoping we could manage the allergies without medication.  We have now turned into her full-time butt scratchers to keep her from itching herself to the point of bleeding, but it’s working.  She only has a few minor scabs from licking, and she has lost like 10 pounds in the last month because her old summer appetite, the one that refuses treats and only eats half the food recommended (as opposed to twice the food recommended, which is what she was eating while on the meds), has finally returned.  I’m so thankful!  Excess weight is so hard on a pet and can shorten their lives.  Jessie is our baby and we want to keep her around as long as possible.

What are you thankful for today?



About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

32 responses »

  1. Hi Veronica! So glad you are back at blogging a bit more! My best friend is battling with infertility and our eyes have really been opened to the sadness and pain that comes with it. I found a wonderful book with an amazing Christian perspective on infertility for her that she and I have taken turns reading and it’s even helped me to know how to be a good friend to her through her specific struggles. It’s called He Remembers the Barren. I’d like to order one for you if you are interested. =) Yes? No? Let me know. Either way, blessings to you as you continue that journey. I can’t find your email address right now or I’d give you more info on it.


  2. Becky, that is a very nice offer that you made :) I’m thankful that my family is healthy, that I have a job, that I have great friends like you and that I’m going to be a Grandma soon. What more could a girl want? :)


  3. I’m thankful that I met someone as thankful as you :)
    I am really happy you did not hear any concerning news related to the red spot and I know you will be a mum soon :)
    Hang in the crazy whirlpool that is life no? :)

    Choc Chip Uru


  4. I enjoy your post. I am thankful that on August 7th of last year I received an heart transplant and am coming up on my first rebirthday. Just thankful for everyday. About your dog, our dog had skin and itching problems and we tried everything. Always worse in the summer. We started giving him fish oil caps every day. More in the summer than winter and his problems went away. It kept him itch and scab free for the last 10 years of his life. Our vet suggested it so maybe you can ask your vet about it. Wishing you the best on your journey to start a family.


    • What a wonderful thing! I’m so glad you shared this, it made my own heart fill with joy. Happy first rebirthday. Thank you for the recommendation! I had been giving her coconut oil but she doesn’t seem to like it very much and now that you mention it, DUH, our vet did recommend that to us last year and I forgot! I will try that. Thank you!!!


  5. I am thankful that I have a strong faith in God otherwise I think I would lose my mind over my health issues.


    • Amen, He is such a comfort when going through bad times. I’m sorry you’re dealing with such health issues and have said a prayer for your comfort and healing.


  6. Yay, I’m glad your little family member is gaining health.
    I have no doubt you’ll be a most wonderful mom, Veronica. Have you ever considered adoption as a possibility, though? Sorry, I have adoption/foster care in my brain after writing three articles on that issue!

    Today..I’m thankful because I got the opportunity to join two church friends to evangelize on campus. It was…humbling.


    • Yes I have–right now it is a last resort as hubs took 44 years to decide he wanted to have a child. He hasn’t got to the point where he really wants to adopt yet so we’re taking it one step at a time.

      Evangelizing anywhere can be scary, at a college campus even more so. Hubs always says college is where kids forget God for a while so it would maybe be a more difficult audience. Bless you for telling them about Jesus–who knows what seeds you planted and how much they may sprout. I pray the success of your efforts exceed your expectations.


  7. ahhhh you do have a lot to be thankful for!!! I’m glad your spot wasn’t cancerous, how scary!!! I have recently become addicted to iced coffee too, yum!!!! I’m glad your schedule is getting a little easier!


  8. Hi Veronica, I’m thankful also that you don’t have cancer – I’ve had a few scares like that myself and know how frightening it can be.
    Happy to hear your getting help with the infertility, you’ll be such a good mom! I’ll say a prayer that it all works out…….


    • Yes, me too, but am trying not to feel silly for getting it checked out. But since I have diabetes b/c I didn’t get my thyroid disease checked out and handle it fast enough, I’m now more paranoid and tend to be on top of things more than in my youth. Thank you for your prayers, Chris!


  9. I’m glad to hear an update on the baby front–I was just thinking about you guys this week and wondering where all of that stood.
    Hang in there! God has an awesome plan for you guys, I know it!


  10. Hooray for both of us not to have skin cancer! Although my mole had “abnormalities” and I still have to get it removed by a plastic surgeon.

    You will be a great Momma someday!


  11. OK–It’s way past Thursday, but I am thankful that I salvaged two large pumpkins from the garden before the critters burrowed into them. (They have eaten up or ruined three.) But, I am also thankful I can provide a bit of food for the wildlife in this dry summer.

    Glad you are in good health and I am sending good thoughts your way!!!


    • You are probably the only person I’ve ever heard say something about providing for critters when they eat your crops. Most people just get mad and curse the animals, but I secretly am thinking it’s just the way of nature and am happy that the circle of life is being kept in balance. :) thanks for feeding the wildlife but I’m glad you did get to benefit from your work as well! And thank you!


  12. i’m thankful for my husband and our cats… even though they don’t get along yet (have had one for two years, the other for 6 wks)… hang in there, God has an awesome plan for you!


  13. Sorry. I have a demanding 7 mo old. Today is Saturday. Congrats! You are healthy! Happy Thoughts! I am most thankful for my son, Daniel, who is my little miracle. I am also thankful for my hubby that works really hard to provide for our family so that I can stay at home at least until our baby turns 1. I am thankful for my little dog, Bella, who is our perfect problem child. We are thankful for all the hapiness that we have been blessed with.


    • LOL, I have no children and sometimes it takes me a month to catch up on blogs! So you’re doing pretty good. :) You have a lot to be thankful for–thank you for sharing with me!


  14. You had a very good week, It is nice that the mole scare is behind you. I’m so glad you had good news. Have a wonderful day. Blessings….Mary


  15. I love that you mention your battles and that you still find more to be thankful for. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in what we don’t have. My friend writes a blog based on her battle with infertility. There are lots of great stories and sharing done from those with similar struggles. Just to read or to help you see your silver linings:



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